Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand
-William Butler Yeats

Well Liza, it probably wasn’t a very good idea to come to me. I won’t be talking too much because I don’t want to annoy anyone like Sharphoof says I always do. I hate annoying people, I just try and be friendly. You should’ve just let me stay away instead of coming after me. I do like to go out and see things, after all. I would’ve been okay, really. And then people wouldn’t have to worry about me saying too much and wouldn’t have to try and find excuses for me to leave. I just get really excited and like to tell people things. I thought everyone liked to hear about my adventures when I go out and around to see things.

I do have some dreadfully exciting adventures, you know. I mean, it’s so very thrilling out there! So many people and so many things to do! Not all the people are nice, oh no. There are a lot that are really mean and do terrible things. But they’re ever so much fun to play tricks on. I get chased so much, but nobody ever catches me. Well, except that one time not too long ago. I mean, they wanted to sell me so they stuck me in a cage. They threatened my wings! How could anyone threaten the wings of a faerie? I mean, I know I never could. That’s such a terrible thing for them to do, don’t you think? But I wasn’t in the cage too long before I got away. I can be terribly clever! People don’t think so, but it’s true. It really is!

But I missed the fire when I was gone. The only time anything exciting happens around here and I’m gone! That’s just ever so very unfair. I’m sure I could’ve done something to help. That terrible man Richard should be punished very harshly. But Kifrak told me that if I went after that man, he might just do worse than just tear my wings off! I couldn’t have that, it’s never any fun to be hurt. And so I won’t go after him at all. Kifrak was ever so nice to worry about me like that, I think he and Ashes will be very happy together. It will be nice having him around the forest. And since the forest has been protected, I’m sure that Richard person won’t be coming around anymore, which is good. I’m not really all that afraid of him, but he could hurt the others and I am afraid for them. Kifrak said Richard might kill me, but I don’t think he’d ever go that far. I mean, I’ve never been killed yet! And lots of people have tried.

Oh! And that one man told me about the dark sprites. I shall have to go and find them sometimes. He wouldn’t tell me where they are, only that they are in a dark forest and that they’re assassins. Sprite assassins, can you believe it?! I shall have to meet them someday and have a talk with them. If they tried anything with me.. well, I’m very fast and I’m sure I could outfly them. Only Symphony has ever come close to beating me, but he can’t. He’s just a pixie, you know. Not a sprite. So he has a very big disadvantage with that. But I don’t look down at him, he’s really very nice. He’s a friend and he never tells me that I talk too much. Most don’t actually, just Sharphoof. He doesn’t like me at all. I don’t think he likes anyone. Groump and Gnarlwood pretend not to like anyone, but everyone knows they really do. But Sharphoof is just a mean old bully and I think he only likes himself. But I’m not afraid of his bullying, he hasn’t caught me yet. And you will deal with him, Liza. I know you will because you’re our protector. You should have a really long talk with him about picking on people. You’re ever so much tougher than he is. You’ll teach him some really good lessons.

I guess that’s all I have to say because like I said, I’m not going to talk too much. I learned my lesson about that and I shall be as quiet as possible from now on. Because I don’t like annoying people at all, that’s not something I’ve ever wanted to do. I know I annoyed you before and I’m not going to do it ever again. I promise that! And a sprite never breaks a promise. Well, not most of us anyway. I guess there are probably those who do, but I’m sure I don’t know any of them! If I did, I would tell them how bad it is to do that. Just ask Moon Tears, she’ll tell you. She hates it when people break their word. And it’s never a good idea to irritate Moon Tears. She talks almost as much as I used to when she’s nagging. Anyway, I’ve got to go off and have some fun and maybe I can have a race with the other faeries. I’m glad you asked me to talk to you, I never knew you were interested in my life. I’ll have to tell you lots of stories sometime. But I’ll shorten them just like I did this so I don’t talk too much. Bye!

Stories are like fairy gold.
The more you give away the more you have.
-Polly McGuire

Adventure is not outside a man, it is within.
-David Grayson

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