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MIDI Music

The Quote Bank

  • "Don't get mad ... get even." Cloakblade

  • "So I say it in a prayer
    And hope my dreams will take it there
    Where the skies are blue, the sea is once again... my love.
    All the seasons coast to coast
    Find the place I love the most
    Where the fields are green, the sea is once again... my
    love...." Nitesilk

  • "Opportunity knocks once, temptation barges in." Timburt the Cat King

  • "Good luck follows you ... stop and let it catch up." Timburt the Cat King

  • "Count your chickens before they hatch ... it'll save you time later." Cloakblade

  • "...Heroes get remembered
    ...But legends
    never die...Mess with the
    best...Die like the
    rest...So it is
    written...And so it shall
    come to pass..." Vyan

  • "If at first you don't succeed, deny you were ever trying in the first place." Timburt the Cat King

  • "Sometimes it is perfectly logical to kill a fly with a sledgehammer" War Rayku

  • "Don't steal ... the government hates competition" Relix

  • "What we do now, will ehoe in eternety." Gladiator

  • "If you don't have anything nice to say; you're normal." Cloakblade

  • "The best things in life are free ... but eventually you'll have to pay the law suit." Cloakblade

  • "Don't gossip on the farm; the corn has ears" Timburt the Cat King

  • "Don't complain; when a dog barkes he drops his bone. (what a loser)" Timburt the Cat King

  • "Have you ever stopped to think, and than forget to start again?" Relix

  • "If you're going to copy somebody, copy them right." Cloakblade

  • "When a scientist tells you there's trillions of stars in space; you believe them. But when someone tells you that that's wet paint on the wall, you have to touch it to be sure." Seifer

  • "Why do they call it new and improved? If it's new, how can it be improved of something and if it is improved how can it be new?" War Rayku

  • "Knowledge is power, power corrupts, study hard, be evil!!!" Weasel

  • "Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you what you are." Iron Chef

  • "If at first you don't suceed, sky diving isn't for you." Zulei

  • "You'll lose a duel if you're enemy comes expecting a war." Weasel

  • "Sacred cows make the best burgers." Zulei

  • "My mind is like a steel trap: rusty and illegal in 37 states." Zulei

  • "To aquire knowledge one must study, but to aquire wisdom, one must observe." Weasel

  • "If u cant convince 'um, confuse 'um." Weasel

  • "Chaos? Disorder? Mass destruction? Catastrophe? My work here is done." Weasel

  • "Don't upset me! I'm running out of places to hide the bodies." Zulei

  • "If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn?" Zulei

  • "Why do they put Braille dots on the drive-up ATM?" Zulei

  • "If pro and con are opposites, is Congress the opposite of progress?" Zulei

  • "The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese." Zulei

  • "Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts." Zulei

  • "So what's the speed of dark?" Zulei

  • "Water is life, or perhaps it is just something to wash it down with." Weasel

  • "Most spiders wait pateintly for their prey to arrive. Most spiders aren't forty feet tall." Weasel

  • "A man running in front of a car gets tired a man who runs behind a car gets exahsted." Weasel

  • "Why don't they just make mouse-flavored cat food?" Zulei

  • "How do crazy people go through the forest? They take the psycho path." Unknown

  • "How do you get holy water? Boil the hell out of it." Unknown

  • "What do fish say when they hit a concrete wall? Dam!" Unknown

  • "What do you call a boomerang that doesent come back? A stick." Unknown

  • "What do you call Santas helpers? Subordinate clauses." Unknown