Hooton, Earnest Albert



La Teoría De La Inferioridad De Hooton


Neolombrosiano. Critica y revisa la obra de Charles Goring.


Critica fundamentalmente el método de estudio en HOOTON, Earnest A. The American Criminal. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1939.Dice que:

•        el delincuente es inferior orgánicamente:

•        Los delincuentes tienen hombros caídos, labios finos, orejas pequeñas, rostros tensos.


Muestra la inclinación de ciertos topos:




Altos y corpulentos

Homicidio y falsificación

Obesos y pequeños


Bajos y delgados

Hurtos y robos

Esta clasificación no da una tipología pero establece ciertas formas de delito conforme a la biotipología.



•        Up from the Ape.

•        Apes; Men and Morons;

•        Twilight of Man,

•        Why We Behave Like Apes and Viceversa;

•        Man's Poor Relations;

•        Young Man,

•        You Are Normal



Hooton, Earnest Albert. 1887-1954. a physical anthropologist, was born in Clemansville, Wisconsin on November 20, 1887. He went to college at Lawrence University and received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1907. He was awarded his Master of Arts Degree from the University of Wisconsin in 1908 and his Ph.D. in 1911. He was well-known for his kindness and unusual teaching methods.


He trained many students in anthropology and was a guide to many more. He began teaching at Harvard University in 1913, at which time he was the only cultural anthropologist working as a full-time instructor. He was very interactive with his students and often held discussions with them as long as the attack was fair.


He once told a friend, H. L. Shapiro, "You know, none of my students have been yes men. Thank God!" 


Hooton held several positions in his life some of which were an

Instructor from 1913 to 1921, an Assistant Professor from 1921 to 1927, an Associate Professor from 1927 to 1930 and Professor between 1930 and 1954 all held at Harvard University.


Other positions include Curator of Somatology at the Peabody Museum from 1913 to 1954, Chairman of the Division of Anthropology between 1935 and 1954,


Editor of Harvard African Studies from 1918 to 1954, Research Fellow of the Department of Anatomy for the Harvard Medical School from 1915 to 1916 and several others.



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Actualizado: jueves, 18 de agosto de 2005

Copyright © 2005 by Ermo Quisbert