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Eckankar,Pride,and the Devils Rebellion


A Christian Viewpoint on the New Age Cult of Eckankar



In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Along with all the creatures on earth, God also created hosts of angelic beings to serve his purpose and carry out his divine will.


Among these angels was Lucifer to whom God had given great beauty, wisdom and intelligence.

But because of Lucifer's pride, he rebelled against God Almighty and was cast out of heaven, taking with

him one third of God's angels


"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend

 into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation ,in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;

I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt

be brought down to hell ,to the sides of the pit." Isaiah 14:12-15


Jesus, as the second being of the Trinity, described the rebellion of the devil to the disciples as it

happened in the beginning.


"He said to them, I watched Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightening." Luke 10:18


Lucifer also did something else. In his desire to be as God, he inspired human beings to follow him

as well. He deceived the first peoples into disobeying God's will.

As a result, sin came into the world and into human beings.


"Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death came through sin,

and so death spread to all because all have sinned..." Romans 5:12


Because of God's righteousness, and his love for human souls, God did not destroy everything

and start over. Instead of immediately destroying Lucifer, the fallen angels and human beings,

God provided a way of redemption for souls through his son Jesus.


"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."John1:1


"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as

of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." John1:14


"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not of yourselves; it is the

gift of God- not the result of works, so that no one may boast." Ephesians 2:8-9


"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth

in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16


God also appointed a time in the future when the devil and all fallen angels will be eternally condemned

to hell and the lake of fire which was created for this purpose.


"And behold, they cried out saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of

God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?

And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding. So the devils

besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine."

Mathew 8:29-31


"And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast

and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."

Revelations 20:10


Lucifer whom has become known as Satan, continues in the time he has left to attempt to carry

out his own fallen and corrupt agenda. Among these things are:


1.He wishes to be worshipped by the world as a whole through a world occult religion.


2.He wishes to inspire all people to rebel against God with him and for people to knowingly and

even unknowingly follow him instead.


3.He wishes to inspire people to reject God's divine laws and will, the church, and the Christian Bible.


4.He wishes to specifically destroy all faith in Jesus Christ of Nazareth among all people.


5.He wishes to inspire people to embrace the same false pride which he did in the beginning and to

inspire an embracing of sin in the world.


6.He wishes to eventually take all unsaved souls with him to hell and the lake of fire at the appointed time of

his destruction.


7.He wishes to inspire people to replace or equate the true Holy Spirit of Christianity with his demonic

force of the occult.


In carrying out his own corrupt will, Satan has designed many different false religions and teachings on earth

which he believes will aid in carrying out his agenda.


One of these model newage cults is called Eckankar.......


These teachings of Eckankar can be seen to be directly linked to Satan's original and continual

rebellion against God. ( Compare the seven below to the above seven examples of Satan's agenda)

Among Eckankar's teachings are:


1.It teaches that Satan, the being which Christianity fights and teaches against, is actually God. Eckankar

calls this being the Sugmad.


2.It teaches that the God of the Bible( Jehovah, Yahweh,) is a being called the Kal or Jot Niranjan who is the

lowest god of the heavens and is also the devil.


3. It teaches that the truth about God is not taught in the Bible nor in churches nor by ministers nor

priests. It also teaches that most Christian teachings and laws were made up by the priests and early church

to control the masses.


4.It teaches that Jesus was a lower initiate Eckist and and a follower of the Kal (Eckankar therefore teaches

that Jesus was the devil's son. Eckankar teaches that Jesus saved no one and that he actually took on

the karma of his people on earth by dying for them. As a result he is said by Eckankar to constantly

stand in the Court of Yama (court of karma), apologizing to every Christian who dies and claims

faith in him. Eckankar also teaches that Jesus will not return to judge the living and the dead.


5. Eckankar teaches that soul is a divine spark of God that is trapped in the world

through reincarnation. It teaches that followers( through occult practices) must venture into

what Eckankar calls the ' light and sound' worlds.

  Eckankar is falsely promoting these inner worlds as different levels of heavens.

There soul eventually will experience what the new age movement commonly refers to as 'God-consciousness'

  Along with this, it teaches that sin is an illusion and that all sin on earth actually serves a divine purpose

in helping souls work through their karma to evolve into god-like beings.


6.Eckankar teaches that eternal hell and a final judgment after one dies is a lie started by Christianity.

It teaches that there is no eternal condemnation of the soul for anyone. It teaches that the soul is

reincarnated over and over on earth until it finds a way to escape reincarnation itself.

 Eckankar of course

teaches that the leader of the movement( called the mahanta ), is the present 'Godman' on earth. He claims

to show followers the way to escape the wheel of karma and reincarnation to eventually become

'God-realized' beings.


7.Eckankar teaches that the 'Eck force' in Eckankar is the same as the Holy Spirit of Christianity.

It teaches that the eck force can manifest and take the shape of a spirit guide which can then

present itself to the followers inner vision. This spirit guide then escorts the follower to the

specific spirit worlds or 'heavens' of Eckankar. Eckankar calls this ' soul travel'.

  Eckankar also teaches that the eck force being the same as the Holy Spirit of Christianity can be

heard as many different sounds and can be seen as a light as it was with the apostles of the Bible.




In order for Satan to try to pass off these false teachings and practices as truths, he has devised a

way in Eckankar to convince the follower that he is actually god.


Satan uses the occult spirit world to mock up different levels of false heavens into the chelas

( followers) consciousness.

Eckankar teaches the practice of achieving higher states of consciousness and visiting the occult

spirit world while still alive. The follower does this either through the dream state or directly through the occult

exercises taught in Eckankar.

    In Eckankar, the chela is required to surrender himself to the 'inner master'

whom often appears to the chela's inner vision through occult practices.

Eckankar promotes the chela's contact with a vast line of spirit guides they refer to as eck masters.

These demon guides manifest as one of any of the spirit characters of Eckankar. Upon appearing to

the chela's inner vision, the spirit guide can then guide the chela to one of the 'higher planes' or

light and sound worlds described in Eckankar's teachings.


In fact, the spirit guides of Eckankar don't really take the chela into actual heavens but only mock

up false levels of heavens for the chela to experience as being real.

Upon the chela's gradual surrendering of his soul/consciousness to the demon guide, it can then

mock up any false heavens or ' light and sound' worlds of Eckankar, that it wishes the chela

to experience.


Thus in Eckankar the chela is shown ascending levels of 'heavens'.

In these false levels of heavens , the chela is shown a being called the Kal or Jot Niranjan.

The chela is taught that the Kal is the Christian Jehovah or Yahweh of the Old Testament

and is taught that the Kal is also the devil.


In Eckankar's terribly inaccurate portrayal of God in the Old Testament, it has even attempted to

portray him as a God advocating occult practices as seen below.


' The Eck-Vidya Ancient Science of Prophecy' Paul Twitchell

pg150. " Next we find the five pointed star which is often called the pentacle of the magicians. The

mystic wand said to have been used by Moses and Aaron and all the initiates was described as a

rod with a five pointed star at it's end. It is used in all magical rites both black and white..."


