Lathair and Megiana

There is nothing permanent except change.

All right, here's where you give me my well deserved sympathy for having to sit here and actually LISTEN to this. Miguel and Danielle I can handle... these two? ::just shakes her head::

Aliza: Now how did it come about that you two broke up?

Megiana: We never did break up. I would never allow that to happen.

Lathair: I beg to differ with that. We broke up several centuries ago. In fact, we were DIVORCED. And it so happens that we did so because of this...woman’s...insane and unsubstantiated jealousy. She’s a fool.

Megiana: All his delusions, my poor love. I only get jealous when I have cause to. Doesn’t every suitable wife? Look at Hera who’s a goddess of marriage.

Lathair: I never even considered becoming unfaithful. Not even once. Well, not until her incessant whining and nagging made me consider making her assertions true just so I could shut her up. But the thought of being with a woman after experiencing her has soured me on it all and so I prefer to go about alone and without any sort of disgusting complications.

Megiana: You gave me plenty of cause to “whine and nag,” love. And of course you wouldn’t want to be with another woman. You are married to me after all and we have two lovely children.

Lathair: Firstly, the last thing I would call those two is “lovely.” Secondly, you just admitted that I didn’t do any cheating.

Megiana: Whether you did or not is of no concern now. We’re back together and we’re staying that way.

Lathair: BACK TOGETHER? Are you DAFT, woman?! We are NOT back together, nor shall we ever be. The thought of touching you turns my stomach.

Megiana: I know how you hate to show your feelings to the public, dear. But I know how you really feel and I know that nothing can change that.

Lathair: She’s worse off than I thought. Her sanity is completely gone. I have not, nor will I EVER have any feelings for you beyond contempt and disgust... although someday perhaps pity might play a role. Is it any WONDER I’ve given up on women?

Megiana: ::chuckles:: Well, love. Give her the lies that you so wish to give her. So do you think our next child will be a boy or a girl?

Lathair: Next WHAT?! She’s gone completely around the bend. I shall have no more children with you, woman. Just look at the failures that we had before. No, you’ll get no such satisfaction from me.

Megiana: Oh yes I will. You’ll see. It may just be a matter of time, but I know that you’ll finally give completely into those feelings of love that you have for me.

Lathair: Oh, I’ll be giving into some feelings, all right. However, love is not what they are. I’d sooner mate with an ogre. Perhaps I will.

Megiana: ::chuckles:: You were always a jokester. Now... ::looks to Liza:: You have the answer to the question with the first response. Do you have anymore?

Lathair: Yes, with MY first response. I swear that someday I will prove to you that you are nothing to me nor will ever be. You are an insane and deluded woman whose jealousy goes completely overboard, even to the point of being ludicrous. If you think I have these great and mighty feelings about you, then why in HELL are you so jealous?

Megiana: These delusions of your own are enough, love. When they’re gone, I’ll be much more happy. And you can never prove anything that isn’t true. You know you love me.

Lathair: Love you? I don’t even LIKE you! And if I’m so deluded then why have you gone to certain lengths recently to prove your insecurity and jealousy.

Megiana: I have gone to no such lengths. I have done simply what is needed to show you the feelings of myself to you.

Lathair: You have gone so far as to torment a woman who is completely innocent to prove YOUR delusions! You have completely lost any vestige of sanity you may have ever had.

Megiana: ::smiles:: Love, as I said, it’s to help show you the feelings you have for me.

Lathair: ::stares at her for a long moment before speaking incredulously:: Do tell just how that proves that? You have the floor, woman.

Megiana: It helps to show the way you feel for me by knocking that mortal out of your eyes and letting the only woman to stand there be me.

Lathair: If anything, that put that mortal more INTO my eyes. And regardless of your delusions, I had absolutely no expectations in that area.

Megiana: Sure, love. You really shouldn’t lie to this woman. She’s just giving us an interview.

Lathair: I do not lie here, woman. You have absolutely no cause to make accusations about me in front of this woman or no other person.

Megiana: I’m just making sure she understands what’s really happening here. That we really are still together.

Lathair: We are NOT TOGETHER!! And if I have to find someway drastic to prove that to you, than I will do so.

Megiana: ::smiles at Liza:: You’ll just have to excuse him for the time being. He’s rather difficult for the public. ::she turns and leans over, kissing Lathair’s cheek before disappearing in a bright blue flash::

Lathair: ::his eyes blaze as he stands, looking over to Liza:: That woman......::he stops, muttering as a small void opens in front of him. It grows slowly and he steps through, disappearing::

If you play a Game of Chance, know, before you begin,
If you are benevolent you will never win
-William Blake

When it comes down to it, we all just want to be loved.
-Jamie Yellin