This is my new background. Please let me know if you like it. It works itself out better in my imagination. Please excuse any errors. It is being proofed as you read this.

    I n the late 1800's, colonial efforts across the globe were in full swing. Roentgen had discovered x-rays, and the first cinemas were beginning to appear. It was a time of exploration and creative thinking. Scientists were inventing new ways of improving human life. The various Earthly empires were growing rapidly. 


It was June 8,1882. A handy man named Eric Wallace was returning from work in the nearby town of Bath. His normal route home took him past a few open fields. Nothing ever remarkable happened to Eric. He was taken aback to see that some sort of barrel like building had been erected in a local field. Within hours the thing had sprung up. It was somewhat like a huge keg with metal tubing in various places. What really caught his eye was the scene taking place in front of the "barrel". A local farmer was standing out in front of the thing facing other forms he could not see at his present angle. Sneaking closer. Eric was struck with awe as an angel stepped out from the barrel and approached the farmer. He wore armor of brass and seemed to glow in the evening gloom. The other forms fell back around the winged being as it strode toward the prostrate Englishman. To his horror, the angel drew a long gleamin blade and struck off the farmer's head. In a panic, Eric fled back to town.

It took several hours for the authorities to work any information out of the terror stricken Eric, whom they had found sitting in front of a local tavern. He was simply sitting there, rocking back and forth and muttering to himself. Talk of angels and swords were quickly disregarded, but Eric was known for his reliability. A small group of constables was sent to see if anything was amiss.

The police did indeed find the barrel, and its inhabitants. The "angel" was leading a band of what seemed like snake men. They were going from home to home, killing and looting without mercy. A local band of farmers had already taken up arms. The constables sent back for help. Soon there was a sizeable group of townsfolk and the battle ensued. The "angel" fought more like a demon than something divine. His gleaming sword and spiked tipped pistol claimed many a life that night. The snakemen were cunning opponents as well. Some went on two legs, some slithered on long sinous bodies. They seemed to favor blades much like that of the angelical being. In the end, the mass of people overwhelmed the attackers. Many English lay dead. The snakemen were put down. The "angel" was put in chains and brought to Bath.

In the months that followed, many doctors and scientists came to examine the captive. He seemed to have almost pixy-like features, with pale skin and long straight hair. Once unwrapped, his wings were almost reptillian. Several places on his torso were covered in small scales. His eyes were a metallic red color. His possible supernatural origins were quickly dismissed as the jailers found he suffered as would anyone when put to the truncheon. He quickly adapted to our language, while still muttering oaths in his own harsh tongue. He claimed to be a nobleman from the red planet. He threatened that others would come to seek him if he was not released. In a fit of anger he snapped his chains and battered the scientist. Again he was subdued by force, and better bonds were used to keep him in check.

It was not long before men from the government arrived. They took the Martian away, along with the strange barrel. Nearby, a small boat like vessel was found, hovering oddly off the ground like it was afloat in water. It had a sail, and odd controls that seem to control the altitude of the vessel. This was summarily taken away as well.

It is no suprise that word of the incident got around England. The Queen herself made a statement about the situation. War was declared on Mars. Any Martians found were to be turned into local athorities. She called upon every English citizen to ready themselves for such incursions. English scientists were working on the vessel with the help of an American physicist. By the end of 1889, the technology had become reproduceable. In 1890, a joint British and American effort resulted in the launching of the first "ethership". The reversal of Martian technology had not only led to the new "etherlift" mechanisms...but also led to great discoveries in metallurgy.

By 1892, other countries experienced such raids at the hands of Martians. It was found that the angelical "high-martains" enjoyed hunting other races for sport. Leading groups of "low-martian" snakemen, they had terrorized our planet for centuries without being discovered. Various forms of technology had been captured. Other nations began to build "etherlift" capable vessels to patrol for raiders.

1895 saw the first clash between French and German expeditionary forces in Africa. Backed by new technology and light etherships, the battle added a new chapter in the annals of warfare. Expansionism was in full force with the increased range of the vessels. In 1897, an orbiting shipyard was built to speed in the creation of new vessels. By 1901, allied fleets had explored the moon. An allied English and American outpost was built there...and fleets marshalled to strike at Mars. There are planets to be explored, land to be exploited. New civilizations will be discovered, some summarily destroyed due to expansionism. Only time will tell where the last battle lines are drawn. Until then, humans will look to the sky. The suvival of mankind depends on Cloudships of Iron!

All game concepts, rules, and fiction by Balin DeLoach © 2000 & Beyond, All Rights Reserved