***Author’s note***

Sorry for the long delays everyone, but the holiday was a killer on my spare time.  Not to mention that I caught the flu which lasted for a few weeks and that was before school started again.  Well, I won’t mention everything that went wrong since my last update.  So, without further ado, I present you the next chapter of First Knight.  Hope you like it.  Don’t forget to send C&C to xile@crosswinds.net

***End of note***



Here we go.  These characters do not belong to me.  I’m only using them for entertainment purposes only.  Er….  It’s not like that at all.  Honest.


See for yourself.



It was late afternoon when Akane entered the backyard.  She’d just had another argument with her father and Genma in regards to the ‘runaway Ranma’.  She was getting tired of repeating her answers and after almost 6 weeks of the same questions, she would have thought they would get the idea. 


But no, they continued to pester her about Ranma’s disappearance and where he was hiding and each time she would say, “I don’t where that BAKA went!” and stomped out of the room to avoid any more questions.


She slowly began her kata and tried to push the sudden sadness and the mention of his name.  He promised her he would return and she knew he always kept his word.  It was just a matter of waiting patiently.


“ARGH!  Where are you BAKA?” she shouted to no one in particular.


She stayed at the koi pond and stared blankly into the water as if it was a magical mirror that will obey her command and show her what she wanted to see the most.  Unfortunately, the only reply she received was a splash from the koi.  After some time, she left the pond and made her way to the house, but was stopped by Ryouga.


“Ryoga, please let go of me,” Akane repeated louder.


“B-But why?”




Chapter 3

By X-ile


“Because she asked you to,” echoed a distant voice from behind the two teenagers who was perched on the wall surrounding the Tendou's home.


At the sound of the voice, everything seemed to slow for the short hair girl in yellow gi as her movement suddenly slowed to a near stop.  Her eyes widened and jaw dropped as she cautiously turned toward the disturbance and began to move, only to be held back by a strong hand that had previously grabbed her wrist.


Ryoga stared at the figure on the wall in disbelieve and hatred.  His one chance at happiness ruined again.  His hatred burned deep and he shouted.  “RANMA!!!  PREPARE TO DIE”


A sharp pain in her right arm brought Akane back to reality as well as the angry growl from Ryouga.  She quickly reversed the hold Ryouga had on her and clutched his left arms with both her hands.  “Ryouga stop!”


He stopped, but one could easily tell that it was with great strain.  He glared at the intruder and gave a low growl to clearly show his displeasure.  “You don’t belong here!”


The intruder raised his brow and hopped off the wall and strode across the yard with such grace that an untrained eye would believe that he floated rather than walked.  The intruder didn’t say anything as he move closer to the two teens and stop when he was three meters away from Ryouga.  He crossed his arms and smiled.  “Hiya, Akane.  Did you miss me?”


Akane became speechless as she stared at him lovingly.  She waited so long for this moment and now that he was here with her, she was speechless.  She gave him a nervous nod and reached out with her right hand, beckoning him closer so she could wrap her arms around him.  He gave her a cocked smile and she couldn’t help but giggled softly.


The silence was unnerving for his already aching heart and raging emotions.  Everything would have been perfect; he would tell her the great news and she would gladly accept.  But now, his rival had returned and ruined everything.  It was all Ranma’s fault.  The pain, misery, and above all the humiliation was his fault.  He had to pay and it was time to collect.


“Stay away from her, you bastard!”


That really put a dent in their mood and both showed sign of annoyance.


“What do you want, Pig-boy?” Ranma said with disgust.


“I said ‘Stay away from her’!  Akane’s not your fiancee any more!”


Ranma arched his brow, curious and slightly worried.  If he knew Ryouga, and pretty dawn well, he was certain that Ryouga wouldn’t act so confident unless he was sure about someting, “Oh?  And why not?”


Ryouga crossed his arms and snickered, “Cause she’s mine,” he said in a honey coated voice.


There was a moment of silent before they shouted in unison, “WHAT!?”


“You heard me,” he said with the same honey dripped voice.  “I talked to her father and he agreed.”  He walked up to the shocked Ranma and jabbed his fore finger, stressing each syllable, “She’s my fiance.”


Ranma remained silent at the revelation, too shocked to speak as he felt his world began to crumble with each word.


“So, stay away from her, you coward,” he threatened.


A sudden growl brought both of their attention back to a fuming Akane, whom they have temporarily forgotten.


“And why did Otousan agree that?” she asked dangerously.


“W-Well, you see….  Since Ranma ran away [Ranma was about to retort, but a glare of Akane caused him to whimper] I-I asked and h-he agreed,” he stuttered under her cold gaze.


Akane gave a quick growl before reeling in her control.  She muttered something about ‘death’, ‘baka’, and ‘otousan’ before taking several deep breaths.  Once calmed, she faced Ryouga and said sternly, “Ryouga.  I can’t be your fiancee.”


“W-What?  B-B-But…W-W-Why….”


“I already have a fiancee,” she interrupted.  “I’m sorry.”


Ryouga’s body trembled at the revelation.  He was certain that with Ranma out of the picture, he had full advantage in the race, but now, another had beaten him to it.  Then another thought crossed his feeble mind, “W-W-Who?  I-Is it Shinnosuke?”


Surprised, “N-No!” 


Ranma sighed in relief.


“THEN WHO?” he demanded.


Shocked at the tone, she stammered, “R-Ranma.”


His world shattered at the name as if it was some ultimate attack, some unbeatable technique that was impossible to counter.  “How?” his mind wondered.  “How could Ranma beat him?  Why does he always beat him?” he asked silently, completely oblivious to Akane’s words.  Images flashed through his mind of every occurrence that involved Ranma and things became clear.  He finally had a reason.  He had a purpose.


“PREPARE TO DIE!” he shouted and attacked in blind rage.


Ranma was completely caught off guard by the attacks, as he was too lost in his thought and the first few strikes struck home.  He staggered back a bit before leaping over the next strike, he landed several meters away, taking up a relax stance as he eyed the lost boy.


“RYOUGA STOP!” she snapped.


Her voice pierced through his rage like a cold front on a warm summer day causing him to stumble slightly.  His gaze still held his rival in view.


“Don’t you dare attack Ranma,” she commanded sternly.


“He deserves it for all the pain the caused you,” Ryouga snarled and clenched his fist tighter.


“That’s for me to decide.”




“No but!” she cut his argument short.  “I said ‘NO!’”


Ryouga froze in his track and debated his options.  On one hand, he could continue with his original plan to beat up Ranma for making his life miserable.  On the other hand, he didn’t want to go against Akane.


“Listen very carefully, Ryouga,” she continued.  “I don’t know what kind of rivalry you have with Ranma, but it ends now.”


“B-But…  You don’t understand!  You don’t know what he’ll do!  He’ll just hurt you again,” he reasoned.


Angry, “What?  You don’t think I can handle Ranma?  You don’t think I can handle myself?  Am I too weak?”