' The Tiger's Fang' Paul Twitchell

( the Kal speaks to soul travelers )

pg14. " You must find clever techniques for spiritual attainment, make many psychic experiments,

and acquire the supernormal powers......If you have a true spiritual traveler for a teacher, he will show you

everything, including the psychic techniques to acquire superpowers, and the true tests for spiritual

and psychic experiments."


The chela is then taught that the god beyond the Kal and above all others is the supreme being called

the Sugmad. Eckankar teaches that this deity is the true god of all and the absolute.


In this way the follower of Eckankar comes to believe that Christian God is the enemy (the Kal or Jot Niranjan)

and that the deity at the top of these 'heavens', the Sugmad, is actually god.


As a result, Eckankar has used the illusion of the occult spirit world to switch God and the devil

around in the mindset of it's followers.


Make no mistake.The Sugmad of Eckankar is actually Satan.


The following is a passage from one of Paul Twitchell's books. In this particular passage, Paul

Twitchell, the founder of Eckankar, states directly that Eckankar's  'Absloute' or Sugmad,

is the same deity advocated by Helena Blavatsky, founder of Theosophy.


' Letters to Gail' vol2 Paul Twitchell

pg88-89. " Her book by the same title is worth your time to look up and study. It's a small book

and will be that which can give you much comfort in learning to make contact with the Absolute."


In taking a look at Helena Blavatsky's idea of the 'Absolute', it quickly becomes apparent

that she actually worshipped Satan.


' The Secret Doctrine'vol2 Helena Blavatsky

pg 171-225-255. " Lucifer represents Life Thought Progress Civilization Liberty Independence

Lucifer is the Logos the Serpent, the Savior."


' The Secret Doctrine' vol2 Helena Blavatsky

pg237. " Satan will now be shown, in the teaching of the Secret Doctrine, allegorized as Good, and

Sacrifice, a God of Wisdom, under different names."


Therefore we can see that Eckankar's Sugmad is simply Satan under a different name.


'The Secret Doctrine' vol2 Helena Blavatsky

pg513. " Lucifer is divine and terrestrial light, the Holy Ghost and Satan at one and the same time..."


It seems from the above passage that Helena Blavatsky was deceived by the counterfeit light of the

devil. Eckankar's followers have been deceived by the false light of Lucifer as well






In order to further convince followers in Eckankar that he is actually God, Satan

has also devised certain false teachings in Eckankar to deceive it's followers even



1.Eckankar teaches that the Old Testament God of the bible and the New Testament God of the

bible are different Gods. It teaches that the Old Testament God is the Kal or devil and that the New

Testament God is a higher and different God.


' The Secret Teachings' Harold Klemp

pg100. " The God of the Old Testament is certainly different from the one in the New Testament.

The one in the Old Testament was similar to a tribal god in that he required bloodshed and sacrifice,

but the God in the New Testament was of an entirely different caliber and nature. People today try

to somehow equate them and say they are the same God; but my question is, Which version of

God are they praying to?"


Firstly, The Old Testament God is the same God of the New Testament. Only the covenants God

established with his people throughout time are different.


" The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our ancestors, has

glorified his Son Jesus whom you handed over and rejected in the presence of Pilate..." Acts 3:13


" And as for the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was said to you by God,

' I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?'"Mark 12:26


"Keep watch over yourselves and over all the flock, of which the Holy Spirit has made you

overseers, to shepard the church of God that he obtained with the blood of his own Son."

Acts 20:28


" ...since all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God; they are now justified by his

grace as a gift through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a

sacrifice of atonement by his blood, effective through faith." Romans 3:23-25


" In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according

to the riches of his grace..."Ephesians 1:7


" For if the blood of goats and bulls with the sprinkling of the ashes of a heifer, sanctifies

those who have been defiled so that their flesh is purified, how much more will the blood

of Christ, who through the Holy Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify

our conscience from dead works to worship the living God!" Hebrews 9:13-14


" You are the descendents of the prophets and of the covenant that God gave to your

ancestors, saying to Abraham, "And in your descendants all the families of the earth

shall be blessed." When God raised up his Son, he sent him first to you, to bless you

by turning each of you from your wicked ways." Acts 3:25-26


" How much worse punishment do you think will be deserved by those who have spurned

the Son of God, profaned the blood of the covenant by which they were sanctified, and

outraged the Spirit of grace?" Hebrews 10:29


God, in his great love for souls, has in the New Testament, provided people with a better

covenant through his Son Jesus Christ. Jesus, the living Word was manifest into the

flesh and sacrificed himself once and for all.

  In this way, through faith in what Jesus has done for us, we may be saved by his shed

blood-through his death and conquering of death through his resurrection.

 Through faith in Jesus Christ, we become adopted sons and daughters of God.




2.Eckankar also constantly raises the question, "If the devil rebelled against God, then why didn't

God immediately destroy him and start all over again?"


' The Secret Teachings' Harold Klemp

pg231. " One of the mysteries the religions haven't been able to decipher is this: If God is more

powerful than Satan, why doesn't God stop this foolishness? Why not just unleash the powers of

heaven and let Satan have it with huge bolts of lightening? That would fix this evil force for good!

But it doesn't happen. Why not? Because the negative power is an agent for God. You might say

that the evil force, the devil, Satan-known as Kal Niranjan in Eckankar is a hired employee

of the Sugmad.


' The Dream Master' Harold Klemp

pg73. " As long as the lower worlds exist, there will be a place for Satan. You might say he has a duty

to accomplish. He is on a mission for God, to create obstacles which will bring about the spiritual

upliftment of Soul."


The truth is that Satan is the enemy of God whom works in the time he has left for his own

evil purposes which are against God's divine will.( Review the seven examples of Satan's  agenda  at the beginning of this site.)


In order for God to establish true love and true believers in him from his people on earth, he allowed

his angelic hierarchy and all human beings the gift of free will. Only in this way could angels and people

freely choose to truly love and serve God.


However, Lucifer freely chose to embrace pride. He freely chose to rebel against God and took with

him one third of God's angels who also freely chose to rebel as well.

In doing this, Lucifer also convinced the first peoples to disobey God which they did through their

own free will.


God, however, because of his righteousness and his great love for souls, did not destroy the

devil and start all over with souls on earth.                  

In doing so, God would have forced people to choose to follow and serve him thus nullifying true

love, true worship and the free will God granted his people in the first place.

If God would have destroyed the devil at the rebellion, would he have had to destroy us as well?


Instead, God has set up an appointed time for the devil and the fallen angels to be sentenced eternally

punished. The rebellion was not without accountability and consequence.


In this way, God still allows human beings free will to choose between him and his ways of

righteousness and the devil and his ways of pride and sin.

In this way God has chosen to separate true believers in him from unbelievers.

As such, God establishes true believers, true worship and true love between him and his people.


God also established a final, everlasting covenant through his Son Jesus Christ whereby human beings

can freely choose to come to repentance, accept Jesus as the atonement for their sin natures, and

be saved.


This is why the devil hasn't been destroyed yet but will be in the future time that God has appointed.


" The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you,

not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance." 2Peter 3:9


3. In Eckankar, Satan or Sugmad had to find a way to convince followers in Eckankar

that he is God and that the God of Christianity is the enemy whom is far below him.

