David Henry Oatman (1100)

David Henry (Leman, Daniel, Samuel, George, John, Johannes), son of Leman andMary (Thomas) Oatman, was born 13 November 1842. He married: 1) Emeline Baker, 16 June 1863; 2) Rose Sherub.

Little is known of David. In the 1870 census of Granville, Washington County, New York, is listed David Oatman, age 27, a farm laborer; Emma Oatman, 26; "Rosa" Oatman, 2; Georgiana Smith, 7; and Phoebe Smith, 63. This is probably David, but the relationship of Georgiana and Phoebe Smith is unknown. "Rosa" is likely a daughter. Mary Lodica is not named.

Children of David Henry and 1) Emeline (Baker) Oatman:

2854 Mary Lodica, b. 1 Jun 1864. Mary was earlier reported to be the daughter of Rose Sherub. However, she was born scarcely less than one year after the marriage to Emeline and was probably her daughter.

Children of David Henry and (poss.) 2) Rose Sherub:

2855 Rosa, b. ca 1868, NY

Family records
1870 census, Granville, Washington Co., NY
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