Ryouga visibly paled as she took a few steps forward.  He wasn’t quite used to the thought of Akane advancing on him with such fervor, which was usually, if not always, reserved for Ranma.  As a result, he was at a lost at how to respond or defuse the situation, not that he was any good anything other than fighting, jumping to conclusion, and blaming Ranma for his trouble.


“Well, what do you have to say for yourself?” she tapped her foot.


He glanced between Akane and Ranma and desperately searched for a way to direct her anger at him like it had always been.  The way it should be.


“B-Because he makes you cry and… and he’ll just hurt you like before.”


Akane sighed and said, “Yes, Ranma did hurt me in the past.”  Noticing the grin, she quickly added, “But he also made me happy.  Ryouga, stop blaming Ranma for everything.  Not everything is his fault!”


“Yes it is!”


“No, it’s not!”


“Of course it is.  He’s a coward and he’ll run away like he did at our duel.”


“You were late!”


“He should have waited.”


“He did.”


“He made my life hell!”


“What does that have to do with me?!”




“Enough!”  Akane was near the end of her patient.  Ever since Ranma left for his training, her view of Ryouga had changed dramatically.  She not longer saw the innocent and trusted friend she once knew; rather, she saw an obsessed boy who couldn’t take responsibility.  She wasn’t sure why she failed to notice it before.  No, she did, but was blinded by her own arrogant and short temper.  The new view was disheartening. 


“Ummm… excuse me…” Ranma voiced nervously


“Stay out of this,” they shouted in unison and Ranma quickly backed away.


“Ryouga, who I choose is my decision and no one else.”


“B-But you’re force to marry that coward!”


Akane gritted her teeth, “I’m not force to marry Ranma.  He asked me and I said yes.”


At that, he felt another blow to his heart.  “No…. you can’t,” he whispered.  “You can’t!  You can’t love him!  You don’t love him!”


“YES I DO!” she blurted.


“You can’t possibly love that coward!”


Akane had enough of Ryoga insulting her fiancé.  “How dare you say that?  Who I love is my decision and not anyone else.  He’s a better man than you’ll ever be.  He cares about me more than anything.  He’s always there when I needed him most.  He always protected me no matter what the cost is to his life.”


Ryouga fell to his knees.  He felt more lost than he ever before.  Why?  Why did she choose Ranma?  Why couldn’t she see what a honorless coward Ranma was?


Ranma approached Ryouga carefully and placed a hand on his shoulder.  “Hey Ryouga?  You ‘kay man?”  Again he was caught off guard as Ryouga lounged for him and attacked wildly.


“IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT.  YOU TOOK HER AWAY FROM ME!  YOU MADE MY LIFE HELL!  DIE BASTARD!”  He didn’t care anymore.  He lost Akane.  He was always second best to Ranma.  Always his shadow.  He lost everything, all because of Ranma.  All because he existed.  No more!  He would end it one way or another.


Though he was caught of guard for the second time today, he was still able to recover quickly.  The punches and kicks were chaotic and almost unpredictable, but he had little trouble parrying the attacks, thanks to his training.  What surprise him the most when he found Ryouga stopped suddenly with his umbrella in his right hand, pulled back in a striking position.  He took a moment to blink and noticed that Ryouga didn’t stop voluntarily.  Instead, Akane was behind him with her arms wrapped around his wrist, holding it firmly.  Her gaze was steady and determined.


“Ryouga, that’s enough,” her voice was flat and emotionless.  Even then, they could hear clearly the underlining threat as clear as night and day.  He slowly lowered his weapon, but the tension remained.


“I think it’s time that you leave,” she commanded.


Like a silver bullet, the words pierce his rage and his eyes shot wide as he jerked his toward toward Akane.  “W-What?”


“Leave, Ryouga.  You’ve stayed long enough.”




“No, Ryouga.  I think it’s best that you leave,” she said quietly, her gaze firm, unrelenting.  “Now.”


Ryouga swallowed the lumped in his throat, eyes unblinking at the one person who was his world.  Her words finally hit home and his head felt heavy.  His body was numb and his chest tightened.  He whipped violently away from her firm grip and ran away, eyes closed.  He willed his curse to lead him.  By the time he opened his eyes, he was lost.



Ranma watched as Ryoga disappeared over the wall.  Before he realized it, Akane was already kissing him.  He smiled inwardly.  He had waited so long to feel the soft touch of her lips against his.  He responded in kind to the request with all the passion that he could muster.


Unknown to the two lovebirds in the middle of the dojo, Nabiki stood at the door watching them.  She smiled at the sight.  It felt good seeing her sister happy with someone whom she had constantly denied and hid from.  She just hoped that the training Ranma received would be enough to fight against the Amazons if necessary.


After what felt like an eternity, Ranma reluctantly released Akane from their long awaited kiss.  He held her back to admire the beautiful face before him.  He could place every curves, lines, coloration, and any minute details he had memorized seven weeks ago.  He also noticed a change in her eyes.  They told him of the loneliness, sadness, and maturity she had endured during his absent.  He had never wanted to bring any harm to her and seeing the hurt in her eyes brought a pain of guilt and small tears down his cheeks.


Akane could not believe the sight before her.  Even after feeling his strong arms wrapped around her body, she could not shake the feeling that it was all a dream.  A dream that if she woke up, she would once again feel the loneliness and despair that had plagued her for so many nights.  Though she knew he would return to her like he promised, she could not denied the emptiness that had crept into her heart.  For so long, she had taken his constant presence for granted and the thought of life without him ever so near terrifies her.  She would gladly face hell than to live a moment without him. 


Staring into his mysterious deep blue eyes, she noted how they sparkles and glistens in the morning dew and felt her own tears threatening to break free again.  A small giggle escaped through her soft sobbing as she thought of how many times she had called him insensitive or a jerk.  But seeing the tears on his cheek made her realize that he had suffered as much as she did.  She slowly lifted her now very weak and tire arms to his face and with great care wiped the tears away with her thumbs.  How he had change so much in the last seven weeks.  "Oh, Ranma," an audible whisper escaped her throat.


With a smirk, Ranma spoke, "How's can kawaiikune otemba like you cry so much?"


Then again, maybe he didn't change that much.  For some reason, she couldn't get mad at him.  *Hmm…I might not be able to pound you right now, but I'm not going to forget, either.  I'll get you for that, just you wait baka.*


Before Ranma could make any other comments, the two fathers burst into the room yelling.  Engrave instinct took control and both Ranma and Akane parted each other immediately before each realizing what they had done.


“Ranma!  How dare you leave my daughter like that!” shouted the enlarged head of Soun.


“I…I di…” Before Ranma had the chance to explain, a flash of white out of the corner of his eye caught his attention and he quickly leaped to the right avoiding the jump kick from the bald man.


“How dare you run away from your responsibility, Boy?” growled Genma.  Now that his ‘good for nothing son’ was back, he thought it was best to teach him a lesson about honor and responsibility.


“I didn’t run away, old man!” Ranma snapped back.


“Humph…then what do you call it?” Genma shouted back as he attacked his son.


While easily dodging all the attacks, he snickered at the old man.  “You’re getting old, Pop.  Maybe I should slow down a bit.”




