Col's Alternate Links

This is my collection of links that lead to MA+ (or more offensive) sites. Consider yourself warned.


Cruel Site of the Day - As stated in the blurb, this site "presents a daily link to the world of the perturbed, peeved, pensive and postal." Definitely not for the faint-hearted.

Every two-or-three-days Dailies

Ctrl+Alt+Del - On-line comic about computer gaming. Pretty excellent.

Penny Arcade - Same again, only better.


- Site with parodied news stories. Hilarious stuff.

Spells & Whistles - Web comic following the often humourous adventures of a bunch of characters in a fantasy RPG-like setting. I often have games like this...


The Chaser - Australia's only satirical newspaper. Sadly unavailable in its print version anywhere near where I live.

Everything else

Adult Christianity - Site dedicated to exploding the myths and uncovering the seedy underbelly of Christianity. This site will serve to eliminate or strengthen your faith - you choose. Well researched, and quite an eye-opener.

The Editing Room - Parodied abridged scripts for movies. Damned good. Read only scripts from movies that you've seen though, since there are spoilers.

How To Fight The Religious Right - I love this site. A Biblical argument against any Fundamentalist Christian belief. Also check out ProtectGod.Com for more anti-bible information.

- Religious parody site. Not for the easily offended, the Right-Wing religious, or anyone under 18.

Newgrounds - Flash games of many varieties. Fun!

Red Meat - An on-line comic strip - but this one will break your brain.

TV Go Home - A supremely offensive but utterly hilarious site containing parodies of British TV guides.

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