That, of course, is where the counterfeit heavens (light and sound worlds) of Eckankar come into play.


As mentioned previously on this site, when the Eckist 'journeys' into the false heavens of Eckankar, he may be introduced to a being which Eckankar calls the Kal or Kal Niranjan.

The Eckist is told that this is the God-Yahweh of the bible and if the Eckist believes what he sees, he will also notice how petty, wrathful, and unloving this deity is. The Eckist then, back from his otherworldly experience, will come to believe that this demonic counterfeit is actually the Christian God and is also the devil.

 The Eckist will also come to believe that he can and will bypass this Kal Niranjan in his initiations to ' higher worlds'. He will  believe that he is above and beyond the Christian God and is on his way to attaining 'God-consciousness' with the Sugmad whom he does not know, is actually the real Satan.


Eckankar reinforces mocked up experiences like this even further through it's teachings.


' The Secret Teachings' Harold Klemp

pg100. " Sometimes people pray to Jot Niranjan on the Astral Plane. He is often known

as Jehovah."


' The Secret Teachings' Harold Klemp

pg96. " Most people who have an experience of any kind in the dreamstate, by trance,

or through a vision will meet one of these beings, even the ones who stay very low on

the spiritual ladder, such as Jot Niranjan."


' Letters to Gail' vol2 Paul Twitchell

pg72. " Many believe that Jehovah or Yahweh, is God. The masters of the earth are responsible

to this deity unless they have developed beyond him, toward God himself."


' Shariyat Ki Sugmad' book2 Paul Twitchell

pg3. " The idea of man born in sin is one of the oldest pitfalls which the Kal Niranjan could plan

for keeping Soul in ignorance of it's true glory..."



In Eckankar, Satan's attack on Christianity also involves an attempt to replace the true Christian Trinity

( Father, Son, Holy Spirit )

with a distorted notion of it's own.


' Shariyat Ki Sugmad' book2 Paul Twitchell

pg54. " The Trinity of Eckankar is the following: (1) The Sat Guru, the Mahanta, the Living

ECK Master; (2) the ECK Satsang, or his company of followers; and (3) the ECK, or the true

name which is the Bani, or the Sound Current."







Dreams and lucid dreaming- one of the keys to the deceptions of Eckankar's

counterfeit heavens........


Eckankar places heavy emphasis on dream work and lucid dreaming.

Lucid dreaming is simply the practice of waking up in one's dreams and having complete control

over the dream content and dreamscape while in one's dreams.


Note: I am in no way advocating lucid dream practices or taking control of one's own dreams.

Dreams, although analyzed, should be left in the hands of God and for the subconscious to

handle during sleep.

 Taking dreams under one's own control through occultism is the same as taking control of one's own

spirit body through various occult practices. The result of such practices is more often than not, putting the

practitioner into contact with demonic spirits who can appear to the dreamer in their true form

or in disguise.


The person is also illegally awakening his own latent body/spirit body connection which is not

permitted by God. Self induced occult experiences are forbidden by God.


"For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword,

piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and

is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12


" May the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely, and may your spirit and soul and

body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1Thessalonians 5:23


In discussing the process of lucid dreaming, I am only using it to demonstrate the connection

between: - creating one's own desired dream/spirit worlds apart from Eckankar. It is most often done

by solitary practitioners of dream and lucid dream work.                




 -the demonically mocked up false levels of heavens which Eckankar presents to the consciousness

  of it's followers. Upon the follower's surrender of his dreams and consciousness to Eckankar,

  demonic manipulation of the person's dreams and visions can then occur. Thus false

  dream worlds and false heavens can be mocked up for the follower to experience as being real.

  Eckankar then teaches that these 'heavens' and visions are real.



  The development of lucid dreaming is accomplished by a variety of techniques such as:

-Writing down your dreams in a dream journal.

-Using guided imagery exercises upon going to sleep or from a waking meditative state such as

picturing or focusing on a specific scene in the mind's eye upon going to sleep.

-Chanting a mantra or using reinforcing commands while falling asleep such as" Tonight I will wake

up in my dreams and have complete control over them".


By prolonged independent practice of dream work techniques one may find that he will eventually

snap into a fully conscious wakeful state while still in the dream state.

In between wakefulness and sleep, one can awaken his consciousness by focusing the mind's eye on any

inner scene or environment he wishes.

 This can be anything from a tropical beach to a giant library. By holding the imagery on that

scene, the consciousness of the dreamer will produce or manifest that environment in the mind's eye.

 Then the soul or spirit body of the dreamer can enter that environment that the dreamer has created

through his own will.

 This is sometimes accompanied by a peculiar sound such as a buzzing, whistling or popping sound.

The dreamer, in his dream body will then be standing (in a fully conscious state) in the dream world 

or setting he has created.

 From this point, the dreamer, being fully lucid and conscious, may do anything he wishes in this

self-made dreamscape, changing the environment, people, objects, or scenery simply by willing it.

In this state he may find he can have complete control over the dream scenario.

He may change the dream setting simply by willing it and may while in the dream environment, even

mock up different characters in the dream environment itself.

 The lucid dreamer can also then explore( walk through or fly through) these dreamscapes until

he wakes up or decides to wake up.


Outside and apart from Eckankar, the individual practitioner of lucid dreaming knows very

well that these self-made, mocked up dreamscapes are not real heavens or actual higher worlds,

but are simply dreams taken over by his own will/consciousness and explored with his dream or

spirit body.


Should a spiritual seeker or independent lucid dream practitioner discover Eckankar, much the same

thing takes place.


Upon joining Eckankar, the new follower is instructed in certain similar spiritual practices.

However, Eckankar has added a few more requirements to the followers practices.

These extra practices have direct implications upon following them.


The following is one of the keys to Eckankar's light and sound worlds (false heavens) being

mocked up into the followers consciousness.


- Verbally and mentally surrendering to what Eckankar calls the 'inner master' or the Eck masters.


The 'inner masters' of Eckankar as previously mentioned, are said by Eckankar to be the Holy Spirit

or 'Eck force' forming a matrix and manifesting into a spirit guide who guides and assists the follower

in the 'heavens' of Eckankar.

 The 'inner master' is however only a demonic spirit presenting itself to the followers inner awareness

during his practices and experiences.

 It most likely appears to the follower disguised as one of the many spiritual characters in Eckankar's



Remember that people independent and outside of Eckankar have control over their consciousness

and free will.

 When one joins Eckankar and surrenders body/soul/spirit to the 'inner master', it will then acquire

legal control over the follower's consciousness.


' Shariyat Ki Sugmad' book2 Paul Twitchell

pg71. " The only way that sleep and dreams are handled is through the direction and guidance of

the Living ECK Master. No ECK chela is given freedom in the sleep state, for he must be led by

the Living ECK Master through the level of dreams until reaching the highest worlds."


The implications of surrender

At the point of surrendering to the 'inner master', something profound takes place with the dreamscapes

and spiritual experiences of the new follower.


'Illuminated Way Letters'1966-1971 Paul Twitchell

pg1and 2.  "The question then arises in the mind, to whom does one surrender? The surrender is to the

Inner Master, of course, not the physical form that is seen with the outer eyes, but to him who comes to you

in the radiant form. This is the true Master."


