COAR 2003 Election Survey - Thornhill Results

Name Party Connection with adoption Types of legislation supported for adult adoptee access to original birth certificate. Options given:
i) unconditional,
ii) with contact veto,
iii) with disclosure veto)
Types of legislation supported for birth parent access to adoptee's amended birth certificate. Options given:
i) unconditional,
ii) with contact veto,
iii) with disclosure veto)
Bridget Haworth Green Adoptee with contact vetoes with contact vetoes The reason that I have chosen that both birth parents and adoptees should be able to choose a contact veto is because I think that both should have equal rights.

Although it is a truly unsettling experience to not know your own identity, some birth moms may have been forced to have an unwanted pregnancy. This is particularly possible for those that got pregnant before there was freedom of choice.

As for adoptees they too may want to focus on the family they grew up in and not want their world fragmented by a birth parent.

It is a truly difficult situation where one persons desires could be infringing on another's rights. That is why I hope there will be better models of adoption in the future. Although I don't think there will ever be a fail proof model as we are dealing with a very personal matter. And an adoptee is a baby and can not express there choice.

I always remind myself that all families have problems whether adopted or natural. But to live within three families is quite the juggle and I have the experience of juggling three worlds and I'm not sure if I would choose to do that again.

Laurie Orrett NDP       Howard Hampton, NDP leader has responded to your important questionnaire on my behalf and on behalf of all the NDP candidates. I'm sure you will be satisfied with our answers.
Mario Racco Liberal none with contact vetoes with contact vetoes  

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Page last updated: September 26, 2003