Can-Amera Park
Earth Day Fun Fly
April 22, 2004

This event was put together by the Fiddlesticks Neighborhood Assoc. The kite fly was promoted in the local newspaper and schools as part of "Turn Off TV Week" and "Earth Day".
I know it's a picture of her back but it's Wilma! Wilma spent a lot of hours putting this event together. It was the second year for this fun fly and it really benefited from all of the promotion. Last year it was only a few families that came out. This year there were easily over 100 people. It was great to see all those kids out there!
Quite a variety of kids kites to see. Itemax kites, Barbie kites and even some 3-d plane kites. It was a low wind day so it was the small plastic deltas that appeared to fly best
Some local kids take a much needed break. Bet these kids had a good sleep after running around with those Eddy kites.
Some of the heavier kites required the assistance of parents. It was good to see so many families having a good time!
Kerry St Dennis flying his Quad stack to the delight of everyone! Kerry told me he is now working on a new larger stack of Revs. Kerry and Ziggy Racek had some fun flying pairs with their Rev ones. People really enjoyed watching the pair fly tricks in formation.
Steve Finch setting up his quad lines on his Quadrifoil. Not enough wind to buggy but more than enough to simply fly those big foils for the crowd. Steve reminded me about one of the funniest kite questions he has ever been asked. A couple of years ago someone saw Steve landing his big foil on the ground. The person actually thought that Steve had just parachuted into the park. I am not sure how Steve answered that one but I can imagine the smile that question must have generated.
While we all had a great time winds were light. As long as you put out the light wind kites you did not have to work too hard. Ziggy Racek(pictured) pulled out a few different stunt kites to try and match the wind conditions.
Mark Groshens working at staying out of the puddles. A certain Golden Retriever really liked that red kite! Lucky for Mark the dog was not really that hungry.
Dennis Ische is pictured helping out some new fliers! A lot of times kids are having minor kite assembly problems that simply stump even the parents. It's nice when a veteran is around to help get those kites in the air!
- Carlos Simoes

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