Thutmosis III

Thutmosis III Thutmosis III,known as Napoleon of Egypt,was famous for two things:
Destroying all Hatchepsout's (his half sister) monuments
and His military campaigns that lasted over twenty years.
He also built a modest funerary temple between Hatchepsout's and      Montouhotep's (XI th dynasty) at Luxor. Nearby,he built a chapel    for godess Hathor.       
 Thutmosis III was a warrior in all means of the word: he lead           several military campaigns to Asia,especially Palestine and Syria.

Thutmosis III (reign:1504-1450 B.C.)
Djethoutyemes(Birth name)(Thutmosis in greek)
Menkhepere (coronation name)
Father Thutmosis II
Mother Isis
Hatchepsout-Meritre (royal spouse)
Sons Amenophis II
Daughters none
Military campaigns in Asia
Building the temples of Amoda & Semna
Cleaning up the canal of Sesostris III
(year 50 of his reign)

King Amenophis IV(Akhnaton)(18th dynasty):

Amenophis IV Amenophis IV is the second son of king Amenophis III and his   royal spouse queen Tiyi.
   Amenophis IV-like all previous kings-was coronated in the          temple of god Amon at Karnak and-like his father married a lady  of non royal blood:Nefertiti.
In the year five of his reign,he changed his name to Akhnaton.      Akhnaton started by building a temple for the new and only        god"ATON" which was represented by a simple solar disc with     protective rays ending with hands holding the sign of  life   "ANKH".This temple was built at the east of Amon's temple in   Karnak.But the two gods could not coexist: so, Akhnaton closed the temples of Amon and in the year six of his reign, he moves the capital city to AKHET ATON(now known as Tal El Amarana).
Anybody can notice how different the sculpting and painting is in this period of time known as the Amarnian period. Unlike all other periods,the king has thick lips,a big stomach,a long head... details which were never seen before. In the previous periods,the king had to be represented full of glory and dignity ;he shold be looking perfect without a single"defaut". In the amarnian period,the artists were orderd by the king to represent only what they saw.
    Akhnaton died in the year sixteen of his reign(around 1334 B.C.). His mummy was found burned outside his royal tomb in 1880 in the royal necropolis of Thebes where his enemies would never think to look for it.

Amenophis IV (reign:1350-1334 B.C.)
Amenhotep(Amenophis in greek)
Akhenaton(adopted in the year 5)
Neferkeperoure (coronation name)
Father Amenophis III.
Mother Tiyi.
Sons Toutankhamon (??)
Tasherit & others
Built Akhetaton (Tel el Amarna):new capital city
Founded a new artistic style:Sculptors are free
to represent what they see
Author of the "Hymn of Aton"(full version
in the tomb of AY(Akhnaton's minister)
Cartouche na



Tout Ankh Amon Unknown until his tomb was discovered by Howard Carter in 1922,Toutankhamon remains one of the mysteries of ancient Egypt.It is clear that the king in his younger days was brought up in El Amarna (in the northern palace).
Although he played a minor role in ancient Egypt's history,Toutankhamon is one of the most famous pharaohs in the world due to the fabulous treasures found in his tomb.He reigned at the age of nine and died at the age of eighteen. It is suspected that he was assasinated (maybe by Ay his successor).

Toutankhamon (reign:1334-1325 B.C.)
Toutankhaton (Birth name)
Nebkheperoure (coronation name)
Father Amenophis IV ??
Mother Kiya ??
Spouses Ankhesenpaaton (Ankhesenamon later)
Sons none
Daughters Two ??
Construction in Karnak
The colonade and reliefs of the Opet festival in Luxor temple
Military campaigns in Libya,Nubia,Palestine and Syria
Cartouche Tut's Cartouche

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