Christensen Family of Manawatu, NZ

Sources of Information on the family

The family has had the advantage of at least two published authors who have researched and recorded aspects of the family's history. Perhaps there are more around somewhere too. Other family members have done genealogy studies and these have yielded results also. The following are some of the known sources of information.

Published sources:

Burr, Val A., Mosquitoes & Sawdust: A history of Scandinavians in Palmerston North & surrounding districts - Skandia II (Scandinavian Club of Manawatu, Palmerston North, 1995). Approx. 180 printed pages. This book outlines the migration and fate in New Zealand of the Scandinavian settlers aboard the first two ships (the Celaeno and England) to bring such immigrants to New Zealand in 1871. There is also a considerable amount of material on the early Scandinavian settlement, and overviews on the topic in general. This includes general and biographical material on the family. The author of this book is also the author of this website, and obviously is another descendant. This book may be purchased for NZ$27.00, plus $2.00 post & packaging, from the Scandinavian Club of Manawatu, P.O. Box 84, Palmerston North, NZ.

Burr, Val., A Time of Transition: Whakarongo School & District twelve decades on (Whakarongo 120th Jubilee Committee, Palmerston North, 1999). Approx. 124 printed pages. This book to some extent follows From Stoney Creek to Whakarongo, but is a thematic history dealing with general history, the railway, the dairy industry, the history and fate of the historic buildings in the area etc.  It contains general history about the early Stoney Creek Scandinavian Block, and also more recent history involving descendants. It may be purchased for NZ$25.00, plus $2.00 post & packaging. Contact the author for postal address details.

McLennan, Vera, L., From Stoney Creek to Whakarongo, 1877-1977 (Whakarongo School Centennial Committee, Palmerston North, 1977). 120 pages.  This was the first book to include a significant amount of information on the migration of Scandinavians to the Palmerston North area on an individualised basis. As Vera was the granddaughter of Anders and Marie Christensen, as would be expected, she had good first-hand knowledge. This book is long since out of print, but may be located through libraries.

Matheson, Ian R., The Birth of Palmerston North (Evening Standard Centenary Supplement, Palmerston North, 13/3/1971). Contains general history, and also two pages covering the Scandinavian settlers of 1871.

B.S. Pedersen, Oroua Downs: a district history to 1978 (Oroua Downs Jubilee Committee, 1978). Contains material on Snowy (Emmanuel's) family.

Petersen, G.C., Palmerston North: A Centennial History (Reed, for the City Corporation of Palmerston North, Wellington, 1973). A general history of the city, with the Christensens and Dahlstroms appearing briefly.

Scandinavian Club of Manawatu, Early Manawatu Scandinavians - Skandia I (Scandinavian Club of Manawatu, Palmerston North, First published 1990, Revised edition 1999). Approx. 80 printed pages. A series of contributed biographies on early Scandinavian settlers in the district, including the Christensens and Dahlstroms. These two biographies are more or less reproduced on this website. This book may be purchased for NZ$20.00, plus $2.00 post & packaging, from the Scandinavian Club of Manawatu, P.O. Box 84, Palmerston North, NZ.

Smith, Valerie, Saga in Sepia: The Shailer Collection in the Palmerston North Public Library (Dunmore Press, Palmerston North, 1979). The story and photos of George William Shailer, an early Palmerston North photographer. Page 121 shows a photo of Lydia, aged about 7 or 8.


NZ Birth Registration microfiche details:

1873, folio 1431    Christiansen, Richard Nickolay

1875, folio 1096    Christiansen, Niobar Antonius

1876, folio 1149    Christiansen, Charlvart Marius

1878, folio 2250    Christensen, Arnt Emmanuel

1880, folio 1339    Christensen, Lydia Nikolina

1882, folio 1331    Christensen, Hilda Marie

1885 There is no apparent entry for Marie's last child, which probably died unborn.


School & Community Information

Kelvin Grove Social Hall Committee records - Held at Palmerston North City Archives, Palmerston North Public Library.

Stoney Creek/Whakarongo School Rolls - Held at Whakarongo School, Stoney Creek Road, R.D.10, Palmerston North, NZ


Wise's Post Office Directories (usually published the year after the material was collected)

1902 edition - "Palmerston North" section, page 700. Anders C. Christensen - farmer; Arnt E. Christensen - labourer; Calvart M. Christensen - labourer; "Niabar" A. Christensen - draper; Richard N. Christensen - labourer. Only Anders C. Christensen and Niabar A. Christensen appear in the General (NZ-wide) list

1912 edition - General list: Emmanual Christensen, farmer, Glen Oroua.

1920 edition - As with 1912 edition.


Death Registration and Cemetery Record material, from microfiche

Foxton Cemetery - Christensen, Emmanuel Anton, Glen Oroua, died 2 May 1949, buried 4 May 1949, buried in the Anglican section plot 74, III A.


Last updated 30/12/2000