Ranma continued to move between the various punches and kicks as he stealthily led him over to the pond.  Noticing an opportunity, he opened his defense just enough for his Pop to notice.  Just as Genma was about to break through the defense, Ranma vanished from sight.


Genma was completely caught off guard at his son disappearance.  Unfortunately, his attack had too much momentum and fell face first into the koi pond.  Quickly resurfacing, he growled to the audience in general.  Though he would not show it in public, he was astonished at his son new technique.  Unlike the Umi-sen-ken, which only hid the person aura, Ranma had actually disappeared from sight.  It was one of the few things about his son that he greatly admires.  He knew that Ranma had easily surpassed him long before and continued to push himself beyond his limit.  With each new technique Ranma learned, he felt proud, as any teacher would be of their student.  Though sometime he wondered how much his relationship with his son had suffered because of his training.  He felt the bond broke completely when Ranma first became cursed.  Since then, his only son referred him as a teacher or old man, nothing more or less.  *The road of a martial artist is fill with peril and danger* Snapping back from his thought, he noticed everyone staring at him.


Raising the sign, ‘What?’ asked the Panda.


Everyone lifted their arm, uncurled their finger and pointed to an area above his head.


Giving them a questioning look, he arched his head upward, but only saw a fist flying down and “’Night, Old Man.”


Leaping back from the fallen panda, Ranma walked back to the dojo and stood next to Akane.  Everyone stared at Genma and back to Ranma wondering how he had reappeared above Genma head.


“R-Ranma,” Akane stuttered as she found her voice first.  “H-How…did you do that?” asked a bewilder Akane.


Smiling broadly, he bragged, “Just something I picked up.”


Crossing her arms across her chest, she gave him the look, “Just something you pickup, huh?  You didn’t pickup anything else did you?”


Slightly confused by the question, Ranma shrugged his shoulder and gave her his most intelligent reply, “huh?  Like what?”


“Oh, I don’t know.  Maybe another fiancé, perhaps?”


Grinning evilly, he cocked his head a little and thought for a moment.


“Well?” she asked with a tinge of anger.


Ranma snapped his finger, “Now that you mention it, I did meet his one girl while I was…”


Akane erupted in anger and screamed, “RANMA NO BAKA.”  *That…that Baka.  Here I was worrying about him and he goes around picking up another fiance.  That hentai!  I’m going to kill him.*


Ranma quickly leaped away from the first swing of the Mallet o Chi and made his way over the wall with glowing Akane trailing.  Once he felt he was far enough from the dojo, he turned around and ran backward.


“Hey Akane, you shouldn’t be jealous.  I mean…. She had short dark blue hair, brown eyes, and the cuties smile in the world….  And… her name is Ak…a…ne”


Before the full comment registered in her mind, Akane’s world came tumbling down.  Her battle’s aura flared to life like never before.  Whatever thought she had about Ranma only moments before no longer had any definitions.  Reaching from behind her back, she pulled out the largest Mallet-O-Chi ever in existence.




“Akane, NO!  Wait!” Ranma cried desperately.  “Uh Oh!”




“O…tem….ba,” Ranma commented weakly before passing out.


The other members of the family had scurried into the safety of the house once they saw Mallet appeared.  Well, everyone except for Nabiki, in part because of curiosity.  Quickly surveying the damages, she concluded that with a few sets of pictures, it would easily be taken care of.  This, of course, was nothing new.  What new was Ranma.  She might not be a martial artist, but she could read anyone like a book, especially Ranma and Akane.  From what she had gathered, she could tell a different in Ranma that she had never seen before.  There was almost a calm tranquility to his presence rather than the constant chaos.  Though she can’t deny that it was not there, but she can say that it was calmer and not as uncontrollable.  She smiled inwardly at the new Ranma.   She would never admit out loud, but she was proud, very proud to call Ranma her brother.  There were not many people she knew that would go the length he had done for her sister.  Facing certain death just to keep those he cared for safe.


Looking at the sleeping Ranma and Akane kneeling over him, she couldn’t help but smirked at the two.  Two of the most stubborn, arrogant, and prideful people falling in love with each other.  The smirked fell into a frown as the thought of her life.  She had been the “Ice Queen” for so long that she almost forgot what it meant to have someone care for you.  Someone who would understand and support you.  She wondered if she would ever find someone like that.  < No, I don’t need anyone.  I have money and my family. >  The look in her eyes betrayed her thought.  Seeing Ranma stirred from his sleep, Nabiki quickly left the dojo.


Holding his hand against her chest, Akane sobbed quietly while muttering, “baka….baka…baka…baka….”  Lost in her own self-guilt, she didn’t noticed Ranma stirred.


“Arghh…” escaped Ranma’s lips as his consciousness came back to life.  Fluttering his eyes a bit, they focused on the angel holding his hand.  He loved the sight and would probably enjoyed it more if it wasn’t for the constant word ‘baka’ echoing in his ear.


“Who’re you calling baka?”


“RANMA!” shouted the tearful Akane.  Quickly releasing his hand, she clung onto Ranma like a life preserver.  “Oh, Ranma.  I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to.  I…I just reacted….”




“Please forgive me….I promise I won’t do it again….”




“I…It’s just that…[sob] I thought you found someone else…and…. and I lost you…”


“Ca…n’t b…r…e…a…t…h”


“Please don’t leave me, Ranma.”


“A….k…a…n…e” Unfortunately for Ranma, Akane didn’t hear his call for help through her rather loud sobbing.


“Ranma…” Something tugged at the back of her mind.  Seeing Ranma turned green and then blue, she quickly released him and moved a few steps back almost afraid to come near for fear of hurting him again.


After a few minutes, Ranma had his breathing under control and looked at Akane.  Immediately, he saw the pain in her eyes and approached her only to have her move away.


“Akane, what’s wrong?” Ranma asked with great concern in his voice.


“I…I’m s-sorry, Ranma.”


“For what, Akane?”


“I…I d-din’t mean to hurt you…I-I thought you found someone else…and…and then I hurt you with my mallet…and…I almost kill you….then…you wasn’t breathing…”


Understanding dawned, Ranma wrapped his arms around the crying girl, and held her tight.  He didn’t know what to say or even how to say it, but he knew what his heart desired.


“Akane,” he whispered in her ear, “you didn’t hurt me.  I’m here with you aren’t I?  I promise I’ll never leave you.”




“Of course.  You mean everything to me.  The only way I could be hurt is if you’re not here with me.”


“Oh, Ranma.”  Hugging him tighter, but not as death threatening as before, she whispered back, “You say the nicest thing.”  Taking a deep breath, “I love you, Ranma.”


Smiling, “I love you too, Akane.”


Later that night, Ranma and Akane were on the roof talking.


Sitting in the comfort of Ranma’s arms, Akane leaned her head on his chest and crossed her arms with his.


Finally she asked, “So, Ranma, do you have a plan?”


Looking up at the stars as if to find the answer, but being denied, he replied, “Well, kinda. (pause) I know what needs to be done, but I don’t know what the result will be.”


“Yeah, there’s no telling what those Amazon will do if they’re defeated.”


