The Talk of the Town!

2003 Edition

    Interesting months....Well actually September wasn't that interesting.  Hey I'll admit it.  I was busy with some rather hectic r/t involving my son so putting up a webpage for the news was farthest from my mind.

    As for current events, Lord Charles MacKaine returned from abroad with 20 or so odd ships He acquired by means I did not wish details about.  For that he had to have commissioned the building of more piers for them to dock at.  It seems now people coming to Laura have to learn how to parallel park their ships.

    Jon Stark was accepted into the City as a full citizen to the City as was Celeste Norn.  New probationary members include Alexandre Romanov and His woman Anika, Crystal Darkstar Ral and Sylence Dark.

    We still need an Initiate for officiation of rites to the Priest Kings at the temple, so check and forward the classifieds to someone.  The Treasury is under new management by Dinara of Laura.  She takes over for Avita of Laura after her presumed death at the hands of a northern home.  The home she once resided in is now dedicated to Her and is a Home for any of Her Caste to reside in.

    It seems we share DSC with two more homes during this period of news.  Please note and make welcome those of the House of Kef and the Inlet of Green Cliffs in the site.

I can't really think of anything else to with that in mind drink some paga or use your slave creatively and enjoy life *chuckles*.

I wish U/us well

Garou MacKaine
Editor of the Laura Informer

Some of our History in Black and White.... classifieds The Comic Section