The Co-Creators Bible


~Rama Mohr~

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   Hello, my name is Rama Mohr and I’m writing this to give you the base knowledge that is meant for all of us to have. I have named this book "Co-Creators Bible" for you can co-create the reality you live in if you choose to. I will reveal to you what has been revealed to me and empower you to take control of the reality in which you live, but only if you choose to do so. This book will help most but not all, for each of us look at reality in different ways. This book is intended for those who look at reality as a mix of spirituality and pure life and wish to walk in both worlds and not just one. I ask that you read this book clear through and try understand what it says, you need not believe it but only understand what is being conveyed to you, in this way you will at least be able to see this reality in a different view than you did before. I hope you find in these pages what you seek, if not do not give up your search, you will find what you seek if you keep looking *g*.


   I will now give you my word of warning. If you don not like, understand, or are upset by what this book imparts to you please stop reading it. I have no wish to hurt anyone and it would pain me to know I have disturbed you or made you upset.


   With that said and done please read on and enjoy *g*.


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~Stating Out~



   Let’s start with the basics and go form there. I’m not going to pitle around and go into some deep mumbo jumbo that you won’t understand so don’t be surprised at the basicness of this book. First off everything is a paradox, life, death everything. If you look at the world around you I’m sure you’ve seen how one thing always contradicts another yet some how always works, I’ve named this paradox "The Chaos Pattern". Things always seem to flux from the smaller picture to the bigger picture. Like you see a perfect crystal that was formed in space yet if you look deep down inside you will find minute flaws that aren’t at first noticed. I’ve found that there is no true chaos or a true pattern to life, it’s a mix of good and bad. I hope to teach you how to be more aware of this and other things so you may influence the Chaos Pattern to better your world around you, it can be done.


   Ok for those who are close to understanding all ready but aren’t quit sure let me give you the absolute basic outline of it all and I’ll go into detail for the others here shortly.













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~Now Let Us Begin~

   I will start with what a Co-Creator is and the basic belief structure. A Co-Creator is a person who believes that they are a greater part of the whole. Not greater than, but a more developed part. No one being is truly greater than another, but there are
those who are more developed.

   If you believe you are a part of a Whole, that you are single part of an All, that you are forever, and you had a hand in the making of all things, then you are a Co-Creator.

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~The Core Belief~

   All things are one, all things are God. We have and all ways will exist. The Universe, when made, was made in a effort by all entities, and of them. The Universe is made up in one or more units (pairs). Positive and negative were also created. Units, positive, and negative were created to cause conflict.

   Through conflict one can learn new things, which was the reason for the creation of the Universe, to learn and grow beyond what we were. We always seek to grow and learn, to become more than what we are. We are God, we are here to learn and grow.

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~My Vision of How Things Began~

   A countless number of souls lived in a  reality of pure light and love. Now there came a point when theses souls realized that they were stagnating. Nothing new was being learned or done. Now these souls had a desire to become more than what they were. They wanted to go beyond their reality, but there was nothing.

   These souls had the power to create and destroy, that is how they kept busy up to that point (grin). They decided as a group to create new realities to inhabit and learn. They based the construction of these new realities upon themselves.

   It would be separate but part of a whole like themselves, it would create and destroy like themselves, and it would strive to change yet remain the same like themselves. Out of this there would be conflict, chaos, and some harmony.

   So they gathered themselves and pierced the darkness outside their reality. In a flash of light they created a new reality that grew and divided like living cells. That is why we live in a Omniverse and not a Universe. Now in this new reality they could
inhabit bodies and learn new things. When the bodies died they could go back to the reality of light and share what they have learned. When they inhabit theses bodies they would forget about their other lives and who they are so as not to interfere with
the learning experience. That is how things began.

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~Co-Creators Ten Commandments~

1. Do as you like as long as you hurt no others.

2. Forgive others of their wrong doings against you. For you may find it easier to forgive yourself later for yours.

3. Always strive to be more than you are.

4. Respect others- Respect your elders for they know more than you. Respect those younger than you for you where once young to. Respect those of the same age as you for you will then get respect.

5. Always try to do the right thing.

6. Never lie.

7. Never steal.

8. Treat the opposite sex as an equal and not as an object or oppressor.

9. Live life to the fullest.

10. Try to help others in need.

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~A Co-Creator's Prayer~

   With your eyes closed, look inside and out with your mind. Think and verbally pray this "I pray to the highest of the high, I pray for (Whatever you want), in the name of all things good I pray for this/these things, praise be to the all, amen".
That's it.