Sighed, “I just wished there was a way to settle this without having a big battle about it.”


“I know, Ranma.  I know you’ll think of something.”


“I hope so.”



[Later that night at the Kuno’s Mansion]


“Master Kuno.”


“What is it, my loyal servant?”


“I have a message from Miss Tendo Nabiki.”




“She said that she has information Ranma.”


“At last, the heaven smile upon my greatness and granted me with the power to vanquish that sorcerer.”


“Master Kuno?”




“She won’t say where until you pay her 10,000 yens.”


Kuno’s laugh was cut short and his head fell through the floorboard.  After extricating his head, he turned to his servant, “That’s outrageous!”


Sasuke cringed under the glared and backed away a bit.  “Y-Yes, but Miss Tendo said that or she won’t tell you what she heard from Ranma about where he and Akane will meet.”


“The vile sorcerer dares defile the lovely Tendo Akane.  I forbid it!” he ranted.  “Quickly, pay the merciless Tendo and tell me where is the foul sorcerer?”


Sasuke nervously handed him the cellular phone and Kuno blanched.


“Why, it’s the great Kuno,” Nabiki said sweetly.  “This is the merciless Tendo.”




“My price just went up, Kuno-chan,” her voiced trailed on the last part, dripping with honey.


“How much?”


“I believe it’s at 15,000.”








“Shall I add some more?”


“I dislike you.”


“I’m thrill to hear that, Kuno-chan.”


Sighed and straightened his posture, “Very well, if that’s the prize to thwart the evil Saotome from bringing harm to the fair Akane and my pigtail girl.  Tell me Tendo Nabiki, where might I find the sorcerer so I might…”


“What ever Kuno-chan,” Nabiki interrupted, sounding annoyed.  “I heard Ranma talked to Akane about meeting her somewhere.  Then, Akane mentioned your name and said something about worrying about you.”


“Oh, to think that the lovely Akane should jeopardize her innocent to protect me.  I shall decree that the vengeance of the…”


“Sure sure.  Later, I heard Ranma told Akane not worry and he could easily take care of any problem and they would be together,” she explained and quickly continued before Kuno had the chance to interrupt.  “Anyway, they’re going to meet somewhere together at about 1:30.”




“Umm… He mentioned an address in the northern district of Tokyo, but I can’t b sure,” she trailed off.




“My, you’re learning fast Kuno-chan,” Nabiki smirked.  “Here’s the address.”


Kuno wrote it on a piece of paper and hung up afterward.


“At last, I shall free the fair Akane and lovely pigtail girl from the evil clutches of the sorcerer Saotome.  Hahahahahah.”


Not far from the scene, a figure moved away from the door and smiled wickedly.


“Hohohohoho…..”  The clad leopard figure sprung away from the room.



It was late when Ranma and Akane left the rooftop and returned to Akane’s room.  Inside, Akane sat at the edge of the bed with her arms wrapped around Ranma, content with the closeness.


“I should go,” he said softly.


Akane reluctantly released her hold and smiled weakly, “You don’t have to.”


He quirked his brow, “Oh?”


She fidgeted nervously, “Well, I was thinking that, um, you can… that is spend the night with me.”


“A-Are you sure?” he asked nervously.


She nodded and her cheek became almost as red as her name.  “I-I just want you near.”


Ranma enclosed her in his arms and whispered, “I-I’d like that.”


With a heavy sighed, she returned the hug and pulled him down onto the bed without bothering to change into her pajama.  Well, she thought about it but quickly pushed the idea away because she was scared what she might do.  Being this close to Ranma was enough to excite her and she didn’t want to do anything that she might regret later because she wasn’t able to control herself.  For now, she was satisfied with simple cuddling.


“I love you, Ranma,” she whispered softly before drifting to sleep.


Ranma tightened his hold and kissed her forehead.  “Sweet dreams, Akane.”  He gently stroked her hair and compared his current status to those several months back, to a time when he constantly pushed her away because he was scared.  Scared to love.  Scared to loose.


He shuddered slightly as he recalled the images that forced him to open his eyes and heart and take that dive into the unknown.  That one action changed everything.  He changed, but for the better.  At least he hoped it was for the better.  No matter how much that experience during his training trip scared him, he wouldn’t hesitate to repeat it for the woman he held in his arms.


Ranma took a deep breath and looked down at the sleeping form and smiled, knowing that he made the right decision.  No matter what happens to him, he promised to make her happy.  Feeling a great weigh lifted, he settled against her and drifted into a happy dream.



Early that night in another vicinity of Tokyo, a group of girls and two cats gathered within the shrine for their regular meeting.


“Hey Rei, did you go into any more trances since last week?” Ami asked.


Rei shook her head, “I’m afraid not.”


“How about dreams or fire reading?” Makoto inquired.


Again, she shook her head, “Sorry.  I tried to do a fire reading that day I had the trance, but came up with nothing.”  She sighed and spoke in a frustrated voice, “What ever happened during the trance, I can’t remember a thing and if I went into a trance while no one is around, I doubt I would even realized it.  In a way, it’s really creepy.”


Usagi nodded, “Yeah, real creepy.  I mean, you could go in a trance while your’re shopping.”  She stood up and extended both her arms forward and her eyes unfocused.  “Released me,” she said in a low voice, imitating Rei just a week ago.


Rei flushed with embarrassment and then quickly ‘bonked’ Usagi on the head for being childish.  The other girls snickered while the cats roll their eyes thinking that it was best to ignore and pretended that it never happened.


It wasn’t long before Usagi and Rei started their usual staring and insulting match.  The others shook their head sadly.  It seemed that no matter what happened in the past, life threatening or not, those two were always arguing.  Fortunately, a loud alarm broke through the insults from Amy’s computer.


Amy immediately opened her portable computer and localized the signal.  “I’m getting a reading from an unknown source wandering the city with large amount of negative energy.”


“Well, what are we waiting for?” Makoto shouted excitedly.


“Wait!” Amy interrupted.  “The source is moving too fast and too random to track.  I can’t predict where it will be next.”


“So, what do we do?” asked Minako, also excited at the opportunity to fight some monsters.


“We’ll have to split up and hope to track down the source.  I’ll stay at the local tower and tells everyone where it’s heading.”


Usagi shrugged, “I guess that’ll work.”


The others nodded and transformed into their uniform and disappeared into the night.



Ryouga ran blindly from the Tendou’s compound.  He didn’t care where he was or where he was going.  At one time he did, but it was all destroy with the return of his rival. 


Why can’t he be happy?


Why did it have to be this way?


Why did he have to return?


Why couldn’t he just stay gone forever?


Why wouldn’t he just die?


“Why?” he asked himself.  He knew the answer.  Ranma.  He wanted to take her away from him.  To torture him and keep his love away from him.  He gave a low growled and looked around him.  The night blanketed the city and only the few fluorescence light lined the darken street.  Even the sky failed to review the stars.  The night seemed to fit perfectly with his mood.


“Where the hell am I now?” he shouted at the dark clouds.  “This is all your fault RANMA!”


