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"Thoughts of Wisdom"

A glass window stands before us. We raise our eyes and see the glass; we note its quality, and observe its defects; we speculate on its composition. Or we look sraight through it on the great prospect of land and sea and sky beyond.
Benjamin B. Warfield
"Some Thoughts on Predestination"

Within us the dust of the earth and the breath of heaven are joined in a mysterious union only death can separate.
Ken Gire
"Windows of the Soul"

Aim at heaven and you will get earth "thrown in": aim at earth and you will get neither.
C. S. Lewis
"Mere Christianity"

You read books to borrow therefrom the force to stimulate your activity... but I read books searching for the man who has written them.
Vincent van Gogh
in a letter to his youngest sister

Nature is God's greatest evangelist.
Jonathan Edwards

When you cease to give a contribution, you begin to die.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Every man dies, not every man really lives.
William Wallace
from the movie "Braveheart"

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Page last updated: 4/28/98

Songs From The Closet ©1997