Darlantan just seems to have a problem with the good gods... just maybe if he learned to keep his mouth shut and not say things about the gods that aren't true, he'll be better off.

Take comfort that all will be right
-From Singer in the Shadow

I am a child of Nut and Geb and sister and wife to my beloved Osiris. Set has always been our enemy and he’s even the one who killed my husband by sealing him into a coffin and tossing it in the Nile river in Egypt. I had to hunt for my husband’s body and found it a long while after. With my wings, I restored my husband back to life for one day, long enough to gain a child which I named Horus. This child was the one that I knew would take Set off the throne which he had taken after he had murdered my brother. It was a long and hard journey back and Set did try his hardest to get Horus during his youth, but he didn’t succeed. After my son had grown, I took him to claim the throne. Set decided on all these contests and when I started helping out my son, as any mother would do, they moved to an island and told the ferry man not to let me pass. Of course he wasn’t as smart as I am and I disguised myself as an old beggar woman and soon was standing on that island. There I changed into a quite lovely woman since Set has always had a weakness for beautiful faces, and went up to him crying. When he asked what was wrong, I told him that an uncle had wrongfully taken a throne from my son. Set, being the dolt that he is said it was a terrible thing and had to be avenged. All the gods heard it and so with admitting what he did was wrong, Set lost the throne. My husband, who had become god of the dead after his death, also had threatened to overrun the land with demons if they didn’t put Horus on the throne, not leaving them with very much choice but to do so. Ra, however, ended up taking pity on Set of all things and made him god of storms as well in return. After Christianity started to take over in Egypt, I had to move on to another world. The Gypsies of Tandraia ended up catching my attention and so I suggested that our pantheon shift to that world and set up there. They all agreed and soon after we became a major pantheon in the area. Being the only evil deity in our pantheon, Set soon rose up to the annoying status of a greater god. I made friends among the Gypsies, especially with Gaya who I find most enjoyable to spend time talking to. Her entire family is completely under my protection as a few people have found out the hard way. The one who wears the most protection at the moment is Nicholas Kessell. He is a very sweet child and I can see him growing up to be quite a powerful young man. Despite what a few people have said about me not doing anything to help, such as Darlantan, I have been taking my time, working with the things that I have to work with. I’m not one to rush things, that’s the way of Set, not me. He will run out of time eventually and I will strike with my force when only the time is right.

Ancient Hymn to Isis

Giver of wealth, Queen of the gods, Lady Hermouthis,
Ruler of All, Good Fortune, Isis of the Great Name,
exalted Deo, Discoverer of all life,
You put Your hand to mighty works of all kinds, so as to give
life and an ordered society to all mankind,
You introduced laws so that there might be a measure of justice,
You revealed sciences so that men might live decently,
You discovered the flowering nature of all fruitful plants.
For You the sky came into being, the whole earth,
the breath of the breezes, the Sun with its welcome radiance.
By Your power the streams of the Nile are all filled full
at the summer season, and its water pours turbulent
over the whole land so that the crop may never fail.
All mortals who live on the limitless earth,
Thracians, Greeks, and foreigners as well,
utter Your Glorious Name which all honor,
each in his own language, each in his own land.
Syrians call You Astarte, Artemis, Nanaea,
the tribes of Lycia call you Queen Leto,
men in Thrace call you Mother of the Gods,
Greeks call you Hera of the lofty throne, and Aphrodite,
kindly Hestia, Rheia, and Demeter.
Egyptians call you Thiouis because You, being One, are all
the other goddesses named by all peoples.
My Lady, I shall not stop hymning your Mighty Power,
Immortal Saviour, goddess of the many names, almighty Isis,
rescuing from war cities and all of their citizens,
men, their wives, possessions and dear children.
All who are held in the destiny of Death, all in bondage,
all who are racked with pain which will not let them sleep,
all men journeying in a foreign country,
all who sail on the great sea in stormy weather,
when ships are wrecked and men lose their lives
all these find salvation if they pray for Your present help.
Hear my prayers, You whose Name has Mighty Power,
be propitious to me and free me from all affliction.