He looked around, picked a random direction, and ran.  He had to find a way to defeat Ranma, his rival, and his nemesis.  He needed a new technique, a new move, and a power where he could rid this world of him.  Then, Akane would come to him.  She would be with him once Ranma’s hold on her was gone.  She was only with him because of her honor.  An honor that bounded a Tendo to a Saotome.  Now, Akane was honor bound to marry that honorless coward Ranma.  He just needed a new move.  Something that he could use to destroy his rival.


Silently he cursed his rival and promised that he would return and destroy Ranma once he found what was looking for.  Ryouga paused for a moment and looked around him again only to find himself back to the same spot he was a while ago.  He growled and picked another direction.



A dark blob floated between the shadows in the poor lighted neighborhood of Tokyo.  As it made it way to a energy source, it stopped about seven feet from the glowering male with yellow and black bandanna and observed very carefully.


The boy looked around in confusion and rage before running off in another direction.  Silently, the dark shadow followed the random path the boy took and eventually ended up back where he started moments ago.  Again, the boy took a different direction and ran, only to be back at the same spot sometime later, though it took him longer.  If shadow could laugh, it would be laughing right now.


“Damn it!  This is all your fault Ranma!” the boy screamed at no one in particular.  Though, for a moment, it looked like the shadow hesitated in it approach.  Very slowly, it glided across the street, ever coming closer to the lost boy, blending with the back ground in perfect camouflage.


The boy growled under his breath and then stopped looked around as if he felt someone watching him.  As soon as the boy turned around, the shadow emerged with his shadow and rose from the ground in 2D format.  When the boy finally sensed of someone lurking behind, it was too late.  All he saw was the wicked eyes and sinister grin before blackness conquered his consciousness.  He never had the time to even scream for help.


Sometime later, a light chuckled escaped the boy limped body before it rose from the ground.  When he lifted his head and faced the viewer, his eyes were as dark as the deepest black hole and the aura radiated a sense of deaf.


The boy grinned and stretched out his hands towards the sky and laughed maniacally.


“Revenge is mine!” he cried.  “Revenge is all mine!”



“Have you been able to track it?” Mars voice echoed through the comm. 


Mercury shook her head, “I’m trying, but the thing keeps going at random direction,” Mercury answered with a bit of frustration in her voice from her post on top of a tall building.


“Do you have any idea why?” asked Uranus.


“I can’t be sure,” she spoke with as much confident as possible.  There was something about the reading that bothered her and for the life of it; she could not place this premonition.  But without more evidence, she could not accurately deduce the outcome and she didn't want to jump to any conclusion.  She had to be certain of her finding first before leaping.


“Well, the source is still running randomly, but it came back to the same position the last two time.  So, my guess it would come back to it again?”


“Why would it do that?” asked a confused Sailor Moon.  “Is it trying to tell us something?”


Mercury thought for a moment and then shook her head.  “There’s no way someone could be doing this unintentional,” she reasoned.  “I think it’s best to converge at the point as soon as possible before someth…. Oh Kami….”


Her computer panel began to light up the night with hazard signs filling the screen.


“Sailor Mercury!  What’s wrong?” Sailor Moon asked, alerted and worried at the silence.


“Just get there as fast as possible.  We have to stop whatever that… that thing is,” she screamed as she jumped off the roof of the building and headed towards the source.


Hopefully, they would arrive in time to stop whatever creature it was.  For some reason, she had this dreadful feeling that they were already too late.  Pushing herself, she leaped from one rooftop to the next.


By the time she got there, she saw Uranus, Jupiter, and Venus were there on top of an abandoned building in the lower part of Tokyo, the part where hoodlum ruled the night.  Making one last leap, she landed next to them.


“So, where is this thing you’re talking about, Mercury,” inquired Venus.


At the moment, Mercury had already pulled out her computer and scanned the area again.  “It’s about 34.3 feet west of here.”


“Let’s get going,” Jupiter said excitedly.


“Wait!  Let’s wait for everyone to get here first,” Mercury grabbed Jupiter arm.  Just then, the rest of the group made their appearance.


“Wow, that was a long run,” whizzed Sailor Moon.


“Stop complaining,” whipped Mars.


“It was a long run,” she whined.


“Not now, you two,” Mercury interrupted.  “We have more important things to worry about.”


Both Sailor Moon and Mars looked away, embarrassed and a bit shameful.


When she was certain that they wouldn’t interrupt, she began, “Whatever that was here is very powerful.  I can’t explain why or how, but the reading I had showed in incredible surge of power.  However, I did detect a slight instability in the reading as if whatever occurred wasn’t complete.”


“So, what are we waiting for,” Venus chimed.


“Yeah, lets kick some butt before that thing complete the process,” Jupiter said and Uranus nodded her agreement.


“It’s 81.8 feet that way,” she pointed.  Before she had the chance to say anything more, Jupiter had already made a bead line for the source.  She quickly leaped off the roof and followed closely behind Jupiter and Uranus.


It wasn't long before she reached the disturbance.  For all intended purpose, she didn't even need the computer.  From all the noises and flashes of light emanating from the area, it was a beacon, beaconing to come. 


Upon reaching the top of the last building before the source, they all gasped at the sight.  Before them, the entire are was filled with crumble walls, broken windows, busted water pipes, and gas leak.  A series of building that at one time had been standing were nothing more than large pile of scatter bricks.  What ever did this was extremely strong.




They quickly turned their attention to the sound and found another wall had just fallen to the ground from a nearby building.  They crossed their arms over their face to ward off the dust cloud.  It took them a moment before they realized there was a shadow emerging from the dust clouds.


The scouts tensed at the oncoming shadow.  The blur image began to take the shape of a human, about 5 feet 10, broad shoulder, and glowing eyes.


“Who are you?” Rei shouted.


The figure continued to move closer until it was clear of the cloud.  He had a yellow bandana with black stripes tied around his forehead.  His dark brown hair had streaks of purple on each side that stretched to his shoulder blade.  His eyes no longer glowing, instead, there was a pair of fang sticking out the corner of his mouth.


“Who are you?” Rei asked again.


He gave her a crocked smile, “Isus Mur.”


The scouts looked at each other in puzzlement.  Usually the enemies had strange names like the ‘Hair buster’ or something equally strange.


“Isus Mur, the death buster! Hahahahaha.”


“Hold it right there, Isus Mur.  I…”


“That’s ‘Ryo…, er, I meant, Isus Mur, the Death Buster of Revenge’”


 Sailor sweated and said, “Er.. right.  Isus Mur, the death buster of revenge.  For the careless destruction and endangering the life of innocents, in the name of the Moon, I, Sailor Moon, will punish you,” Moon announced between her dramatic danced.  She returned her attention to Isus Mur and found him holding his nose.  “Why are you holding your nose?” she asked innocently


“Great, not only do we have a powerful new enemy, but he’s also a pervert,” Uranus muttered under her breathe.


“N-Nothing,” he shouted back and wiped the small trail of blood.


“Why are you here?” Mars asked.


Isus Mur smirked and crossed his arms, “To kill you.”


