These are our six cats, all named after coke products. They are also members of the Friskies Cat Food, Cat Club.

Meow: My name is Coca-Cola. I'm black in colour and a little boy. The Hill Family took me in when I was 4 months old. I had been abused. Someone broke my left hind leg and left me to die. A vet found me , took me to his hospital and fixed my leg. I needed a home but no one wanted me because of my leg as I have a permanent limp. When the Hill Family saw me they fell in love with me and didn't care if I had a bad leg. They have given me a wonderful home since Nov. 1991. I never go outside nor do my fellow cats as our family doesn't want anything to happen to us.
Meow: They call me Sprite. I'm black and white, about the same age as Coca-Cola and I'm a very laid back cat. I also was abused. I was found by the same vet and he took me in and cared for me. He knew that I couldn't stay much longer so he called the Hill Family and yes they gave me a home. Coca-Cola and I had been friends at the vet's so we now were back together. I joined the family in Dec. 1991. At the time there were 2 older cats (Pepper and Skittie), and Ginger a cairn terrier living with us. They have since passed on but our family misses them very much. We have dedicated a page to them. We hope you could stop by and spend a minute with them to see how wonderful they were.
Meow: I was given the name Fresca. I'm a long hair tortoise shell, a little girl. I was also abused and found by the same vet and given to the Hill Family. I was born in the summer of 1993 and joined the Hill Family in Oct. 1993. I have a favourite lazy boy chair that I love to sleep on the back of. One day while I was asleep on the back, I fell off the chair. I was not hurt but was quite surprised. I still love to sleep on the chair even after that incident.
Meow: Just call me Fanta. I'm black and white and a very big boy. I was also an abused cat. I was born in the fall of 1994 and abandoned during a snow storm in Feb. 1995. Rowland found me outside his workplace and gave me shelter until Nancy and the girls came to pick me up and take me home. I have been with them ever since and all of us cats are friends. By the way, I am also a big attention seeker and will do anything to be petted.
Meow: Guess what my name is...I'm Fruitopia. I'm a light calico, a little girl. I was not an abused cat. I was born on a farm of a friend of the Hill Family in June 1996. Heather and Samantha saw me and fell in love with me and yes they gave me a wonderful home. Heather and Samantha would like to thank Johnathan for letting me come to live with them. Fresca did not like me at first but has since come to be a friend of mine.
Meow: Don't foget me. My name is Minute Maid. My former owner wanted me put down when I was 7 weeks old. They did not want any cats. The vet tech took me in until a home could be found. The Hill family heard about me and decided I could join their family. I was 14 weeks when I came to live with them, on Dec 18,1999. The other cats have accepted me now. Fanta is my buddy and my baby sitter - we play together for hours. I'm glad the Hill family heard my story.

Mighty Meow Club!

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