the Black
     The Black and White Series is a collection of three novellas which is accompanied by a small collection of poetry.  The Series is being written by Justin Paul Fox and is still in progress.  From this website, via the buttons below, you can read samples, reviews, and a brief summary from the first novella of the collection, Closer to perfect, as well as enjoy some of the poetry that accompanies the Series.      Justin Paul Fox, author of the Black and White Series, was born in Southwestern Pennsylvania.  Prior to his 19th birthday, he enlisted in the US Air Force.  Currently he is an Air Force ROTC cadet attending the University of Pittsburgh as a Natural Science major. 
Email Have questions or comments?  Email Justin Fox by clicking the fox. (This link is now fixed)
The Novellas
Closer to perfect
Closer to perfect   Closer to perfect is the first novella in a collection of three from The Black and White Series.  It is a poignant novella of both love and bereavement. Trying to recover from a loss of love, the narrator takes on a precise routine to the most minor detail. Weeks deep in this routine, he finds himself sitting at a cafe and notices someone not part of his monotonous flow of life, a beautiful woman.....
The Poetry
Poetry The Poetry of the Black and White Series is available via this button.  Currently, nine poems are accessible from the Table of Contents page...