The announcement wasn’t earth shattering, but it sent shiver down their spine.


“Yeah, I like to see you try,” Jupiter shouted and prepared her attack.  “Supreme Thunder.”


Venus followed suite and shouted, “Crescent Beam!”  The energy shot from her finger and slammed into his chest at the same time the lighting struck from above, knocking him off his feet.


Both looked surprise, as their attacks hit the target, not that they were complaining.  Usually it took more to defeat their enemy and from the carnage in the area, they expected him to be more powerful.


“Umm.. .did we just win?” Venus asked, uncertain of their rather quick victory.


Jupiter shrugged and turned to the other scouts who were just as uncertain as Venus.


“Hahahaha, that tickled,” Isus Mur laughed from the ground.  He stood and dusted his clothing.


“Yeah, then try this.  Burning Mandala!” Mars shouted.


Suddenly, Isus Mur was completely consumed in red flame.  “Argghhh.”


“Hahaha.  That’ll teach you to mess with the Sailor Scouts.”


Her laughter was stopped short when a flashed of light blinded them temporarily and when she looked back at her target, he was grinning like a cat ate a canary.


“No way,” she stuttered.


Uranus ignored the shocked expression from the other and sent her own attack, “World Shaking.”  Just as seen as the ball of energy left her, she darted toward.  As soon as he recovered from the initial attack, she jumped high into the air and came down with a scissor kick to the head and winced.   “Damn… it felt like kick steel,” she commented.


He snickered at Uranus and shot a straight punch at her.  Only her homed martial arts skill prevented the punch from connecting.  Even then, she felt the air pressure impacting her face.  She quickly flipped away and landed next to Mercury.


“Well?  Does he have any weakness?”


“I-I….”  Mercury was at a lost.  She didn’t understand any of the reading and the harder she tried, the more confused she got.  She detected some kind of magic surrounding him, but there was also another magic underneath that.  The reading told her that Isus Mur was human, yet not human.  There was one thing she knew for certain though, he was powerful.


“Do you think our combine attack will destroy him?” Uranus asked impatiently as she watched the other sending attacks after attacks against him without success.


“I-I… I don’t know.  It might.”


“Fine.”  She signaled Neptune and prepared her attack again.  “Everyone, get ready!”


The others stopped and looked at Uranus and nodded at her signal.  The spread and form a circle around him.  Isus Mur just watched the Scouts moved with morbid curiousity.


As one they shouted.


“World Shaking.”


“Burning Mandala.”


“Supreme Thunder Dragon.”


“Crescent Beam Shower.”


The combined attacks moved from the four corners and hammered into Isus Mur and the ground exploded from the impact.  The land seemed to arch and waved and eventually buried him beneath tons of brick.


Everyone shielded their eyes from the explosion and survey the damage.   They waited for a minute and nothing happened.  A small smiled crept on their face and began to relax.  Suddenly, low cracking noises broke the silent.


Isus Mur punched through the rubble of bricks that had fallen on top of him when he crashed landed through the few walls left standing from their combined attacks.  He was surprise the Scouts were that powerful.  He was also surprise that the new body was still intact from the impact.  Even better, he barely felt the pain.  He smiled wickedly as he eyed the Sailor Senshi.  This was going to fun he thought rudely.


“Is that your best,” Isus Mur asked from the top of the small pile of bricks.  “Hahahaha…. Pathetic,” he snickered and then he moved.


Even before Uranus registered the impact, she felt herself lifted off the ground and was flying backward at a rather dangerous speed.  Absently she noted to herself that this was going to hurt and it was going to hurt a lot after she landed.  It wasn’t long before she felt the impact and only her ingrained instinct saved her from permanent damage or worst.  Idly, she tried to stand but only to collapse moments later and gritted her teeth to force back the pain.


“URANUS!”  Neptune raced after her flying companion, completely ignoring the danger around her.  She thanked whatever Kami out there that Isus Mur ignored her as she ran pass him.  She winced when Uranus crashed through the wall and she quickly increased her pace.  As she arrived, she found her trying to stand, but only to fall to her knees.  She was by her side the next instance. 


“Dammit Uranus!  What were you thinking standing there like that?” she half scolded, half pleading.  “Just stay still and rest for a moment.”


Small feet running alerted them to another presence.  Neptune gave a sigh of relief and moved aside as Sailor Saturn kneeled down next to Uranus.  Soft warm light enveloped Uranus as Saturn treated her.  After a little while, Saturn stopped and sat back, breathing hard.


“Thank you, Saturn,” Neptune said.  Uranus nodded her thank and stood.  She seemed to have a new glint in her eyes as she flexed her body for a moment and rubbed her knuckles.


“Neptune, stay with Saturn until she’s better,” Uranus said without looking back.  He eyes never left the battle ahead.  She didn’t wait for a reply and hurried to the scene.  She scanned the area and found Jupiter barely standing to her right.  Mars and Moon were opposite of her, on the ground and looked to be in pretty bad shape.  Tuxedo Kamen was standing guard in front of them.  Ami was helping Venus to her feet to her left.  In the center of it all, Isus Mur stood, laughing like a maniac.  She gave a low growl and prepared her attack.


“World Shaking!” 


The ground roar under her feet and a sphere of energy surged from the ground and homed on the target.


Isus Mur was a bit startled to find a sphere of energy heading his way.  Of course, it wasn’t anything that he could not handle.  He easily leaped into the air before the sphere exploded, creating a cloud of dust.  He snickered at the pathetic attack and searched the ground only to find his attacker gone.  Curious, he looked around from his viewpoint and extended his senses.  He grasped in surprise as a scream emerged from directly below him.


“Not so fast, bastard!  Space Sword Blaster!”  A white glow followed the scream from the dust cloud as it emerged.  Uranus shot out of the cloud like a silver bullet with all intent on slaying its victim.  Both hands clutching the space sword over her head, she swung at Isus Mur and catching him across the chest.  The blade cut into him and the force knocked him to the ground, causing a small quake.  She landed softly next to Jupiter and gave her a wide grin.  Still holding her space sword, she walked with Jupiter to where Isus Mur crashed.  The others also joined her, forming a large circle.


They waited impatiently for several minutes, never daring to loose sight of the center of the crater.  After a while, they looked to other, all wondering the same thing.  Was the threat over?  No one seemed to know the answer though.  Again, they continued to stare at the crater until finally Sailor Moon spoke.


“Umm… Is he gone?”


Everyone stared at Sailor Moon for a moment before turning to Mercury who had her visor on and typing furiously on her portable computer.  After a moment, she looked up and shrugged.  “I’m not getting any reading, but I can’t confirm anything either.”


They looked at the crate one last time before slowly departing.  Just as they turned around, the ground began to rumble.  They paused in their track and stared back at the crater.  Mercury’s computer began beeping franticly.  Another rumbled echoed and then another.  Then everything was silent before the earth exploded, scattering debris in ever direction.  All the scouts leaped for the nearest cover and coward away from the devastation.  A few minutes later, a screamed pierced through the explosion and a shock wave exploded from the scream and tore through the area.


