Introducing Islam: The Muslim/Qur'anic Worldview


Dr Clinton Bennett

Aim: to listen to Muslim voices; to confront a priori ideas that distort/colour our seeing/to try to gain an insider-like appreciation of Islam.

We will give PRIORITY to Islamic sources BUT take note of how other disciplines see Islam eg anthropology, sociology.

However, I follow a STANDARD account (there are alternative accounts by Patricia Crone, Michael Cook, etc.)

Muslim and non-Muslim starting points differ: Muslims begin with Allah, islam, iman - non-Muslims with social, religious, political context and the person of Muhammad.

Muslims begin with "theology", non-Muslims with historical/sociological analyses.

Attempting to begin where Muslims do, we start with Allah (Arabic word for 'God').

Creator and Life-Giver eg 10. 4 - 5.

99 names derived from text of Qur'an; see 57. 1 - 6.

God is the MERCIFUL LORD OF MERCY (ar-rahman a-rahim).

A Revealing God: (Wahy ) eg 2: 255, and 10. 48.

God is the One, ultimate reality - the shahadah see Q 112 al-tawhid ; equivalent to one-third of the Qur'an.

Created human beings, eg 4. 1. Allots our life-span eg 6. 2.

Offered amanah to the heavens and hills, 33. 72 but they refused, and humankind assumed it.

men/women Greater than the angels: see 2. 31 f. God's Khilafat 2. 30.

Adam sinned, repented (tawba) and was forgiven (2. 36 - 37: no universal fall but humans are predisposed to forget).

Received the shahadah - sacramental/life restoring formula + halal/haram distinction.

15: 29 breathing the shahadah restores original purity.

Sent prophet's/ 124,000 - prophetic cycle culminates in Muhammad.

Essentially all receive same message but Muhammad is the UNIVERSAL PROPHET.

Traditional chronology - born in Makkah 570, orphaned, briefly a shepherd, becomes Khadijah's factotum, later marries her. Renowned for honesty.

Meditates in hills - discontent with religious-ethical practices.

610 - receives Q96 during "night of Power" in the month of Ramadan; Khadijah, Zayd, Ali, Abu Bakr, become mu'minun (believers).

QUR'AN as a recitation in ARABIC.

613 summoned to preach publicly; attracts more followers but also Quraishi opposition.

Despatches refugees to Abysinnia but also gains support from YATHRIB (the two pledges of Aquaba).

622 HIJRAH (migration) to YATHRIB (re-named MADINAH-AL-NABIH) (Muslim calendar 1AH).

Islam named (Q5: 3); followers become MUSLIMS. Fard duties established.

Mosque built. Muhammad's sunnah (example) becomes BEST MODEL (Q33: 21). Qur'an + Sunnah provide basis for Shari‘ah. Muhammad as leader.

Muhammad = ideal for Muslim life/ummah at Madinah ideal for social/political/legal systems.

622 - 630 war with Quraish; complex web of treaties (including with dhimmis) / skirmishes / battles eventually result in .... eventually results in the (peaceful) taking of Makkah; idols destroyed: "truth has come and falsehood is banished". Most opponents pardoned.

632 Last pilgrimage and sermon. Death of Muhammad.

Khalifate established: religious authority shared by community - khalif political/legal/military leader with symbolic religious functions. GOAL: taqwa and tawhid

ABU BAKR: "O people, whoso has been wont to worship Muhammad, verily Muhammad is dead, and whoso has been wont to worship God - verily God is living and dieth not".

Ideal Khalifate until 661; then first dynastic khalifate (Umayyads) AND split into Sunni/ Shi'a, etc.

© 2000 Clinton Bennett