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   Meditation is a cool way to learn more about your world. Just over sleep, get up walk around a bit, go lay down again, slow you breathing, then feel yourself breath, then open yourself up to the world around you, proceed to think about questions you
would like answered, and you'll get the answers.

   Have I ever been contacted by aliens? No, not that I would remember if I had been (grin). I wouldn't mind too much if it was in the day and I wasn't about to be some new experiment (grin).

   Why do prayers and magic work? Because were the creators of our Universe and we have control over it when we need it. Prayers work because we send out our creative gift to heal or create what we want, prayer helps focus our powers.

   Magic is the same way we believe and want it to happen so it does. The tools used in magic only serve to focus us on our task.

   Do you do healings? Yes, and only by request. I need the name of the person and illness. I make no promises though.

   Do you do future readings? Yes, but only for friends, sorry.

   What is the difference between the Whole and the All? The whole is all the souls separately. The All is the over mind created by the union of all the souls.

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~Answers to Some Basic Questions~

   Perceived Good and Evil- There really is no good and evil, they are merrily view points of your upbringing. For instance, a Head Hunter doesn't consider what he does as wrong, why you on the other hand might. Someone might consider what you do as evil, like eating cow products or just meat in general. you should have gotten the point by now.

   True Evil- Now there is such a thing as true evil. True evil is when a person is doing something really wrong and they know it. Now that's evil, but this doesn't mean there evil, they may have a very good reason for it. For instance, killing a person in self defense. Killing a person is a major no no, but it was for a good reason. There aren't to many evil deeds done though, most don't think what their doing is wrong or have a good reason for it. Don't get me wrong though, most murders know what they're doing, therefore they are true evil.

   True Good- True good is rather harder to do. This is doing something seen as truly good without knowing you did it or expecting something for it. For instance, saving a persons life without thinking of reward or fame before hand. Giving to the poor without letting everyone know is truly good. Giving to the poor and then saying hey everyone look what I'm doing is not truly good, even if you think it is. Give but don't expect.

   Positive and Negative- This one is rather simple to explain. These are basic forces of the Universe. They both tend to attract each other and repel from the same. Two likes repel because they are the same and opposites attract because they are different. This seems to be true in all things. No conflict occurs if the two are the same, but if they are different conflict can occur and things can be learned from this. You may ask how a magnets learn from one another, they exchange forces. Two positives or negatives repel each other because they put out the same force, these same forces are on the same force, they meet and push each other away. Now a positive and a negative will attract because they are on a different force and pass each other without pushing each other away. All things tend to act like this. If you want to learn something new you need to go where things are different.

   Life- Life is everywhere and all things are alive to one extent or another. Life is the blood of the Universe. It's what makes everything work.

   Death- Death doesn't really exist. It is merrily the ending of our mortal flesh shells. No death is truly the end. After all we are forever.

   Why are we born- We are born in mortal forms to experience new things and ideas. It is not that we are unable to learn in the spiritual form, it is that we have learned all we can from that realm of being.

   Why do we die- We die to move on and start over, to learn new things. If we were to live forever in a mortal form forever our thoughts and experiences would stagnate and nothing new would be learned. When a life lesson is completed then your time is up unless you ask for more time and let it be known you want to live longer, if you do this then your time here is left to chance. People die, not everyone can be healed or saved, if they were things would get might crowded here on Earth. some people die by chance and others be design but the Divine One almost never interferes. We pick our time before we are born and we can die before that time by; another’s action, our own actions, or circumstance, that is the price for free will. If we die before the lesson assigned is learned we must come back to relearn it.


   What happens when we die- When we die what happens to us is determined by our beliefs. Some see a light at an end of a long dark tunnel, open grasslands, deserts, a fiery hell, a dark place, Jesus in a white light, an area of windows with different worlds in each one, a white room with people in it, a flash back of ones own life, and so on. Everyone has a concept of an after life even if they don't believe in one. What happens to you is determined by you beliefs. The choice is yours, you don't have to go to a white light or anything else for that matter.

   What about reincarnation- We will live countless lives on countless worlds and in countless realms for we can not hope to achieve ultimate; love, peace, and knowledge any other way. we must learn as a child learns till we reach full adulthood and look the Divine One in the eye as a companion and know oneness with the Divine One. To be born again is the way to learn more. Once you learn all you can from here you can move onto other states of being. You do not have to be born again though, that is a choice, don't let anyone or spirit tell you otherwise. You can go back from whence you came if you so desire, it is your choice. Most forget this when back on the other side, it's like being born again except you can remember what have and can be and what you have done. Don't be overwhelmed and don't be fooled by some of the others.

