The Czech Republic

Never go to Pizza Hut in Prague

Another Train

Yes, that's right, another train ride. You see, Yoriko didn't have a visa for Slovakia, and the train from Budapest to Prague went through Slovakia. So we decided to make a detour through Vienna. A pretty logical choice, I mean, who wouldn't want to go to Vienna again? Ok, I admit, I am biased. The train ride wasn't too eventful, so I'll spare you the details. Actually, the border crossing was lots of fun. The Austrians were evidently on the look-out for smugglers, so they had an extra-tall border guard to test the ceiling of the train. It was amusing. We also almost lost Eugene in Vienna. I believe he went to make a phone call, while waiting for the train to leave. Since the train was supposed to leave quite soon, we told him to take his bags with. He almost didn't make it back in time. We were already planning what we were going to do. But he came. Of course, while in Vienna, we ate Krapfen and Mozart Kugeln. Yummy!

We arrived in Prague in the afternoon and quickly made our way to the youth hostel. The ticket inspectors moved with equal speed. They checked us every time. Fortunately, we are law-abiding citizens (well, I don't know about that, but anyway)so we had tickets. Finding the youth hostel wasn't easy. The path was almost labyrinthine, and after a bit, it emerged. The hostel is in a sports school. We saw gymnasts practicing in the gym downstairs. Students probably used to board upstairs, but now it's a hostel. It was rather nice, multiple people to a room-maybe 12-but everyone had their own locker with key, which was convenient. We walked around town in the evening and ate dinner at a restaurant which specialised in beer. Unfortunately, the photo documenting me drinking didn't turn out. For reference, I did have half a glass-but it was a large glass. Eugene gladly finished it for me. As far as beer goes, it was very good. They food was, well Czech. The food always seems to be the same when I'm in Prague.
The next day, we visited the sites. This, of course, included the local supermarket. Incidentally, while eating the souvenirs we bought at the supermarket, I managed to spill cherry yoghurt all over my face-the dangers of eating yoghurt without a spoon. Since we were taking a night train to Krakow, we decided to kill some time in the local Pizza Hut, since dinner at a local place had taken too long the previous day. This was a big mistake and we all felt very sick afterwards. Just the way one wants to feel before a train journey. And that was Prague.

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