Christensen Family of Manawatu, NZ

Links associated with this family

Scandinavian-New Zealand historical information websites

Scandinavian Club of Manawatu (Palmerston North)

Dannevirke Scandinavian Club

Norsewood Promotions Inc.

Scandinavian Links in Australia & New Zealand

Kelvin Grove, New Zealand (Part of the former Stoney Creek Scandinavian Block, near Palmerston North - history and present-day)


Palmerston North-Manawatu information websites

Destination Manawatu Inc. (A district tourism organisation responsible for the facilitation and co-ordination of marketing and promotional activities for the Manawatu District) (Manawatu district link site to many places)

Palmy.Net (A web directory of Palmerston North websites)


New Zealand genealogy websites

The New Zealand Genealogy Search Engine

Helen's Homepage of New Zealand History - Many assorted lists for the Lower North Island

Denise & Peter's Homepage 'Our Stuff' of many lists, including NZ passenger lists

Hanson-Allen Family ([same editor as this website] Genealogy website: Wanganui & Palmerston North, NZ, Fort Myers, Canada, South Africa & England)


Overseas genealogy-focused information websites

Emigration from Norway, The Solem, Swiggum and Austheim ship index (shipping lists)

Royal Archives of Norway (Digital Archives)

Ancestors from Norway

The Norwegian Emigration & Genealogy Centre

Danish Emigration Archives

REC, (Ragunda Emigrant- & genealogical research Center) - Sweden

SweGGate - Sweden Genealogical Gate<

Hamburg Link to your Roots

Ships, Emigration & Passenger lists (extensive links pages etc.)


Websites associated with family members - (Additions welcomed)

Palmerston North Electric Power Station Inc. (restoring an old power station)

Ormondville Rail Preservation Group Inc. (restoring an old railway station)

Somes Island Internment Camp 1914-18 & 1939-45 (Wellington Harbour, NZ)

Memorial to Tanya Jeanine Burr, murdered 15 September 2002 (includes photos from Norway and Sweden)




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Last Updated 17/5/2003