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News this week......

07 June 2001

" Lucky Ali: Dev got him!

So what if Censor's box-office performance was censored in its own right. Devsaab is all enthu about his next project Love on Times Square. The film's lead will be the famous singer Lucky Ali who now progresses to cash on his good looks. And what's more? Dev Anand actually plans to finish shooting for the film in three months flat. "

This article appeared in the Delhi Times (regular supplement with The Times of India on weekdays). The Newspaper was dated June 7th 2001and the article was on page 8 of Delhi Times.

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If you have anything that you would like to share with other Lucky Ali fans, feel free to mail them to me. I would be more them happy to post them on this website. Proper credits will be awarded to the submitters. 

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03 June 2001

" Lucky Ali to be seen acting on T.V.

All the Lucky Ali fans can now cheer up and celebrate as Lucky Ali will be seen acting on Television. Fans might remember that Lucky Ali acted in the television series called Bharat Ek Khoj. Lucky Ali played the role of Tissa, younger brother of great Indian king Ashoka.

 It is estimated that the episodes of the series Bharat Ek Khoj, featuring Lucky Ali will be on air either on coming Saturday (10th June 2001) or the one after that (17th June 2001). All those interested in watching Lucky Ali act on television can tune in their televisions at 

Bharat Ek Khoj, DD1 (National), Saturdays, 09:30 p.m. (2130 hrs)"

This news item is purely based on the guess work of the webmaster. Bharat Ek Khoj is a television series directed by Shyam Benegal. The series describes the complete Indian history in the chronological order. The role of Lucky Ali however was very limited in the series. He played the role of Tissa, Ashoka's brother. All the episodes of the series preceding Ashoka's have been telecasted and it is assumed that Lucky Ali's part will be aired very shortly.

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29 May 2001

" Not so Lucky?

Lucky Ali's new Avatar as an actor hasn't proved to be all that Lucky for one of his directors. So Aditya Bhattacharya's Avatar has reportedly run into financial trouble. "Because the company funding the film," explains the anxious filmmaker. "Spectra Media, has run into heavy losses due to the market crash." Now he has no idea when the film will take off. Too bad for Bhattacharya, considering his hero still has other films other films to try his luck with acting. "

This news piece appeared in the Delhi Times (regular supplement with The Times of India on weekdays). The Newspaper was dated May 29th 2001 and the article was on page 3 of Delhi Times.

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24 May 2001

There were no new postings in the newspapers or the internet about Lucky Ali this week. But dont get disappointed. We have a new Quiz page. You can take this quiz and test your knowledge about Lucky Ali. You stand to know a lot of other interesting stuff about him. 

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16 May 2001

Lucky Ali stars with Amitabh Bachchan in the movie.........
----> Kaante

" Lucky Ali: Lady luck knocks! 

Mehmood's good-looking son Lucky Ali resisted films initially and preferred to sing his way to stardom. Needless to say, he succeeded - and how. His albums Sunoh, Sifar and Aks have been great successes. So now he's gonna follow it up with an acting career as well. And guess who he's gonna star opposite in his very first film? None other than Amitabh Bachchan - the film in question being Sanjay Gupta's Kaante. Lucky is certainly lucky! Also he's doing Aditya Bhattcharya's next film. Not to mention Dev Anand's offer of Love At Times Square. Well, if this singing sensation does as well in films as he did with his albums, must say, Mehmood is gonna be one proud father - twice over! "

This article appeared in the Delhi Times (regular supplement with The Times of India on weekdays). The Newspaper was dated May 16th 2001 and the article was on page 8 of Delhi Times.

" .......On the other hand, Lucky Ali is getting more opportunities to exercise his facial muscles more than his vocal chords. The New Zealand-based singer is currently acting in five films, including Sanjay Gupta's Kaante, in which he rubs shoulders with the likes of Amitabh Bachchan, Sunil Shetty and Sanjay Dutt..... "

These were the snippets from the article " Young and unsung, but fit for hit " from the Delhi Times (regular supplement with The Times of India on weekdays). The Newspaper was dated May 16th 2001 and the article was on the front page of Delhi Times.

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This page last updated on 7th June 2001.
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