Thank You Page

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who have helped me with this page, my understanding of the Beatles as well as support in my life.
To begin with I would like to thank my family. They have been very very patient with all the time spent on the computer to make this web page as well as helped me purchase all the Beatles related material I have. They have had a tremendous influence over my life and I would certainly be lost without their support and love.
  Next I would like to thank Mr. Stephen Piper. He is a dedicated teacher in the truest sense of the word. He was the source of my becoming  interested in the Beatles due to his high school course "Health and Humanities". In this course we learned about the music of the 60s and he has spent much time, effort and money to continue to have the positive messags of the 60s influence the youth of today.
  Next I would like to thank the Beatles, for without them we most certainly would not be here. They have given the world so much and  deserve appreciation for it. Their words and music are a true inspiration to all those who listen.
  I appreciate all the help received from the geocities help chat personnel. I would be lost without it.
Finally, I'd like to thank you for visiting my site. I hope you  enjoyed it as I put in endless hours of effort to get it right. Thanks for all your feedback as well as your common love for the Beatles.
