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Welcome to the Dojang!
The Dojang
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What makes the CMAAWA program different?
You do not need to be an athlete to be successful in this art.  This style can be modified to suit anyone of any ability.  Physically challenged people can participate and learn effective means of self-defense.  The training program can be modified  to accommodate any individual's injuries or special requirements.

Healing arts are part of our curriculum.  Many different kinds will be introduced to you and additional materials are available to you as well.

The Cascade program is a continual curriculum and can be started at any time.  YOU WILL NOT BE ASKED TO SIGN A CONTRACT.  This is a month-to-month agreement.
Basic Movements: Blocks, kicks, punches and stances are building blocks for any martial art.

Belt ranking system: Basic guidelines for every level - a test for knowledge and ability preceeds promotion.

Forms: Known in other martial arts as a kata, a form is a series of choreographed movements (likened to a dance) against multiple imaginary opponents.  Part of the basic requirements, they increase stamina, flexibility, fitness, muscle memory and coordination.

Techniques: Self defense techniques give you options if you are attacked.  Learn how to use body mechanics, angles and position to conserve strength and muscle power.

Sparring: Benefits include fitness, skill, hand-eye coordination, reflexes and confidence.

Falls:  It is imperitive to learn how to fall correctly to avoid injury to one's person.  Safe falling is good to know in any situation you find yourself off your feet...especially when you're thrown in class!

Judo: Proper throwing techniques and theory add to your skills.

Joint Locks: Used in techniques for compliance and control.

History & culture: Knowledge of martial arts history - especially Korean history and culture - is part of this course of study.  Much is handed down from generation to generation that is never recorded in history books.  Honoring and remembering heritage is important to keeping the pride of your art intact.

Self defense: Some classes and parts of classes focus on the use of techniques for self defense situations.  This gives a more accurate idea of the application of material that is practiced every day.

Grappling: Should a fight get to the ground, it is important to know how to use ground techniques to remain in control.

Weaponry: There are many weapons to study in all martial arts.  Instructor Gallino will work with students closely in this area.

Special classes: Along with the regular class there are classes dedicated to specific elements of martial arts training such as grappling, sparring, weapons training, defense, awareness and agility.  Special seminars are held by other masters from other schools and cover various topics.  Masters from other arts may hold classes also to teach their respective specialties.