Chapter 1: COM Program Structure


Welcome to your first assembly lesson. I suggest you to read the preliminary lesson before proceeding. If you have read it, I understand that everything is not clear. Now, I try to clarify things here. I also assume that you have the tools you need: an assembler and a text editor. If you don't have either TASM or MASM, you can look at free assemblers in here. Of course you'd have to adjust your code a bit. I assume that you are able convert numbers from decimal to binary or to hexadecimal and vice versa. You would probably need a Norton Guide for assembly language. It acts like a help when you forget any commands or "magic numbers".


Why Assembly?

Some of you may complain about assembly: It's difficult, error prone, hard to debug, takes a lot of time to develop, etc. Yes, that's true. However:

  1. Assembly is fast. A LOT faster than any compiler of any language could ever produce.
  2. Assembly is a lot closer to machine level than any language because the commands of assembly language is mapped 1-1 to machine instructions.
  3. Assembly code is A LOT smaller than any compiler of any language could ever produce.
  4. In Assembly, you have the RAW power of your machine. You can tweak it any way you want.
  5. In Assembly, we can do a lot of things that we can't do in any higher level language, such as playing with processor flags, etc.

'Nuff said. You must have a really good reason in writing assembly language. Don't do anything in assembly. Instead, tweak any codes that need speed or size smashed into assembly. Otherwise you'd end up with unfinished projects.


COM Structure

Among the simplest structure of assembly language is COM structure. The structure is quite straight forward to implement. However, there are some restrictions apply:

Well, don't bother about the 64KB restriction. It is a whole lot of code and data -- for now. Trust me! Probably after you code some assembly language, you'd understand why Bill Gates said that 1 MB is THE unreachable limits years ago :-).

OK, let's look into our first program (TASM ideal version):

model tiny

   org 100h
   jmp start

   ; your data and subroutine here

   mov ax, 4c00h
   int 21h

In MASM version:

.model tiny

   org 100h
   jmp start

   ; your data and subroutine here

   mov ax, 4c00h
   int 21h
end entry

It's pretty much similar. Let's save your file into MYPROG.ASM

To assemble it using TASM, type the following:

tasm myprog
tlink /t myprog

For MASM, type: ML myprog.asm

Here is line-by-line explanation on the program:


Making Labels

In assembly, to make labels is simple, just put any name and stick it with a colon(:). Label usually serves as a tag of where you'd like to jump and so on. You have to pick unique names for each label, otherwise the assembler will fail. There is a way to make it local: to prefix it with a @@ in front of the label name and still end it with a colon. However, this kind of label only valid in procedures or sub-routines. So, don't use this kind of labels right now.



In assembly, after the word end or end entry, your program DOES NOT terminate automatically. Pay attention to this. You have to specify that you would like to terminate your program. The two line commands in above example can be used to terminate programs.

Assembly language command in x86 platform is usually formatted as follows:

[label:] mneumonic target, source

Mneumonic is just the jargon for assembly commands. Why is it called that way? It is because that the commands in assembly (somewhat) resemble English words. Then followed by the target, and then comma, and then the source. Label can precede the command if any. For example:

mov ax, 4c00h

Is to move the value 4c00 hexadecimal into the register AX. Simple right?

If there is only one parameter (like in int 21h), usually it denotes the source or the destination depending on the command. Like in jmp start, it means jump to the destination start. As in int 21h, you are invoking operating system library in vector 21 hexadecimal.

You must notice that many of assembly language numbers are expressed in either hexadecimal or binary. So, be really prepared.

If you list the directory after you correctly assemble your program, you will be surprised: The whole bunch of lines is squashed into only 8 bytes! And it's running! WOW! See? It is still could be even smaller (5 bytes or even 2 bytes).


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