   What about suicide- There is a penalty for this. You are here, so that means you have chosen to come here to learn a lesson. If you die to soon then you have not learned the lesson and must come back to repeat that lesson until it's learned. There is one exception to this though, you lesson maybe to experience suicide, in this case it's O.K.. Once a chosen lesson is learned then you can do what you want.

   Why some people die to soon- Chance. Not everything happens for a reason nor is it all planned out, if it was there wouldn't be as much to learn.

   What about the Bible- The Bible is a great source of wisdom, however not all things in it are relevant for today. The Bible is a collection of stories written long ago and was shoddily translated and the stories butchered or removed entirely during the making of it. Take it with a grain of salt, so to speak.

   What about Jesus- He was no greater than you, he just new more and was more developed. Jesus was a great teacher and I’m not trying to take away his truth but only explaining it in further detail than most are taught. The divine One gave us this great teacher to teach us to love and forgive others and ourselves. Jesus was and is the son of God but let it be known that we too are the sons and daughters of the Divine One in form and substance. Jesus did die to help us forgive our sins, let it be known that only two people can forgive you of your sins, yourself and the one you sinned against, it is yourself that is the most important for you judge yourself the hardest above all others. The Divine One at first had us sacrificing animals to help us forgive ourselves but as time went on and there were more people mass slaughtering of animals was no longer a good option, so the Divine One gave us Jesus for the ultimate sacrifice to help us forgive ourselves. We do not need to accept Jesus as our savior but it does help if you truly believe it does and feel you are forgiven in doing so. You can just forgive yourself though if you can let go of the guilt on your own.

   What about Jesus dying on the cross- None can forgive us our sins except ourselves and the person we sinned against. Jesus helped us forgive ourselves for our sins.

   What is Truth- Truth is something someone believes is true in their reality.

   What is a Lie- A lie is something someone knows is not true to their reality but tells others it is, or tries to make it appear true.

   What about Prayer- When you pray it should be directly to the Divine One and not to those under the Divine One. Jesus is a Divine being and can help us if we ask, Jesus was never to have been worshiped as a God. When Praying it should be unrehearsed, from the heart, with truest of feelings, and with utter belief that what you’re praying for is right and true. The more people that pray the more power there is to that prayer, the reason I say more power is that we as the divine ones sons and daughters have gifts of our own and we have the ability to answer own prayers when done in groups.

   What is the Divine One- The Divine One is everything, we are all part of the Divine One, the Divine One is forever and so are we. The Divine One was never created nor can the Divine One be destroyed, hence matter can only be changed never created or destroyed. When we die we are changed not destroyed and we will be changed over and over again till we are evolved enough to join the Divine One and achieve ultimate love, peace, and knowledge.

   Why are we here- We are here to evolve and be companions to the Divine One.

   How did all things come to be- This is a hard one, I have the knowledge of this but I know of no words in any language to describe this. The best I can do is say that we were created already existing and we and we are the child and parent. As for all of reality the same applies.

   How are we created in the Divine Ones image- We were created in the Divine Ones image in spirit and not the flesh, like our children are in our image. Not being as evolved as the Divine One we are like small children crawling in these early lives.

   What of Love and Hate- Love is creation and hate is destruction and in us lies both. I love all things though I have known anger and revenge I have never hated anyone. Hate is when you want to utterly destroy a thing and I have never felt that in this life. I know love, love is when you care for someone so much you would give your total self to help that person. Love is caring for all things and what happens to them, this is the love I feel, a deep warm caring. One must learn to love all things to make a leap in evolution of ones spiritual being. Hating is easy, loving is hard.

   What is free will- Free will is the freedom of choice. The Divine One will not intervene in our lives unless we ask the Divine to do so. The only time we may get help that is not asked for is when something may adversely affect our life lesson and intervention is need. The Divine One won’t always help even if asked, for in doing so a life lesson maybe adversely affected for you or someone else.

   Where does my information come from- My information comes from a knowing. I do not channel this information I just know it. It is in my mind, in my memories, it is a part of me. I share this part of myself with you..

   What of knowledge, wisdom, and realization- Knowledge is the knowing of how something works, realization is knowing how something really is, wisdom is knowing how to use knowledge for the betterment of others. I’m giving you my knowledge, I want you to realize it, and then have the wisdom to use it to help others. You can tell when you realize something it feels as if the whole world tilts on you and you get dizzy. If you get this feeling while reading or thing about my writings then congratulations your soul has just evolved a little bit, don’t worry if you don’t you may have realized some things before reading this. Some people already know of the things I’m trying to teach.

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   "Reality is Gods dream, and we are dreamers. Reality is a dream and like a dream it can be controlled by ones own thoughts."