" After this, the Inner Master, or what we know as the Spiritual Traveler, steps into the area of the

spiritual eye and takes the watcher out of the physical consciousness into the invisible planes."


Because the demon guide/inner master/eck master/ has taken control over the follower's consciousness,

it can then change the environment of the followers dreamscape, lucid dreamworlds and spiritual

experiences according to it's own will.

 The inner guide can then mock up false levels of heavens (described in Eckankar), or change

and mock up dreams for the Eckist (follower) to experience.

 From there it can basically give the Eckist any spirit world/dream/dreamworld/ experience that it

wills the Eckist to have.

 It is then very simple for one of Eckankar's eck masters (demon guides) to mock up false heavens

or inner worlds taught about and described in Eckankar.


Because the Eckist has surrendered his consciousness to the 'inner master' he cannot change the environment of these lucid dreamworlds or 'higher heavens'.

As a result, the light and sound worlds or 'heavens' of Eckankar will be perceived by the Eckist as being

very real as the Eckist/lucid dreamer knows he did not mock these 'heavens' up himself or create them.

 What the follower does not know is that Satan, through his demon guides (the eck masters), has mocked

up and created these counterfeit levels of heavens and dreams to manipulate the chela's faith and beliefs.


Satan, through his demon guides in Eckankar, can take over the Eckist's imagery to such an extent that he may

completely change the entire spiritual environment around the Eckist from one appearance to another.

 This gives the Eckist the false notion that he has just traveled from one spiritual plane or light and sound

world to another completely different world or level of consciousness.


'The Dream Master' Harold Klemp (on the 'inner planes')

pg.110." As we continued our walk, the familiar twentieth century scenery changed. We found

ourselves in a setting right out of the old American West."


The Eckist's experiences may also be initially mocked up by his own use of imagery but will then be taken

over and further manipulated by the eckmasters (spirit guides) of Eckankar. After gaining legal control,

the 'inner master' (demon guide) can mock up any of Eckankar's false heavens or dreams that Satan

would desire that specific follower to experience.


'In the Company of Eck Masters' Phil Morimitsu

pg75. "I was starting to experience a mild dose of mind-boggle, when Wah Z appeared in his

familiar position on my couch." How are your imaginative and memory faculties tonight?" he asked...

"Whenever he proposed something like this, it meant an unusual journey somewhere to show me

something."..."One thing I did notice was that after the initial mockup of imagination, the image took

off on it's own. I wasn't making it up anymore. It took on a reality of it's own, independent of anything

I could think of."


The demonic mock up and induction of Eckankar's light and sound worlds or 'heavens' can be done

either through the follower's dreams or directly through the waking state through the Eckist's 'spiritual

exercises' which can put the follower at the same susceptible level as his dream state.


' What is Spiritual Freedom' Harold Klemp

pg137. "Someone asked me a while ago," What happens in your dreams?""I used to call them dreams,"

I said, "but now I mostly call them Soul journeys. They aren't dreams in the same way that I used to

know dreams. I am there; I am in the other worlds."


' What is Spiritual Freedom' Harold Klemp

pg185. "In Paul Twitchell's The Tiger's Fang, he speaks in terms of forms, people appearing at will.

You can create a landscape at will. But the world itself exists as purely light and sound."


'The Dream Master' Harold Klemp

pg130. "This is where you go in your dreamland. You go to heaven, but you can go there in

a state of consciousness."


'Past Lives Dreams and Soul Travel' Harold Klemp

pg223. "Imagine a scene, and you can be there in the Soul body in the wink of an eye. It may feel like a

fast trip through space, and thus the idea of travel. However, Soul Travel is the process of changing

the imagined setting around you to agree with spiritual reality."








Eckankar's demonic replacement of historical Christian figures.......


Eckankar, in it's attack on Christianity, has, like many other new age cults, replaced the historical

figures of Christianity with it's own counterfeit versions of those figures in it's teachings.


Through the writings, teachings and practices of Eckankar, it has presented it's own line of occult

spirit guides. For example, there is Eckankar's eckmaster character who goes by the name of

Rebazar Tarsz, a Tibetan monk. He is one of the many appearances, taken on by the spirit guides

of Eckankar.


In it's line of spirit guides, Eckankar has also introduced replacements for Christianity's historical figures

such as Jesus and St. Paul.

Note: Demon guides showing up disguised as Christian figures may give former Christians

in Eckankar a false sense of comfort and security with Eckankar itself.


In order to introduce these Christian figures into Eckankar's teachings and false heavens, Satan

has taken three major steps to falsely establish them as belonging to Eckankar's line of 'ascended



1.The cutting down and condemning of Christianity's historical figures.


Satan, through the writings he has inspired in Eckankar, has occasionally made attacks on true historical

Christian figures which Eckankar ironically teaches were and are eck masters in Eckankar.


' The Precepts of Eckankar' and ' Letters to a Chela'  Paul Twitchell

"...Kal {the devil} is the Jehovah of the Jewish faith and the Father of the Christian teachings...."

" Therefore we really see Jesus as a son of Kal..."


"Letters to Gail book2' Paul Twitchell

pg94. "St. Paul was one of the worst for putting his own interpretation into the words of Jesus. You find that

no disciple ever wrote the pure truth-but wanted to use the gospel as his own to the development of

personal power."


'Letters to Gail book1' Paul Twitchell

pg58. " In truth, St. Paul, made the rules, selected the rituals, rites, laid down the laws, and proclaimed

the game to be the best; and that all other games were in the minority."


' In the Company of Eck Masters ' Phil Morimitsu

pg176. "You see, because of the nature of Jesus' works and words, he must constantly return to the

court of Yama until there are no more misunderstandings involving his name..."


" His mission was that of a world savior-and by this, he will be bound to the world."



' The Drumbeat of Time' Harold Klemp

pg160. "St. Paul in Corinthians said something like this: If you can't contain yourself, then it's OK

to get married. It was like marriage was OK if you couldn't be "Godlike" enough. Read

1 Corinthians, especially chapter 7. I feel St. Paul missed the boat."


2.Distorting biblical teachings and history.


' In the Company of ECK Masters' Phil Morimitsu

( spirit guide distorts teaching of  St.Paul's conversion)

pg121. " He was on one of his missions to Damascus to persecute some Jewish followers of

Christ, when he was struck by the light and sound of God-so forcefully that it knocked him off his

donkey and left him sightless and pretty well out of it for three days. This was the first glimpse of

Self-Realization, the first taste of the God-Worlds that would drive him in his quest for the SUGMAD

until he would reach mastership."....."He dropped out of sight for about ten years, gaining the

necessary strength and experience in the inner worlds before embarking on his mission."...." He met

the Living ECK Master of the times Sri Zadok, the Essene, who trained and tempered him."


' The Eck Vidya Ancient Science of Prophecy' Paul Twitchell

pg22-25. " Although I lived in the tumultuous times of Jesus, it's possible to look back into that particular

life today with a more objective viewpoint and see that he was the victim of a plot, created by the rebels

who were trying to overthrow the Roman Government and by his own disciples."........" The idea of

betraying Jesus was to force him into using divine powers to save himself and his followers...."


