You know, some people are just fun to listen to at times. Take Kerri for example. When she talks about Dar, I'll go out laughing. Yes, I do revise and edit all format of these pages, though not the words, of course.

You’re here in my arms right where you say you wanna be
While across the room I watch the one who set you free
It didn’t take me long to mend the heart she tore in two
I guess they just don’t break ‘em like they used to

-Pam Tillis

How nice of you to show such an interest in little old me. I'm not sure that I can stand the excitement of the compliment. However, I will try my best. Where to start? Hmmm....well, my childhood was not all that exciting. Rather dull, actually. The only thing of any significance that happened was that I met a bard who taught me the use of the mandolin. From that day on, I honed my skill with music and learned several other instruments and other entertaining skills. Of course, some of the entertainment had little or nothing to do with music, if you catch my meaning.

When I was a teenager, I met Diervan Garandan Lighthorn, who is now the king of Sembrid. He started out to be rather a good friend, but after certain events got set into motion he became good and thus...boring. I traveled with his little troupe for some time. The adventure that set him on his way to being good was a trip to Tandraia under orders of his father. He met Raiena, who I think he to this day still has feelings for. But don't quote me there. That trip was also when I met the Corin family. My first meeting and attempted conquest was Jes. I did try rather hard there, but for some reason he was quite blind to my charms. And so I moved onto one of his older brothers; Flynn. He wasn't quite so...shall we say, perceptive. It wasn't long after that he asked me to marry him. And I, being the type of person who hates to disappoint a handsome man, said yes. We were married not long after that and well, I couldn't really go around giving up my hobby of enjoying myself, now could I?

There was a short period where I was good, I really was. Of course, very few men want to spend that kind of time with a pregnant woman. I had two lovely girls, Guin and Diana. They're five now. Or is it six? No matter. Unfortunately, before they saw their first birthday their mother was cruelly and rudely taken away from them by way of execution. Just because I was passing on just a few insignificant little state secrets. Jes found that out...I still owe him for that. And then Trace quickly sent my case through what serves as a justice system there in Tandraia and their father Luris carried out an execution. And me with no real chance to defend myself.

I really couldn't tell you what happened in the ensuing 5 years, I was busy moldering in the ground. You don't get very good news service there, I'm afraid. However, I got a second chance at life....well, existence...thanks to Martinique, who was kind enough to pull me out of my forced stupor and have me turned into a Greater Vampire. After this, I tried to cause as little trouble as possible. So I briefly kidnapped a prince or two...what woman wouldn't want to kidnap one of the Corin men? I had one of my daughters briefly as well...I forget exactly which one but she was taken back as well thanks to K'Sith, who I paid back rather effectively by stealing his wife's child from her womb and placing it in mine to grow. It was a boy. However, they got him back too. I suppose I don't regret that too badly, he was rather loud.

Well, after awhile I ended up moving over to Eternity's side along with the rest of Martinique's little company. I've spent my time leisurely and's not like I would try to get too involved in matters. Oh, except for Darlantan. He's my little yoyo. I do believe I will keep on going after him, it's not very challenging, but he's cute. He keeps telling me how much he resents me charming him and yet he stays around to wait for it. He wants me, of course...he just won't admit it except when I'm around. Except to Danielle, of course...he tells the little bitch everything. Not that she couldn't spy it out anyway, she's always peeking into our heads. Rather annoying, that. Well, I think that's rather all I have to say. I might have more to report later, if you would like to come back and see me again. And bring one of those princes, if it's not too much trouble. I'm sure they'd love to see me again.

They say you're trouble
But trouble never looked so good
Are you Miss Behavin'
Or little Miss Understood

-Collin Raye

Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
-Source Unknown

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