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Church of God, Sabbath Day


The independent Churches of God share a common foundation of belief in Jesus Christ as our Savior, Lord and Master, and fellowship with believers who keep both weekly and annual Sabbaths, and who believe in keeping the Commandments of God as magnified by Jesus Christ.

Brethren are maturing dynamically and growth often leads to new understanding of doctrines. It is hoped that Brethren will edify each other with sound Biblical principles. While differences in maturity, background, and administration are likely to be encountered in local congregations, Brethren are encouraged to be respectful of these differences according to Scriptures.
(Psalms 133:1, Ephesians 4:1-8;11-13)


We believe in ONE GOD (John 17:11), a family of eternally existing spirit Beings, The Father, and the Son, with supreme intelligence, love, justice, power, and authority. They created the heavens, the earth and all life upon it.

2. The Church

We believe that The Church of God, is a spiritual organism, a body of believers (Colossians 1:18) consisting of many congregations and individuals:

3. The Bible

We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are God's revelation and complete expressed will to man, inspired in thought and word (2 Peter 1:20-21), and infallible in the original writings; that they are the final authority in faith and in life, the source of truth. We believe that all things taught contrary to the Holy Bible are FALSE

4. Angelic Realm

We believe that intelligent beings, created and composed of spirit, were prehistoric as well as current but invisible, inhabitants of the earth (Job 38: 6-7, Jude 6).

5. Mankind

We believe that man was created in God's own image in temporal, material form, God is a spirit; but to ultimately be changed in the future to become like God.

6. The Ten Commandments

We believe that the eternal law, codified by the Ten Commandments, is still applicable to all those who claim to follow Jesus Christ:

7. Baptism/Laying on of hands

We believe in the ordinance of water baptism by immersion following repentance. Through the laying on of hands, with prayer, the believer receives the Holy Spirit and becomes a part of the spiritual body of Jesus Christ.

8. The PASSOVER "The Lord's Supper"

We believe that the church should observe the LORD'S Passover (Lev. 23:5) at the beginning of Nisan 14, with Christ as our Passover sacrifice (1 Cor. 5:7)

9. Annual Holy Days

We believe that all "... the feasts of the LORD...", list in Lev. 23, are to be kept as "... a statue forever in all your dwellings throughout your generations."

10. The Sabbath Day

We believe that the weekly Sabbath is to be observed on the seventh day of the week.

11. The Kingdom of God

We believe that Jesus Christ will return to this earth and establish the kingdom of God.

12. Resurrection

We believe in the resurrection of the just, to eternal life. At the return of Christ to this earth.

13. Tithing

We believe in "voluntary" tithing and giving of freewill offerings as a way of honoring God with our substance (Prov 3:9), and as a means of serving Him in the preaching of the gospel, the care of the church, attending the Festivals, and helping the needy.
(Deuteronomy 16:16-17; Malachi 3:8-10; Matthew 6:21; IICorinthians 9:7; Hebrews 7:4-14; Leviticus 27:30)

14. Reward of the Saved

We believe that those who receive eternal life at the first resurrection will reign on earth with Christ.

15. Final Testing

We believe that all people will be given the opportunity for salvation to eternal life after a period of education and testing
(1 Tim. 2: 3-4).

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