   "When we die we awaken, and when we sleep we are reborn."

   "A man that does not know his limitations has none."

   "Heart, body, mind, and soul. This is the gift from God to man"

   "Why don't I give up on you? To give up on someone is to give up hope. To give up on hope is to give up on love. To give up on love is to give up on living. I live for you."

   "To all, to one, none, to me. For all is one and none to me."

   "Nothing.... All is not as it seems....
.......We hope for something and shall get
naught...... Impending doom shall pass as thought....
And all shall be well....
.....Change is slow in coming.... And what comes is
.....Be one with the light..... And become one with
thought..... Troubled souls of thoughs who have not
yet fought.... Shall find peace in the future with us
who brought are light and peace.... We who have
changed your time line to avoid the chaos of old
thought...... Be at peace child and do not worry,
everything is being taken care of....
Sleep well at night... And flourish in light....
....All is well"

   "Sleep on world, but cease to dream. A world that dreams sleeps. A world that doesn't dream is altered. This world must alter itself or die a dreaming death."

   "Tis not death we fear but life, a never ending chaos of strife and confusion. Death is the only excape through which we may embrace peace and love.

   "It is Earth that is hell, and life is our damnation."

   "Reality is in our minds and hearts. It is within and not out that we should look for peace and rest for our weary souls that ache."

"Death is not the answer, life not the answer, rebirth is but an endless solution. Crossing the bonds of reality in our dreams is the only true solution, for an endless freedom."

   "My life is your life. Your life is mine. For we are one in the same under the flesh. We are pure thought. The being of God. The flesh is our dream. A dream that will not last. For we as god only sleep for a short time. For we must wake and continue our work. Creating, destroying."

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   "Misty Mountains High"
See the misty mountains high:
The dewed flowers. The river running boldly.

See the misty mountains high:
The hardened earth. The water frozen coldly.

See the misty mountains high:
Birds flying low. The houses with their fires.

See the misty mountains high:
Wrapped in clouds. Life is in the air anew.

   "Middle Ground"
A quite man gets nothing.
A loud man gets none.
A man in the middle
gets a tidy sum"

   "The Lesson"
A star is a star
when seen from afar.
But up close it can be
a sun or a planet.
A human is a human
when seen from afar.
But up close it can be
a man or a woman.
The lesson to be taught.
Is things may not be what you thought.

   "Two Hearts"
Two caring hearts,
so very far apart.
Two minds, two thoughts.
Will they come together,
or will they fall apart.
They have so much to gain,
and so much to loose.
It will be up to one,
or the other to choose.

On the path,
truth I did seek to find.
To find truth,
the path I had to deny.
Truth is what I had sought
Truth is what I had got.
Now I walk beside the path

   "Let the two become one"
My mind thinks of things to come.
The things we will do that will be fun.
It is you that I mostly think of.
It is our caring for one another
I wish to turn to love.
It's our futures I wish to share.
Futures that will be like heaven fair.

I ask, you cry.
My hope and you dream.
Lives of two become one.
For you and me both are bonded.
A bonding of two futures.
Two futures become one.
One life one future.
The union of two souls.
The two souls become one.
The two that were each a half.
The two that come together to make a whole.
And with the union of the two souls,
with luck and time, comes a new soul, a new life, a new future.
And with that, my hope and you dream will be complete.



   "Sharing Feelings"

The light shines bright from with in my heart,
to share your feelings with me is a good start.
If my light you wish to share,
then you need only show me that you care.
Then the two of us shall twine our lights,
and our love will be taken to new heights.
"Love Eternal"

   "Lights Dawn"

The glimmering of light shows the approach of dawn,
a dawning of a new hope for love lost.
A love that shines like the morning star,
a star so bright that it blinds all else.
It is blindness I fell when I look apon your beauty,
beauty so bright that it shines with light.
Light so bright that it glimmers,
a glimmering like the approaching dawn.

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~A Story~

   Once there was a boy who made a promise, one which had been broken. The promise was to cherish, love, care for, and take care of his mother. Instead he took advantage of, desolated, desecrated, and basically all out destroyed his mother.

   The boy repeatedly kept promising to fix her up, as best he could, back to the way she was. Each time though he broke his promise.

   Now the mother was quite worried for the boy was leading a destructive life and soon would destroy himself and her. She did not know what to do, should she through him out of her house, let him destroy himself, or give him another chance.

   She decided to give him another chance, and she was glad. Yet she was sad for the boy only fulfilled parts of the promise and not all, but he was trying and that's all she could ask for.

   This is not a fictional story, it is true, the boy is Mankind the mother is of course Earth.


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