Sibling rivalry can get ugly at times. But sometimes we have to be thankful that siblings don't always get along. That would just be scary.

My power has blighted this valley once fair
-Cecilia Eng

Not too long ago, the world in which my worship originated became a liability. Our worship started to decline horribly with the loss of people and so my father went forth to find another world in which to begin anew. It was then that he set forth the challenge to my brother and myself that the first one who made a lasting mark in the world would gain his place as leader of the pantheon and become a greater god. Needless to say, this spurred us both on. We have never really gotten along, and it was a rather nice thought to be able to lord over him. My mother and father had gotten a divorce centuries before and so it was just the three of us; she had gone away and seemed to lose interest in us.

My first move on this new world was to find out just where my chief problem would lie. As the goddess of magic, difficulties could lie with powerfully magic people. And the gypsies of this world were the most powerful of magic people. And the fact that they are predominantly good was a thorn in my side. And so I set about to destroy them. Being also a goddess of disease, I was able to create a disease of a magical nature to inflict these people. It was bound to be very fatal and indeed it started to be. It even inflicted that annoyance Patrick. He probably would have died had not Rick McCauley and Prince Trace Corin discovered the cure. Because of an earlier experience with Angelique, Danielle had ended up with the blood of a goddess flowing through her veins. That along with the gypsy blood indicated a cure. And when Prince Trace became infected with it by ingesting a direct dose of the actual flower that I used to create the disease, he came up with the answer in his delirium. I’m still rather annoyed with him for that.

However, the realization of Danielle’s special mixture of blood gave me a rather useful epiphany. With some research, I discovered that by using her I could gain access to that world and perhaps every world upon the Prime Material Plane. Gods are not able to walk upon these worlds, giving a distinct advantage to any who were to find the answer as to how. I do not know exactly how it is to be done, I need to actually have her to discover that. And with my specialty, I have a definite advantage to finding it over my brother. I will find out someday. And that alone should be enough to impress my rather annoying father. Although with Eternity's recent tendency to have his side do unkind things to my father’s new focus in life, it is hard to say what my position is exactly. My brother could have either a distinct advantage or a distinct disadvantage. It will all come down to just what my father’s true intentions toward this vampire woman are. I shall have to ruminate upon this situation at great length to decide what measures I will take. The difficulty will be to find a way to take advantage of it without getting in my mother’s way. She is not likely to want Eternity to stop focusing on this woman, her jealous tendencies are rather definite when it comes to my father and other women. This is a situation in which I must tread lightly. And that is one skill that I do happen to have.

If most men and women were forced to rely upon physical charm to attract lovers, their sexual lives would be not only meager but in a youth-worshiping country like America painfully brief.
-Gore Vidal

Everything that used to be a sin is now a disease.
-Bill Maher

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