Wasaga Beach Kitefest
June 18-19

The 6th annual Kitefest on Fathers Day Weekend was a blast! lots of great wind and great company too!
Kerry St Dennis stack of revs hover overhead while Bill Peart's rev leans on a Spike. Both Ed's and Carlos' Spikes had a great time bouncing around from morning till late afternoon.
Quad line Revs seemed to be the top choice for most on the beach. single kites, stacks and even a vampire quad were flying up and down the beach all day Saturday.
Ed Hummel's baskets created a lot of attention. Over the course of the day Many people wandered over to get a closer look. Yes,... Ed I know there is only one person in the photo but over the day there were many :-)
Kerry's stack of eight quads looks great! I really like the pattern and colour choices!
Mark Groshens, Steve Finch aka "Mr. Safety" and Dave Aikman are pictured in front. A couple of kite surfers from Guelph are in the background. It's time to sail the surf dude!
More Baskets Spikes and a great view of the surf!
Someone from the crowd snapping photos of Kerry and his rev. Do you see the little white Stunter just above the Vampire Bat? Lam Hoac was out doing demos with his new line of stunt kites. Lam gave many people a chance to fly one of his new kites.
If you were sitting eating some pizza on the main Wasaga strip this is what you would see.
A shot looking along the entire Wasaga Strip. This weekend in not only about kites it'a also one of the biggest antique car shows gatherings in Ontario.
People seemed really fascinated with all the ground activity on the beach. Many came in for a closer view.
Kathy keeps an eye on Bill and Kerry's rev routines.
It was really gratifying to sit back and watch the kids have so much fun with the inflatable Spikes.
Yup,... It really is Dave Addison having a chat with Mark. Dave appears to be saying something like "Mark, you should be out their flying already."
Mark waiting for the right moment to takeoff. Notice all the new gear that kite surfers use these days. No more quad line handles. Most now use a bar with a quick release mechanism.
Grant Fritz takes a moment to answer a few questions. Both Mark and Grant are really great at helping promote the sport. They are never too busy to talk to onlookers. People are facinated when they see something so different.
The newest kites out for 2005 are a lot different from what was used just a few years ago. At least the the name of the builder should still be familiar to most of you. Peter Lynn now makes several models of kites specifically for the surf. Pictured are a 15m blue Phantom and a 19m red & orange Venom kite.
We end with a great shot of Dennis Ische's arch called "88 Keys" Yes, you guessed it. The alternating black and white sails follow the same pattern as on a piano.
Thanks to the city of Wasaga and specifically to Trudie McCrea for inviting us and setting things up at the beach.
- Carlos Simoes

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