Ha! I was right! Bonnie Sanchez! I'm so damned good, so there Ricarrrrdo!

I’m walking away a winner
Walking away from a losing game
With my pride intact
And my vision back
I can say I know where I’m going
And I know I’ll be all right
I’m walking away a winner
Walking back into my life

-Kathy Mattea

I was born in Chicago, IL on, of all days, Christmas, December 25th. My father is Richard Mirs and my mother was Evelyn Mirs. My father decided to bring me up to follow in his footsteps and that was a rather painful process. He had beaten me since a young baby and when I was about a six years old, he started to beat the emotions out of me. It worked rather well. Evelyn had been saving up money since my first beating to get away from my father.

When I was seven years old, we got away from him and we moved down to New Orleans. There I was raised, but my father had completely beaten my emotions out, to Evelyn's dismay. I went through school with top grades and not a single friend. I later went to college and went to Washington to get away from Evelyn who I had felt was too caring for her own good, as well as mine.

There I met Ron Miller and after I got out of college and became a doctor, we got married. I later had Jeremy, Hollie, and Chris. Jeremy I beat out and drove hard to make sure he got good grades and kept up all his work. However, I didn't harm Hollie and Chris at all the entire time I had them as children. I don't completely understand it myself, I just couldn't. I think part of the reason was because I didn't want to lower that love that Hollie and Chris had in their eyes when they looked at me. They did cause me to envy Jeremy however, and that increased the amount of times I abused him. Hollie always stood up for him and protected him, even saving his life once. In the meantime, we had moved back to New Orleans and I was getting tired of Evelyn's interference between Jeremy and his studies. They obviously loved each other and I was getting sick of it... I rigged Evelyn's car and she ended up in the river where she died. No one figured it out.

Time moved on and I ended up first in Set's realm and then in Eternity's Realm. Another woman, who goes by the name of Ralinda, took all three of my children from me. Then my "husband" was destroyed. I was left alone on Eternity's Realm and soon after forgotten about. I made my comeback about half a year later and became a Greater Vampire... That is when I made a big mistake... (or maybe it wasn't all that much of a mistake) and I went out to find my father. I found him all right and for perhaps a whole minute he was pleased. He's the head of a large corporation and very powerful, but he decided to also finish the training he started. After a few minor beatings, Miguel had talked to me about leaving Richard completely and getting away from the torture. Well, I couldn't. Not too long before, Amanda had brought back Carmellina and it ended up really getting to Paco. He had been left alone earlier in his life and I wasn't about to continue the trend. So I stayed and then one time Kathleen had been sending me images of Hollie and Jeremy to try and get a reaction of emotion. Because of my father's hatred for emotions, he tended to hurt me the most for showing them. This time he crushed my fingers one by one... he did it to all of them including the thumbs. Paco was there to witness it all and after my father had crushed my last finger, Paco attacked him. Richard was startled to say the least and turned on Paco, hurting him in return. We ended up getting out of there and went to one of Paco's hideouts. Not long after, Richard showed up and he and Paco got into a fight. They went through one round before Eternity called us all back. There he healed my fingers, but not the wounds of the others. He also told Richard to calm his punishments down. Paco and I went to another room where I took it upon myself to heal his wounds.

After that, well, we sorta got together. A night later we left Eternity's side all together to get away from my father who had been shunning me due to him being pissed about me asking about his emotions for Dani. We went to Martinique, the only person who would accept us, weaknesses and all. We didn't stay there very long. It didn't take long before Paco decided that it was best for his people not to have anything to do with Martinique or her brother. It wasn't long after we were on the streets that Miguel ended up taking us to José. I must say, he's a very sweet boy, and it gave me the chance to see my children. We started to have many talks with José and through it, Paco and I started to fit in more with those there at the palace and Las Panteras. It was then that Las Panteras and Las Arañas united against the common enemy, the Strikers.

Since then, I've stayed at the palace mostly, visiting Paco when I can. He of course comes to see me often as well. After all, we have our wonderful daughter, Santana now. As for my father, I've avoided him as much as I possibly can. I do not wish to take to his ways again no matter how much potential he sees in me. I have my children back. And with them and Paco, I have what I think I've wanted all along, a family.

Head like a hole
Black as your soul
I'd rather die
Than give you control

-Nine Inch Nails

Though the fortunes of our fathers
We aspire to rise above
When you're born into a breed
You're signed in blood