Hgeocities.com/coleyo07/spells.htmlgeocities.com/coleyo07/spells.htmlelayedxhJZ7OKtext/html!u:7b.HFri, 16 Jul 2004 05:11:20 GMT Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *hJ7 Spells
This page is a list of all spells in the Harry Potter series. This does not include spells used int he video games and movies, but a list containing these spells seperately is in progress If anyone knows where a list of spells from the movies and video games- email me at coleyo07@yahoo.com.
Accio- Charm to summon objects. Casted by saying "Accio -name-"

Alohomora- Spell used to unlock doors.

Aparecium- This spell was used to reveal invisible ink

Avada Kedavra- Killing curse that will get you a life sentence in Azkaban if used. 1 of 3 unforgivable curses.

Avis- Spell that makes birds burst from your wand

Colloportus- Opposite of Alohomora. Used to lock doors.

Crucio- Torture curse used to cause "ultimate pain". 1 of 3 unforgivable curses. (Life sentence in Azkaban if used)

Deletrius- Ends Priori Incantatem. (Counter spell)

Densaugeo- Offensive spell that enlarges front teeth.

Diffindo- Severing charm. Basically, cuts things. (I'm not sure if you can use it offensively)

Dissendium- Used to open witch statues hump to get sneak into Hogsmeade.

Engorgio- Enlarges objects. (Countered with Reducio)

Enneverate- Spell that awakes vicitims stunned with Stupefy. (Counter spell)

Evanesco- Banishing spell.

Expecto Patronum- Summons a patronus, a force used to repel dementors.

Expelliarmus- Disarms opponent, making their wand fly fromt heir hands. (Contrary to the third Harry Potter game- at least for PS2- it does NOT reflect spells. That is Protego)

Ferula- Summons bandages for injuries from your wand.

Finite Incantatem- Spell used to end all spells in progress. You can also simply say "Finite."

Flagrate- Summons a flaming red X.

Furnunculus- Offensive spell that summons boils on victims

Impedimenta- The Impediment Curse. Slows down victims temporarily.

Imperio- The Imperius Curse. Allows you to command the victim to do whatever you say. 1 of 3 unforgivable curses (Life sentence in Azkaban if used)

Impervius- Charm used to repel water off of an object.

Incarcerous- Binds victim with ropes summoned from your wand.

Incendio- Spells that starts a fire.

Legilimens- Used on opponent to see their thoughts and memories.

Locomotor- Moves an object. Used by saying "Locomotor -object-".

Locomotor Mortis- Leg locker curse. Makes it so you can't move your legs temporarily.

Lumos- Creates a light at the tip of your wand.

Mobiliarbus- See Locomotor.

Mobilicorpus- Same as Locomotor and Mobiliarbus except used on unconcious people.

Morsmorde- Shoots the dark mark into the sky.

Nox- Ends Lumos. (Counter spell)

Obliviate- Erases memory. Effects vary depending on the strength of the charm.

Orchideous- Summons flowers from at the tip of your wand.

Peskipiksi Pesternomi- As far as I know, nothing. It may ward off pixies, but when Lockhart cast it was ineffective. (What's new with Lockhart)

Petrificus Totalus- Full Body Bind. Snaps victims arms and legs together so they can't move.

Portus- Turns an object into a port key, an object that teleports a person to a specific place.

Prior Incantato- Shows the last spell cast from your wand.

Protego- Shielding Charm that reflects spells back at opponent.

Quietus- Ends sonorus. (Counter spell)
