Song Lyrics
Below are the links to the lyrics of all of the Beatles' songs. They arranged by album.  Simply click on the album, locate the song, and find the lyrics.  I hope they are all correct. If you find any errors let me know. With that much typing, I'm bound to have a couple mistakes.
If you need to know what album a particular song is on, click the link below to take to you album track listings.
Click here to go to track listings.
Wanna know who wrote what song? 
Click here to go to who wrote that?
With The Beatles
Please Please Me
A Hard Day's Night
Rubber Soul
Beatles For Sale
Sgt. Pepper
Revolver Magical Mystery Tour
The Beatles
(The White Album)
Disc One
Let It Be
Yellow Submarine
Disc Two
Past Masters II
Abbey Road Past Masters I
Free As A Bird/ Real Love