The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Dorethal is very princess-like. She has the grace, charm, and social skills that most people think princesses all have. She often helps her mother in social obligations and is the person in charge of arranging events at the palace. She's more easygoing than she used to be, but she's still formal to those who are not of her family.

Tris is the sweetest of the family and so the one that the family is most protective of. Especially since her nature often gets in the way of her good judgement. She loves going to the poorer sections of Tem-ad-thar where she spends her time helping them. They all love her for it too.

Raiena is the pyro of the family... She's the pyro of all the realms. She loves fire with a passion and loves to burn things. Especially things having to do with certain people she happens to dislike. She's a fighter and very destructive. She also loves Dwarven Ale. Though she's a lot of fun to hang around. You want someone on your side in football people will think twice before tackling? ::grins::

The man loves danger and sport
That is why he loves woman,
The most dangerous of all sports

If passion drives you, let reason hold the reigns.