ðHgeocities.com/colleen_lamond/SG.htmgeocities.com/colleen_lamond/SG.htm.delayedxNnÔJÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÈP©–S'OKtext/html Övá:S'ÿÿÿÿb‰.HWed, 26 Feb 2003 19:21:49 GMT¤Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *NnÔJS' 1) a) Define Density
1) a) Define Density
   b) Define Specific Gravity
   c) Which is a relative value, and which is and absolute?
   d) Define Atomic weight
2)a) Name 4 methods of finding specific gravity.
  b) Name an advantage and a disadvantage to each.
3)a) Draw a Direct Reading Specific Gravity Balance and label the parts.
  b) Give the steps used in using the Direct-Reading SG Balance.
4)For the following elements, chart their name, possible valencies,
atomic weight and a gem material they're found in (natural OR
Al, Be, K, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, H, O, Si, B, Ca, C, P, Zr.
5) Name 3 factors can influence the specific gravity of a substance?
6)For the following groups of gemstones, chart their chemical
composition, specific gravity, hardness, crystal system and common
a) Emerald & Aquamarine
b) Ruby & Blue sapphire & Colourless Sapphire
c) Rock crystal & Amethyst & Citrine & Chalcedony & Jasper
d) Hematite & Pyrite
e) Jadeite & Nephrite & Serpentine
f) Spinel & Synth, Spinel
g) Garnets - Pyrope & Almandine & Spessartite
h) Garnets - Uvarovite & Grossular & Andradite
i) Diamond, CZ, Synth. Moissonite, YAG, GGG, Synth. Rutile, Strontium
7) For the following groups what may account for the
differences (if any) in specific gravity?
a) Emerald & Aquamarine
b) Ruby & Blue sapphire & Colourless Sapphire
c) Rock crystal & Amethyst & Citrine & Chalcedony & Jasper
d) Hematite & Pyrite
e) Garnets - Pyrope & Almandine & Spessartite
f) Diamond, CZ, Synth. Moissonite, YAG, GGG, Synth. Rutile, Strontium