Hgeocities.com/collegeguy653/journal.htmlgeocities.com/collegeguy653/journal.htmldelayedxsoJ~(OKtext/htmlhw:(b.HThu, 03 Feb 2005 05:26:02 GMTMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *soJ( journal
February 2, 2005: Well, I haven't written in awhile but nothing really exciting has gone on.  David and I have made a Marriage Agreement and have signed it.  It states, amongst other things, that will use a time-out document if we feel the urge to cheat.  We will be honest and upfront about everything with eachother, including feelings, emotions, and infidelity.  Work is going ok.  Mandi has been off for a week because of a car wreck.  I somethings think that she is an oportunist.  I can't help but be mad at her for abusing the system.  She is constantly looking for ways to better herself.  She tells me that she will complain at restaurants about something inorder to get free or reduced food.  I saw Dr. Higbee today and he put me on Effexor to try and combate depression/anxiety using a more potent med than Paxil.  He says that this one will work on Seratonin and Norepi in the brain.  He thinks that my poor sleep and fatigue could be due to depression, even though I don't feel depressed anymore.  It is a good theory.  Well, I'm tired and am going to bed.  Tomorrow is another appt with Nona and I may even watch the movie she wants me to.  Goodnight.