Neptune screamed as the wall behind her exploded from the shock wave and she fell forward with Saturn still protected under her arms.  Tuxedo Kamen was also heard screaming as he shielded the Princess.


“I’ll make all of you pay!  I’ll make that bitch watch as I kill each of her friend,” he snarled and stark to the nearest victim, Mercury.


“ENOUGH!” a voice penetrated the night from out of nowhere.


“What!” Isus Mur shouted in anger and confusion.


“There will be time for it later!  Return now!” the voice commanded.






Isus Mur cursed and clenched his fist.  From the sky, a black mist formed and spiraled towards the ground, eventually enveloping him.


“Just you wait!  I’ll get you for this!  I’ll have my revenge on you Sailor Brat!  Hahahahahaha!  Revenge will be mine,” he swore before disappearing completely in the black.


Everyone gave a sigh of relief that the threat was temporarily avoided.  After resting for a while and allowing Hotaru to heal as many people as she could without becoming exhausted, the group decided that it was best to head home.  Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn went back to their Apartment while Tuxedo Kamen returned to his.  The rest of the group decided to spend the night at Rei’s shrine.



A tired Usagi stumbled up the stairs of the shrine and finally settled on the top step to take a moment rest.  Makota, Minako, Rei, and Ami quickly followed her lead and sat next to her.  After resting for a bit, they entered the shrine and settled inside Rei’s room, who quickly sprawl across the bed with a content smile.  The other found themselves on the floor of the room and rested against whatever objects that was available.


“Ami, do you have any data on this… this new enemy?” Rei finally asked, startling Ami from her own jumble thought.


The dark blue hair girl shook her head and drew out her computer.  She typed a few inputs and watched numbers, equations, images, and graphs scrolled across the screen.  Again, she shook her head.  “I have no idea.  All the readings went off the chart.  Whatever this new enemy is, Isus Mur’s extremely powerful.”


“Isus Mur?”


“That’s what he called himself.  Isus Mur, the Death Buster of Revenge,” Usagi said in a deep voice.


Ignoring Usagi useless comment, she said, “Well, tell me what you know.”


“Well, I wasn’t able to pinpoint the location since it was moving in random direction.  Eventually, I noticed that it returned to the same spot twice so I deduced that it might come back again.”  She tapped her chin and said, “Maybe there’s something there that made him come back like a beacon of some king.  I’ll check it out tomorrow.”


“What happened next,” Artimis inquired.


Ami took a deep breath and began, “I don’t really know.  One moment I was tracking a negative entity and the next, the computer almost blew up.” 


She sighed and looked out the window, “It was like it got an energy boost.”




“Oh, sorry.  Anyway, the energy spike went off the chart.”  Her voice sounded both amazement and fearful.  “That was when we all rushed there, but he was gone.”


“Gone?” Luna asked.


“Like he wasn’t there,” Usagi elaborated.


Luna took a moment pause to control herself before asking, “Ami.  Would you mind explaining that?”


“What Usagi meant to say was that when we arrived, he had already left the area.”


“Were you able to track him?”


“Are you kidding?  He lit up like a like a room in the dark.”


“That’s ‘lit like a bulb in a dark room’, Minako,” Artimis corrected.


“Didn’t I just say that?”


Artimis just sighed.


Ami shrugged, “When we got to the area, we saw what looked like energy blast flying around and then nothing.  The entire area was destroyed.”  Then she described the battle.  Once done, she looked thoughtful for a moment. 


“Was there something else?”


Ami shook her head, “No.”


Luna and Artimis discussed between themselves, ignoring their surrounding completely.


Rei sat up and looked uncertain, but added, “There was something else.”


That grabbed both cats attention and they turned to face her.  “What do you mean?” they asked together.


“I-It’s just that when he first appeared, I felt a buzzing in the back of my head, like a warning of some kind.”


“Go on,” Luna probed.


Rei narrowed her eyes in concentration while the others looked on intently.  “Well, it was like there was something else about him that we’re missing.  Something important.”


“Yeah, I felt something too,” Usagi added with a serious look.


“You did?” both cats asked incredulously.


Usagi looked hurt for a moment and then angry, “Of course I did.”


Deciding it was best to move to other topic, Luna asked, “What else can you tell us about this…this Isus Mur.”


“He moved faster than Uranus and stronger than most of us combine.  Even the rose didn’t harm him much,” she gave an exasperated sigh.


“So, what do we do?” Makoto asked from the chair while stretching her tired muscles.


“I-I...I don’t know,” Ami mumbled as she shifted uncomfortably from her position.  She didn’t like the fact that she didn’t have an answer to the problem.  It was so much easier in school when all the information was available at her finger tip and if it wasn’t, a simple search through the library and she would have it.  Unlike school, life was a different field altogether.  Sometime she wished there was an encyclopedia on the fact of life.


“Well, I know what I’m going to do,” Minako said confidently, drawing the attention of everyone in the room, including the two cats who remained silent in their thoughts.


“We train.  That guy uses martial arts and I recognized a few of his moves, not a lot, but a few.”


“How will that help us,” asked Usagi.


“Don’t you get it dummy,” Rei said excitedly, though not certain why she haven’t thought of it before. 


Before a fight broke out between the two, Ami continued, “If we train enough, we might be able to match him or at least dodge some of his attack to prepare out own.  If we train our normal body, then our magic might enhances them while in Senshi form.”


“Wow, Mina-chan.  An all this time I thought you were only interested in boys.  Maybe you do have a brain after all,” Artimis teased.  Luna also nodded her agreement, too shocked to say anything.


“Oh, I wasn’t thinking about that.  I thought that there might be someone else strong as him and just as cute who can teach us martial arts.  Oh, wouldn’t that be great!” Minako corrected and then glared at Artimis, “And who said anything about me not interested in boys.” 


Usagi then added with a dreamy look, “If it wouldn’t for the glowing thing around him, he might have been cute, though not as cute as my Mamo-chan.”


Everyone stared at both blonde hair girl and after a short moment face faulted.  Luna lowered her head in shame while Artimis lie on the floor with paws extended over his head and a muffled groan was heard.



Early the next morning, Nabiki leaned back in her chair with a phone in her left hand. 


“Moshi moshi?  This is Dr. Tanuka.  How can I help you?” a voice echoed from the other end of the phone line.


“Dr. Tanuka, I’m so glad to catch you,” Nabiki said, faking a concern voice.


“Oh?  What seems to be the problem?”


“There was a rumor of an attack to your institute by two escapee from our.  We were unable to subdue before they escape into the street. They were screaming about demon and sorcerer and pheasant as they escape.”


“I see.  I believe they are heading this direction.  Why is that?”


“From my observation, they believe that a demon reside in your institute and left to vanquish it.  Please hurry and have your orderly ready with strong tranquilizer because I do believe they will resist violently.”


“Thank for your information.  I shall have extra men posted.  Do you have any idea where and when they will attack?”


Smiling wickedly, “Why yes.  I heard them mentioned room 307 and they should arrive in about 15 minute from now.”