' Soul Travelers of the Far Country' Harold Klemp

pg64. " What seemed like miracles to the people was merely the application of advanced medical

knowledge, but these so called miracles stood Jesus in good stead with them, because it lifted

him out of the realm of the ordinary in a land overcome with illness and disease."


' Letters to Gail' vol2 Paul Twitchell

pg40. " The Essenes was a Jewish cult, to which Jesus belonged, that trained it's members in magic."


3.Introducing demonic counterfeit versions of Christianity's historical figures

in Eckankar's false heavens...

These counterfeits appear as spirit guides or are introduced to the follower in the false heavens

of Eckankar.


' The Art of Spiritual Dreaming ' Harold Klemp

pg25. " The Inner Master is not a physical being. It is someone you see in the inner planes during

contemplation or in the dreamstate. He may look like me, he may look like another ECK Master, or

he may even look the same as Christ. All it is really, is the merging of the Light and Sound of God

into a matrix, into a form which appears as a person."


' How to Find God' Harold Klemp

pg46. " When you see someone on the inner planes-and it may be Jesus or one of the other great

leaders-if you feel comfortable with that leader, go with the teachings that he has to give."


With this deceptive tactic, Eckankar's followers will come to believe that Christianity

is false and that Christianity's historical figures including Jesus and St. Paul were never a

part of today's Christianity.

 Followers of Eckankar will instead come to falsely believe that Jesus and St. Paul were and are

from a long line of ascended masters belonging to Eckankar and it's false heavens.






Prideful teachings......


 Satan has, aside from his rebellion against God,

inspired human beings to rebel against God as well.

 In the time he has left to carry out his agenda, Satan has inspired people to embrace pride, whereby

people have come to believe that they can perfect themselves to become as God is.


In Eckankar's teachings, pride of the soul has been impressed upon it's followers.

As such, Eckankar carries the false teaching that the soul may achieve 'God-consciousness' and attain

'God-hood' in which a person believes he can become his own master.


' How to Survive Spiritually in Our Times' Harold Klemp

pg261. " This will sound like heresy, but one of the secrets of spiritual doctrine is that God

learns through you, and through the experiences of Soul."


'Our Spiritual Wakeup Calls' Harold Klemp

pg60. "There are ways to recognize your Godhood, the Godness within you: To open yourself to help

from the dreamstate, from the Mahanta."


' How to Find God' Harold Klemp

pg.60 " We can realize-or develop-the attributes of God, which are omniscience, omnipresence,

and omnipotence."


' How to Find God' Harold Klemp

pg309. "On other paths you were taught to give reverence through prayer to the divine being

that you knew and worshipped. You prayed to God and it worked for a long time, but prayer

often puts one in the position of a helpless petitioner. The real purpose of this life is to learn the

spiritual laws so that we become masters in our own right."


' How to Survive Spiritually in Our Times' Harold Klemp

pg50. " This is the reason the ECK teachings have such spiritual power. They make you, the individual,

the center of the universe. Soul is the center of the universe, outside of God. God created you. God

created me. We are the essence of God..."


'The Flute of God' Paul Twitchell

pg50. "He who sees, perceives, understands, and loves the Self, delights in the Self, revels in the

Self, and rejoices in the Self becomes the Lord and Master in all the worlds."


'The Flute of God' Paul Twitchell

pg56. "Self is the center of the universe as well as the center of each of us. It is the foundation of life,

inseparable from the Life Force, and is the producer of all sense power. Indeed, Self is the originator

of the phenomenal universe."


'The Flute of God' Paul Twitchell

pg12. "We are the living truth- the very embodiment of God. That is, we are each God, Itself."


This teaching of personal pride in Eckankar serves as a great temptation in which the followers

of Eckankar are inspired to attempt to ascend the false heavens (light and sound worlds) of Eckankar

in hopes of reaching their own 'God-hood' or 'God-consciousness'.

These prideful teachings of Eckankar can be easily seen to be a continuation of Satan's original

act of inspiring the first people to disobey and rebel against God.


" For we do not proclaim ourselves; we proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as

your slaves for Jesus sake." 2 Corinthians 4:5








God's Word in the Christian Bible has always taught against occultism both through the Old and New



" Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am

the Lord your God." Leviticus19:31


" And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits and after wizards, to go a whoring

after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people."



"There shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass

through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,

or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all

that do these things are an abomination..." Deuteronomy18:10-12


" And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto

wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God?" Isaiah 8:19


"But the magician Elymas opposed them and tried to turn the proconsul away from the

faith. But Saul, also known as Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him and said,

" You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villany, will you

not stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord?"And now listen- the hand of the

Lord is against you, and you will be blind for a while, unable to see the sun." 

Acts 13:8-11


"Also many of those who became believers confessed and disclosed their practices. A number

of those who practiced magic collected their books and burned them publicly; when the value of

these books was calculated, it was found to come to fifty thousand silver coins."Acts 19:18-19


 God of course, knows very well that participating in new age occult practices and teachings will put

a person into contact with demonic spirits and so forbids occultism.


These demonic spirits such as the eckmasters of Eckankar (demons in disguise), can through their

deceptions, turn souls against God.






Nevertheless, God, through the Bible and through his saints, has given prophesies of the new age

movement to come, warning that groups such as Eckankar would lead many people astray.

Like many other new age cults, Eckankar fulfills biblical prophecy very well.


" And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many

shall come in my name, saying, I am the Christ; and shall deceive many."Matthew 24:4-5


" And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many" Matthew 24:11


" For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders;

insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Matthew 24:24


' The Tiger's Fang' Paul Twitchell

( In this passage, Paul Twitchell, founder of Eckankar, writes about his ' God-conscious' experience)


pg116. " I am God the Son, Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the anointed, the savior, the redeemer,

the mediator, the lamb of God, the Son of Man, the good shepherd, the way, the door, the truth,

the life, the bread of life, the light of the world, the vine and the true vine, the King of Glory,

the Prince of Peace and the Spiritual Traveler."


"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith,

giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons... " 1Timothy 4:1-2


" Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own

lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming?" 2Peter 3:3-4


' Shariyat Ki Sugmad' book2 Paul Twitchell

pg4. " All the doctrines of a man being born in sin to be purified by the appearance of a messiah

who dies for man's sins are of a Kalistic belief."


"For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but having

itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires, and

will turn away from listening to the truth and wander away to myths."2Timothy 4:3-4






The teachings of Eckankar also continually involve a distortion and twisting of biblical scriptures to meet

it's own needs. Some of these twistings of biblical scripture are very blatant while other distortions

of biblical scriptures are far more subtle and deceptive.


' Letters to Gail' vol2 Paul Twitchell

pg140. " In his letters St. Paul used the phrase, "I die daily." This meant that he had control of himself,

that he could leave the body at will and come back to it."


In the above passage, Eckankar distorts St Paul's teaching to try to convince the reader that St.

Paul was an occult practitioner.


Compare to the actual teachings below.


" And why we stand in jeopardy every hour? I protest by your rejoicing which I have in

Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily." 1Corinthians 15:30-31


" Always bearing about in the body, the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also

of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For we which live are always delivered unto

death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh."

