Well hi there,

  That is me in the frame created by the greatest gurl in the world. She is all that I care about and all that I love. If by now you haven't worked it out, I am gay (lesbian, homosexual, dyke, and whatever else people use as names for us). I have no idea about what may come out in the pages here, but I hope it may inspire others to come out of the closet. I choose to start my story now. 

  By now you will know my name is Lisa. I won't share my last name, the people that need to know it already do. This gurl called Kim, she is my life. I was born a few years ago atleast and I feel it was very hard to be brought into the world. I don't admire my parents for the past I have had. I don't wish to meet them again and thank them. I was not a loved child, but I am managing through life better now seeing it through the eyes of another gurl.

  She has been my light and I am sure I will be adding a page in here all about her. I don't know how she will feel about that. Fifteen months of never ending bliss, everytime I have had to inform her of bits of my past she has always been there. A heart of love, she may alienate herself from the rest of the world, but I feel she is doing it for reasons she may not yet see, but it will become clear soon enough.

  Ohhps it appears this page is already about her more than me. There really isn't too much to me, see what you get. I may not be an ordinary gurl. I do love to do wood work and hand sculpturing with wood, I will also further that and do more furniture building and other items. I also work in the electronics field, working and repairing mobile phones or 'cell phones' for those other countries with weird and crazy ideas to call mobile phones. I don't know what else there is about me, but I just feel I will add a little as soon as I can. Everytime someone may point out something else about me. I love medi evil times, pictures of dragons, scrolls, potions and so much more. If anyone reads this and thinks they have some good pictures of them or anything else, let me know. I would be interested in hearing from you. Well what more to say, ohh, you may think my relationship sounds good and all perfect, only thing is I haven't mentioned is, my gurl lives in Canada and I am in Australia. I am sure we will get where we want. You know who you are love.

The Theory of how us Aussie's live!!!

  I know it must seem like all Australian people live in big tin sheds with nothing but red dust around, we fry eggs on roofs and we don't wear anything but shorts, singlets with holes in them, akubra hats and boots or no shoes at all. Some are told we have kangaroos bouncing and hoping around in the backyard as pets and everywhere are koalas in trees and crocodiles in every watering hole.

  We only drink beer and we only eat with out hands, no plates or tables. We only ever say small words and everything ends in mate or starts with G'day. I know that is how we are portrayed to Americans and other countries, but sorry to disappoint. We don't only say mate, nagh, we do have kangaroos around and all the rest. Believe what you will believe, but we have grass and we have rivers and everything else.

  We do have native animals around, we don't all live in tin sheds, we don't all drink beer, we do abbreviate or achieve our own vocabulary, we talk fast and we have an accent that can be considered sexy, to each and every person we are different. I'm glad to be a true blue aussie. I like the wildlife, our population per square mile. We are starting to become crowded and the old true aussie dream is dying out. There are still the nice, quiet places to go and be at one with nature and I will always take them and there are still places for going camping that are natural and not man handled so much that people are always around. We have our secluded spots, but what do the Australian people do? they travel around the world and never explore the country around them and miss half of nature's finest sites.

  Well this page has turned from a bio to a site of mystery, I suppose my heart and feelings are within.

  For now keep checking back, I am sure there will be more to see.
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This page is all about this Aussie gurl called Lisa. I am sure by the end of this you will know me a lot better.
This page is all about this Aussie gurl called Lisa. I am sure by the end of this you will know me a lot better.