Movement glimpsed by twilight
Far where nothing goes right
Then you turn around and there are we
-Cecilia Eng

Joy is the feeling of grinning on the inside.
-Dr. Melba Colgrove

Blast is the least shy of all the fae dragons. In fact he's not shy in the least. Very outgoing, he'll do anything for a pastry and steal it from just about anyone. Though when he does get some bit of a pastry, the other two fae dragons will chase him all over the place in attempt to get it from him. That's their little game with each other and poor Blast usually ends up having to share.

Glitter is one of the two female dragon fae and the most shy at the moment. Ever since she was locked in a crystal ball for a while by one of the chaos sisters, she's avoided most strangers. However she has a great liking of Emilio since he's the one who released her from her imprisonment. She still loves to have fun however, as do most dragon fae.

Flutter is the prankster of the group. She's around most of the people who go through the forest, but she's always invisible while she's watching them and deciding which prank she wants to play on them. She gets along with all the other fae in the meadow and they often team up to try and pull pranks on even me.

By the moone we sport and play,
When the night begins our day;
As we daunce, the dew doth fall;
Trip it little urchins all,
Lightly as the little Bee,
Two by two and three by three:
And about go wee, and about go wee.
-William Shakespeare

First we have to believe, and then we believe.
-Georg C. Lichtenberg