2 Corinthians 4:10-11


St. Paul,  faced death every day in his ministry. He was simply teaching that he did not count his life

to be of any personal value and therefore considered himself to be dead every day for the sake

of Jesus and for his mission in the world.


" ...the Holy Spirit testifies to me in every city that imprisonment and persecutions are

waiting for me. But I do not count my life of any value to myself, if only I may finish the

course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus to testify to the good

news of God's grace." Acts 20:23-24





In Eckankar, there is much emphasis and accusation placed on Christianity regarding 'fear and control'


Christian teachings of eternal hell, and the judgment of sin are said by Eckankar to be different ways the

church controlled the masses through fear.


Power in the church has at times throughout history, been abused and used in ways which opposed

true biblical, Christian teachings.

Nevertheless, the teachings of hell and judgment were taught by Jesus himself as well as the apostles.


" He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall

not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." John 3:36


" Then death and hell were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of

fire; and anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake

of fire." Revelation 20: 14-15


" And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment..."Hebrews 9:27


" For all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each may receive recompense

for what has been done in the body, whether good or evil." 2Corinthians 5:10


Any ignorance or abuse of these teachings in the church or the world does not take away from their validity.


God also taught through his son Jesus that those who have served sin, have not repented, and have not

accepted Jesus as their atoning savior, will have no place in his kingdom.

These are souls who must suffer the same fate as the devil and his angels for their rebellion.


" The Son of man will send his angels, and they will collect out of his kingdom all causes of sin

and all evildoers, and they will throw them into the furnace of fire, where there will be weeping

and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 13:41-42


" But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, the murderers, the fornicators, the

sorcerers, the idolaters, and all liars, their place will be the lake that burns with fire and

sulphur, which is the second death." Revelation 21:8


Jesus knows the Father intimately. He worked incredible miracles to give glory to the Father.  In his time on earth, he knew what people were thinking. He

knew Judas would betray him. He knew he would be crucified on the cross to fulfill the Old Testament

prophecies and to bring in the new everlasting covenant of Christianity.


"When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Take heart son; your sins are forgiven."

Then some of the scribes said to themselves, " This man is blaspheming." But Jesus,

perceiving their thoughts said, "Why do you think evil in your hearts?" Matthew 9:2-4


" When it was evening, he took his place with the twelve, and while they were eating, he said,

" Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me." Matthew 26:20-21


" When Jesus had finished saying all these things, he said to his disciples, "You know that

after two days the Passover is coming, and the Son of man will be handed over to be crucified."

Matthew 26:1-2


(the arrest of Jesus)

"Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than

twelve legions of angels? But how then would the scriptures be fulfilled, which say it must

happen in this way?" Matthew 26:53-54


"But Jesus has now obtained a more excellent ministry, and to that degree he is the mediator

of a better covenant, which has been enacted through better promises. For if the first

covenant had been faultless, there would have been no need to look for a second one.

God finds fault with them when he says: "The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when

I will establish a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah; not

like the covenant that I made with their ancestors..." Hebrews 8:6-9


" Then both Paul and Barnabus spoke out boldly, saying, "It was necessary that the word

of God should be spoken first to you. Since you reject it and judge yourselves to be unworthy

of eternal life, we are now turning to the Gentiles. For so the Lord has commanded us saying,

' I have set you to be a light for the Gentiles, so that you may bring salvation to the ends

of the earth." Acts 13:46-47






Fear and control in Eckankar......


Satan, or Sugmad, who has attempted to set himself up as God in the false heavens of Eckankar,

aside from being a liar, is an extreme hypocrite.


Eckankar is infested with many false teachings designed to keep it's followers under fear and control

in Eckankar itself.


' Illuminated Way Letters' 1966-1971 Paul Twitchell

pg50 " Once the neophyte chooses to follow the Teacher, the God-man, he must never be so foolish

as to reject or criticize the Path, or the Teacher. Should this be done, then he must be prepared for

his overt acts flying back upon himself."


' The Tiger's Fang' Paul Twitchell

pg153. "However, there is a warning to all those who are ignorant of this fact. Do not under any

circumstance ever become angry with anyone who is high on the spiritual survival scale, or with the

spiritual travelers. Never criticize them for any fault or be against them, nor deride them in any way

or belittle them. If you do you are in trouble."


'Shariyat Ki Sugmad' book2 Paul Twitchell

pg13-14. "Unless the chela takes the initiation via the Living ECK Master and does it seriously, then

he cannot expect to be released from the Wheel of Awagawan which will carry him through

the kalpas of life for millions of years."


'Shariyat Ki Sugmad' book2 Paul Twitchell

pg214. "If anyone is to escape this cycle, he must devote himself to the Mahanta, the Living ECK

Master and serve through him. There is no other way of escape."


'Shariyat Ki Sugmad' book2 Paul Twitchell

pg231."The chela may not realize that he has entered into the heart of life when he has received

the First Initiation. This means that he is not able to leave Eckankar should he desire to ever do so.

Nobody can leave ECK if he has become an initiate, for that is impossible."


'Shariyat Ki Sugmad' book2 Paul Twitchell

pg197. "But once the chela has become a member of the inner circle, he cannot resign...Those

few have found that spiritual decay sets in immediately, affecting the health, material life and spiritual

life, and brings death more swiftly."


'Illuminated Way Letters'1966-1971 Paul Twitchell

pg150. "The chela must remember that after coming into ECK, if at any time he decides to drop

out, he will generally meet with greater hardships because of his reluctance and lack of interest.

Nothing could delay his spiritual growth more than taking up the path of ECK and then deciding

to drop it."


'The Tiger's Fang' Paul Twitchell

pg143-144. " If one has the protection of the spiritual travelers, then no harm can come to him. That

is unless he endeavors to do something by his own efforts and voluntarily against my warning.

He could fall into a trap and stay there until the traveler decides to let him out. I might do it

immediately, and again I might take my time."


Just as prideful teachings of personal power and self are used by Satan to lure people into Eckankar,

fear and control teachings are further used in Eckankar to keep it's followers in line and to put them

in a fear of ever leaving the cult.







Another mention of dreams.......


Along with Satan's power to mock up false heavens for the followers of Eckankar to visit, he has also

devised another route to further manipulate the Eckist's beliefs.


This involves Eckankar's teachings on the 'dream master'.

Eckankar teaches that the 'inner master' whom escorts the Eckist to the 'heavens' of Eckankar, also

appears as the 'dream master' in the Eckist's sleep state.


Again as with the 'inner master', there is much emphasis on inviting and surrendering to the

'dream master' in order to make contact with him.


'Past Lives Dreams and Soul Travel' Harold Klemp

pg140. "The Dream Master is the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. He offers help only with a

dreamer's permission. Before sleep then, give him permission to be with you..."

pg152. " Now imagine a face-to-face meeting with the Dream Master. Listen to his advice about

surrender. He will first instruct you to still your thoughts. Then he says to repeat the phrase," I surrender

my whole self to the ECK, the Holy Spirit."


This is simply the same surrendering of the Eckist dream life to the same demonic spirits posing as the

'inner masters' of Eckankar's false heavens.

