Photos - summer camp 2004
Here's some pics of what we got up to at Netherurd in June 2004.
Our theme was Adventure Out, and there were lots of fun challenges from the Adventure Out booklet.  The guides chose which ones to do and when.
Here are some guides trying to balance on a log:
Balancing challenge
Balance challenge
Birthday cakes!
One guider and one guide had their birthdays at camp, so we had birthday cake for 11s's!

One activity was bubble blowing with mega-strong bubble liquid which we made ourselves.
On Saturday night we had a campfire with the other unit which was also camping at Netherurd that weekend.  We sang lots of silly songs and had a promise ceremony.
Meal time
Dinner time
Patrol tent
Parachute games
Above: parachute games and a patrol tent (before tidying up!)
Below: skipping and following the string trail trying not to spill too much water.
String trail
Cleaning pots
Cooking tea (left) and cleaning pots (above)
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