2 announcements:

clouds.of.coffee has found a new home at

the malaysian art database is now fully functioning at

please update your bookmarks!
Pep pills, yay!
Are you a depressed artist? Do you expect a bleak career for yourself, starving all the way? Is inspiration lacking? Click here for pep pills!
[ l o o k   h e r e ]
If you're interested in fine art and wish to discuss stuff, or
If you know of any good websites on Malaysian contemporary art,


Messages in the forum are welcome

Read the clouds.of.coffee Website Statement
[ e s s a y s ]
by me

Risky Business OFFLINE
...my subsequent words, "I'm going to study Fine Arts", have an amusing kinetic effect on those who inquire: their eyebrows either come down together in puzzlement ("Fine Arts? Whassat?"), or...

If It's Not Broken, Fix It
...Must alternative art stay the minority in order to be good? What kind of a warped value system is that?...

Painting Is Dead OFFLINE
That's the thinking these days.

Monkey Pulling The Tiger's Tail OFFLINE
"What controls your eyes, controls your minds". How the people fight back ubiquitous corporate advertising.

What Makes An Artist?
...There is one universal trait, though, that I am certain all ‘true’ artists share: obsession.
Malaysian Art Database
Here are links and write-ups on Southeast Asian, primarily Malaysian (and for now, Singaporean), artists.
Showcases obscure artists (not me), musicians etc. Click here for artists I've featured in the past.

For some really nice amateur photos and sharp thoughts from Malaysian art punter
Jun Kit.
Say hello to Vegemite.
1994 - 2003