 Again, once the follower has surrendered his dreaming consciousness to the 'dream master' it then

acquires legal authority over the follower's regular dream content.

From that point, Satan can, through his 'dream master' (demon guides), mock up any dream scenario

he wishes the Eckist to experience.


'The Art of Spiritual Dreaming' Harold Klemp

pg167-168. " Many ECK initiates are given guidance through the dream state. A situation may be

mocked up by the Dream Master to simulate something that is causing the Eckist concern in his

daily life.


When this takes place the Eckist will often be given dreams which can further reinforce the follower's

convictions about various ideas. These dreams may include dreams of false past lives, dreams of

others persecuting them, and dreams of karmic healing, etc...


As Eckankar manipulates the dreamstate of a follower, Eckankar can convince the Eckist

of many things. For example....


- That the Eckist is being attacked by others whom are not of Eckankar.( Christians, black magicians, etc...)

The Eckist can easily in this way be turned against family, friends, and others.


Rob has been a member of Eckankar for a short time and has surrendered his consciousness

to the ' inner master/dream master' (his spirit guide). As a result, his guide has acquired legal right over

the content of his dreams and inner experiences.

  Rob's friend is seeing the signs of his new cultic behavior. She warns him to leave it behind and

to get out while he still can.

  The next night, Rob's demon guide( in the form of an eck master), mocks up a dream into

his dreaming consciousness.

  In it, Rob finds himself in a church, sitting in a pew in the front row. The priest at the service

walks up to him and starts to yell and scream at him. So does everyone else in the dream.

  Rob is later told by his spirit guide that it was his friend who invaded his dreams through black

magic by praying for him.

 When Rob comes to believe this he will distance himself from his friend and will even avoid her

from now on.

  This is one way a spirit guide can keep Rob away from anyone who could possibly help him.



- That historical Christianity and it's bible was fabricated by the priests of the early churches.

The Eckist will come to believe that priests, ministers, pastors, rabbis, and all Christians

in general are liars and are servants of the Kal or an inferior deity.


Dean as a member of Eckankar, has encountered his ' inner master/spirit guide'.

His spirit guide he meets during his dreams has disguised itself as Jesus.

  This demon guide, disguised as Jesus, proceeds to tell Dean that he, 'Jesus', failed in his mission,

because he took on the karma of his followers. He proceeds to tell Dean that he made a mistake in

what he did two thousand years ago and is now held accountable for it in the afterlife.

  He then tells Dean that Eckankar is where he should stay and that there are higher

spirit guides or eck masters than him in the ' god-worlds' of Eckankar

 and that he should learn from one of them instead.

This demon guide also teaches Dean that Christianity of today is not what he taught when he

was on earth and that today's ministers and priests are not teachers of the truth.

  As Dean believes his guide is actually Jesus in the spirit, he believes everything he is told

and his lack of belief in today's Christianity is then sealed.



- That the Eckist has lived many countless past lives, thus enforcing a belief in reincarnation.

The Eckist will come to believe that there is no final judgment after death and at the same time

will hold a fear of being reincarnated.


Linda has been a member of Eckankar for a short time but she still has ties with her old

family church and it's pastor. Satan or ' Sugmad', in Eckankar would like her to break her old

ties with the church.

 She has surrendered her consciousness to her ' inner master/spirit guide' in Eckankar. The 'inner master'

( demon guide), will mock up an inner experience which will turn Linda against her old church.

 One day, as Linda does her spiritual exercises ( occult practices), her spirit guide mocks up into her

consciousness a supposed past life at the time of the early church. In it she experiences herself being

persecuted by the priests and church people and eventually she experiences herself being put to death by them.

 After the experience, her inner guide ( the inner master/eck master) contacts her and tells her many lies

about the church, the priests and Christianity in general. The spirit guide tells her that she has lived many

countless lives and will keep being reincarnated unless she escapes reincarnation through Eckankar.

 After being manipulated by this experience both spiritually and emotionally as well, Linda breaks off

all ties she had with her old church and has actually turned against her previous Christian faith.



- That the Eckist is working off karma by resolving issues in the dreamstate and therefore doesn't

need to be saved from sin.


Bob Has been in Eckankar for three years and has studied it's works extensively. He's afraid of being reincarnated millions of times in the future. He has come to

believe that he has a chance to escape ' the wheel of karma and reincarnation' in his life as an Eckist.

 Before he was an Eckist, Bob was at work one day and had decided to steal ten dollars from a

fellow employee's jacket.

 He has surrendered his dreaming consciousness to his ' inner master/spirit guide, whom then mocks up

 a dream for him to experience one night.

 In it he finds himself at work where he is confronted by the same employee whom he had stolen the

money from in the first place. In the dream Bob admits he stole the money and hands the employee

back the ten dollars he stole from him.

 After Bob wakes up from the dream, he is convinced through the teachings of his spirit guides and

through Eckankar's teachings that he has paid his karmic debt for having stolen the money.

 He has come to believe that he can burn off bad karma in the dreamstate. He believes this will help

him save himself from being reincarnated.

 As a result, Bob will come to believe that he can, in effect, save himself along with the help of his

spirit guides. As Eckankar teaches that sin is an illusion, he will not consider the fact that he has sinned 

against God in his life.

 He will never consider the real consequences of sin and the gift of truly being saved through faith

in Jesus.


Therefore just as the ' inner master' of Eckankar can mock up false heavens for the chela to experience, the' dream master' of Eckankar can also 

mock up different dreams to manipulate the chela's beliefs

as well.










Eckankar and the resurrection........



Eckankar, in the advocating of it's mocked up heavens, denies the bodily resurrection taught in

Christianity. Instead, it teaches that most people, except for advanced Eckists, will be reincarnated

after death.


' The Art of Spiritual Dreaming' Harold Klemp

pg75. " In the teachings of ECK we learn, sometimes through past life experiences in the dream

state, that we have lived more than just one life. We have lived thousands of lives."


' The Dream Master' Harold Klemp

pg108. " The physical body does not resurrect. The body returns to the dust of the earth and

stays there. This is a great area of ignorance in many orthodox religions. A school of thought in

Christianity is that the body rests in the ground until the Judgment Day. At that time, even though

it has been munched on by who knows what, the physical body will miraculously rise again. To me,

this is not a spiritual belief."


However, in Eckankar's attempt to bring Jesus down to the level of others, Eckankar has contradicted

itself in dealing with the resurrection as seen below.


' Letters to Gail' vol1 Paul Twitchell

pg24. " Some two thousand years before the birth of Christ, a God was born in India, named Krishna.

He was born to a virgin mother, under the same circumstances as Christ, went through similar

experiences, and preached until about age thirty-three, died under similar circumstances. Arose

from the dead, and ascended into heaven just as Christ did."


' Soul Travelers of the Far Country' Harold Klemp

( about Apollonius )

pg110. " He was further said to have risen from the grave and was, like Christ, seen by many

people after his resurrection. Eventually he too ascended into heaven."


The true teachings and validity of the resurrection was taught by Jesus and the saints and is still

evident in biblical scriptures today.


