

Slightly Used Boreal Ninja Slippers, UK 7, (US Size 8)

I just bouldered w/them twice, they are sitting on my dresser now because they are too tight. Leather and soles are still in mint condition, and they are so new they smell fresh!
I will sell them for $60, or trade for some rock pro or other interesting climbing paraphernalia.

    Seller:  SOLD
    Town:  SOLD

Sell 4: $60.00

New: $105.00

Save: $45.00

  • Boreal Fusion S-2 Rubber rands & soles.
  • Extremely sensitive feel for sketchy foot placements.
  • Slip-Lasted over a cambered last.
  • Ultralight - great for steep rock.
  • Elastic closure system eliminates the hassle of taking them off and on.
  • Slingshot rand enables solid edging & heel-hooking.

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