Club Oxford Hockey



Q.  I have been playing in the 'B' Division and I would like to try 'A' this year.  How can I get on an 'A' team ?

A.   Let me know with a phone call, an e-mail, or indicate this on your registration form.  I will make the 'A' coaches aware of this and have you participate in the 'Rookie Skate.'  If they like what they see,  you may be selected.

Q.  What happens to my registration money if I'm not placed on a team?

A.  Undrafted players  will have their money refunded by the end of October.
Q.  Is their still a chance for me to play ?
A.  Your name has been added to our spare list and you should get some games in as a replacement.  There are usually some full-time replacements added to the league for players who are unable to make their commitment.
Q.  Are we selling tickets again this year ?
A.  We are donating a total of $30 000 towards the arena renovations.  This is done with annual contributions of $5 000 over a six-year period.  We have given $25 000 so far.
Q.  Club Oxford seems more expensive than other leagues.  How is my money being used ?

A.  Most leagues require teams to provide their own sweaters and socks.  Club Oxford provides these for you and has the sweaters washed for you on a monthly basis. Money is also used for office supplies, a convener's fee, team and individual awards, and the year-end golf and meal. The registration fee is also used for league insurance.  Other expenses include photocopying of draft information, player schedules, gamesheets, spare lists,etc.   The $10 per-game fee covers the cost of ice rental, referees and timekeepers.