" Behold, I shew you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment,

in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised

incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this

mortal must put on immortality." 1 Corinthians15:51-53


" Jesus answered them, " You are wrong, because you know neither the scriptures nor the power

of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels

in heaven." Matthew22:29


" While Peter and John were speaking to the people, the priests, the captain of the temple, and the

Sadducees came to them, much annoyed because they were teaching the people and proclaiming

that in Jesus there is the resurrection of the dead." Acts4:1-2


" I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the sharing of his sufferings

by becoming like him in his death, if somehow I may attain the resurrection from the dead.



So then the body of a believer cannot inherit the true kingdom of God as it is, but is transformed by

the power of God, through Jesus at the appointed time of the future resurrection.


" He will transform the body of our humiliation that it may be conformed to the body of

his glory by the power that also enables him to make all things subject to himself."

Philippians 3:21


The deception of Eckankar's false heavens is merely a distraction and temptation. Eckankar's false

heavens serve Satan's purpose of tempting people to reject the gift of the actual resurrection

and inheritance of the real third and highest heaven where God reigns.







The third heaven.......


 The light and sound worlds of Eckankar, are an attempt to replace the true third heaven

( 2Corinthians 12:2 ) where God dwells, with it's counterfeit heavens where the Satan is

at the top and is called the Sugmad.

A popular argument Eckankar uses to promote the validity of it's higher heavens is St Paul's

mention of the third heaven.


" I knew a person in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven-whether

in the body or out of the body I do not know; God knows-was caught up into Paradise and

heard things that are not to be told, that no mortal is permitted to repeat. On behalf of such a

one I will boast, but on my own behalf I will not boast, except for my weaknesses."



Eckankar proceeds to teach that there are heavens higher than the third heaven which are over

eight in number.


As Eckankar's heavens are mocked up into the chela's consciousness, Eckankar simply presents

the chela with a counterfeit first, second, and third heaven.

These lower counterfeit heavens shown to the chela are even mocked up to look like the one described

in parts of the bible.


' The Tiger's Fang' Paul Twitchell

pg21. " We arrived at the glorious city of Mer Kailash, capital of this magnificent plane. The first sight

of it is breathtaking and staggering to the imagination, for it is the very place that St. John, in his

Revelation, called the holy city of new Jerusalem...."


Compare this to St. John's actual vision below.


" An I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared

as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice saying, Behold, the tabernacle

of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself

shall be with them, and be their God." Revelation21:2-3


St. John wrote in the above passage about the heavenly kingdom-new Jerusalem, that God has prepared

for the end times. It is for a new beginning -for a time in the future which God has appointed to take

place involving his holy kingdom and the souls on earth.


After 'graduation' from Eckankar's false third heaven, the chela will then later experience a mocked up

fourth, fifth, sixth heaven, and so on.

 Eckankar's god called the Sugmad (who is actually Satan), is presented as the supreme

god  at the top of these false heavens.






The actual third heaven.........


The first heaven is not entirely a spiritual heaven but is simply the atmospheric heaven where the birds

fly and the clouds are.


" And in that day will I make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, and with the

fowls of heaven..." Hosea 2:18


" And I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds

of heaven, and came to the ancient of days..." Daniel 7:13


The second heaven refers to the solar system, and outer space where the stars, planets, and

galaxies are.


"Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon

shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens

shall be shaken..." Matthew 24:29


" And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it

were a lamp..." Revelation 8:10


The third heaven is the abode of the Trinity. It is beyond the universe, and beyond known time

and space. This is where God, the creator of the heavens and the earth, resides forever.


" The Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord's throne is in heaven..." Psalm 11:4


" But will God indeed dwell on the earth? behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens

cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have builded?" 1Kings 8:27


" So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat

at the right hand of God." Mark 16:19


With these observations of the heavens, it can then clearly be seen that St. Paul was caught up

to the real third heaven and for a moment, experienced what he referred to as " paradise".


" How that he was caught up into paradise and heard unspeakable words, which it is not

lawful for a man to utter." 2Corinthians 12:4







The Holy Spirit vs the Eck force...


As was pointed out at the beginning of this site, Satan, is behind the new age occult movement, using it

fore his deceptive purposes on earth.

 One of his false teachings in Eckankar is that the ' eck force',or ' light and sound current' encountered

by Eckankar followers, is the same as the Holy Spirit taught about in the Christian bible.

 Upon close comparison, however, it can be seen that the ' eck force' of Eckankar is clearly at

odds with the Holy Spirit of Christianity.


A few comparisons: 


The Holy Spirit indwells all believers in Jesus and Christianity specifically.

The Eck force of Eckankar is contacted by any Eckist or other occultist through occult practice.


The Holy Spirit teaches that Jesus is the son of God.

The Eck force teaches that Jesus is son of the Kal or devil.


The Holy Spirit does not manifest in the form of occult spirit guides.

The Eck force manifests as countless different spirit guides in the occult such as the Eck masters.


The Holy Spirit supports and strengthens the true Christian churches and it's people.

The Eck force condemns the Christian church and teaches that it's people are servants of the Kal

or devil.


The Holy Spirit inspired and supports the Christian bible's teachings.

The Eck force teaches that the Christian bible is a lie and that it is a dead teaching.


The Holy Spirit teaches people to reject pride and to embrace humility, and servitude towards God

The Eck force teaches people to embrace pride of the soul and that the soul is the essence of God.

(see ' prideful teachings')


The Holy Spirit teaches that the earth is God's real creation.

The Eck force teaches that the earth we live on is an illusion.


The Holy Spirit teaches against sin and is opposed to sin.

The Eck force teaches that from God's point of view, nothing is entirely evil and that sin is an illusion.


As you can see, the Eck force in Eckankar is not the same as the Holy Spirit but is instead what

St. John referred to as the spirit of the antichrist.


" ...and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. And this is the spirit

of the antichrist of which you have heard that it is coming; and now it is already in the world."

1 John 4:3


" Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking by the Spirit of God ever

says, " Let Jesus be cursed!" and no one can say," Jesus is Lord" except by the Holy Spirit."

1 Corinthians 12:3


" Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the

faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils; speaking lies and hypocrisy;

having their conscience seared with a hot iron." 1 Timothy 4:1-2



In Closing...


Perhaps you are a Christian and you've wandered from your faith and have come across Eckankar.

Maybe you are even a new Eckankar member who is finding it difficult to stay in a new age religion

that leaves you off balance in your life and you've had enough.

 If so, for safety sake, please consider an unpleasant possibility. Namely that new age occultism

in any form can, and will lead you away from a relationship with the one true God of Christianity.


" God's love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his only Son into the world so that

we might live through him. In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his

Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins." 1 John 4:9-10


" For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power

and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we had been eye witnesses of his majesty."

2 Peter 1:16


God's true presence, the Father, the Son and the true Holy Spirit, are found in the Christian faith.


" For I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel that was proclaimed by me

is not of human origin; for I did not receive it from a human source, nor was I taught it,

but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:11-12



The message of this site was written by a man whom was held captive in new age occultism

for many years but was saved by God's grace and mercy.

He now lives a personal walk of faith through Jesus Christ.


Thank you for visiting and God bless you.


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