“Thank you again for this valuable information.  We shall take care of everything.”


Grinning, “I’m sure you will.  Farewell, good doctor,” and she hung up the phone and nearly broke down in uncontrollable laughter.


Akane peaked from the corner, “Sis, are you ok?”


“I’m fine, Akane,” she smirked.


“Well, if you say so.”  Before she left, “Um…. Have you taken care of the Kuno?”


Shrugged, “Let just say that they won’t be bothering you for some time.”


Akane gave her an uncertain look.


“Trust me.  Everything is taken care of,” she assured before returning to the couch and watched the stock market.


Akane gave a shrugged and disappeared into the kitchen.  Not much later, Nabiki heard Ranma shouting and shivered.


“No, Akane.  That’s motor oil!”


“Ack!  No, you don’t put that in the rice.”


“Look out!  Don’t mix those together!”





At about 1:30pm in another part of Tokyo, two residents of Nerinma made their appearance to a well-established organization.


“Saotonme!  Prepare to meet the vengeance of the mighty Kuno Tatewaki, the Blue Thunder of Furinkan High School.  I shall vanquish your vile magic which holds the lovely Tendou Akane and my pigtailed goddess,” Kuno chanted as he crashed through the door.


“HOHOHOHO….. Ranma-sama, your true love his here to rescue you from the retched pheasant Tendou Akane,” she shouted as she leaped through the window, twirling her ribbon.


The two Kuno paused as they found a group of men in white coat.  There was a moment of silent before total chaos broke loose.


“Get them!” one of the men shouted.


“You dare attack the Great Kuno.  Take this foul spawn of demon from the cursed sorcerer.”


“You dare touch the Black Rose, pheasant!  Die!”






















After about an hour of screaming from both parties, the men in white were finally able to subdue the Kuno, of course they had to call every other orderly in the building for help.  As the dust cleared, about 30 men stood around the two Kuno, all breathing heavily and relieved that it was finally over.




Everyone in the room shuddered.


“Someone shut her up!” shouted the doctor in charge.




An audible sighed of relief could be heard before the doctor as he stepped into view.  He shook his head and said, “Make sure you placed these two in the sound proof room until further notice.”


With a grunt, they quickly escorted them out of the destroyed room and disappeared down the hall.



Ranma took a deep breath and gave Akane a quick smile.  This was the moment he had been preparing for.  Hopefully he wouldn’t be force to take action against the Amazon.  He wasn’t sure how the Amazon would react towards his decision.  Well that wasn’t entire true, he had a good idea how Shampoo would react; it was Cologne that he worried about and for that reason alone he had to be prepare to take any action necessary to protect Akane. 


A squeezed from her hand gave him the confidant and determination he needed as he entered the Neko-hanten.  He scanned the area and noticed a few customers in the corner, or what was left of the lunch crowd, and the clanging noises from the kitchen.


“Welcome to the Neko-hanten.  How can….” Shampoo greeted cheerfully and stopped when she noticed Ranma and lunged for him.  “Nihoa Airen!”


As expected, Shampoo gave him her cheerful ‘glomp’ but he wasn’t there and she crashed into the table behind him.  He noticed her stunned expression and said, “Hello Shampoo.  I’m here to see Cologne.”


Shampoo stared blankly at Ranma, not entirely registering his words.  For the first time since she had known him, he dodged her secret attack of Amazon Ultimate Attack- Lure Male with Body.  She stood there, stunned, and then noticed that he wasn’t alone and scowled.


“What pervert girl do to husband?” she said venomously and then she noted their hand.  “NO!  Shampoo kill obstacle!” she shouted in rage and pulled out her bonbori.  At that, the rest of the customers made a hasty retreat.


“Don’t you dare,” Ranma said seriously.


At the seriousness of his voice, Shampoo paused in her track.  This was another surprise she did not like, not one bit.  She carefully shifted her position while watching Ranma carefully and noted that he never made any movement.  However, her trained senses told her otherwise.


She allowed her body to relax and pointed her bonbori at Akane.  “Why?  Why Husband choose kitchen destroyer?”


Akane fumed silently as Ranma placed a hand on her shoulder.


“B-Because I l-love her,” he said plainly.  Even though he had said those words before, he still wasn’t completely comfortable saying them in public.


“NO!  Why her?  Shampoo better!  Shampoo better than pervert girl!  Why Ranma not choose Shampoo!  Shampoo great warrior!”


Ranma sighed and said, “Because I don’t feel that way about you.  I’m sorry.”


“That’s enough Great-granddaughter,” Cologne interrupted.  “Go closed the restaurant.”


Shampoo stood in silent for a moment before reluctantly obeyed.


“I see you return, son-in-law,” she stated calmly, her masked in place.


Ranma faced Cologne, “We came to talk.”


“Oh?  About what?”


“You know ‘xactly why, old-  Cologne.”


“You know what the law said, son-in-law.  You must marry Shampoo.  There is no other way,” she said sternly.


“I ain’t marrying shampoo!  Look, there gotta be a way out of that law.”


“Our law is absolute.”


Ranma took a frustrated breath and sat down on the table opposite of Cologne and Shampoo.  Mousse continued to listen quietly in the corner.  Akane took the chair next to him while keeping a constant glare at the Shampoo.


“You know I ain’t gonna marry Shampoo and I’m ain’t going to let her hurt Akane either.”


“Pervert girl weak.  Obstacle for killing.  Ranma marry Shampoo instead,” Shampoo said smugly.


“You ain’t killing anyone and least of all Akane.  And if you do somehow, I’m going to be the one giving you the kiss of death.”


Everyone in the room grasped at the threat.  Cologne noted the seriousness and coldness behind his eyes.  “It seemed a lot have change during his absence,” she thought and then smiled.  “He finally grew up,” she said to herself.


Neither Shampoo nor Akane believed what they had heard.  For Shampoo, it was the implication that Ranma would take action against her for one weaker than her.  On the hand, Akane was startled that Ranma would kill for her so willingly and from the looked in his eyes, he wouldn’t hesitate.  A part of her felt fear while the other disbelief.


“Leave.  Everyone leave.  I must speak with Ranma alone,” Cologne commanded.


Shampoo glanced at her great grandmother who never took her eyes off Ranma and left the room with Mousse following closely behind.  Akane took a moment pause before following them out of the restaurant.


“You certainly have change Ranma,” she said with a chuckle.


Ranma remained silent.


Cologne eyed him before shaking her head.  “It looks like my great-granddaughter failed again.”  She moved across the counter and sat down on one of the high stool.  “You do realized that she will be punish for her failure.”


Again, Ranma said nothing.


“How was your training?” she finally asked.


Ranma shrugged, already expecting the question.  “Ok, I guess.”


“So, you planned on challenging me in hope of ending the marriage law,” she guessed.


“Yeah, something like that.  Though, I prefer if we didn’t have to, but I can’t take the chance.”


“I see.”


“Why do ya want me to marry Shampoo anyway?”




“OW, why ya do that for, old ghoul?” he shouted.


“Because I can’t believe you’re that stupid,” she said flatly.


“Hey!  I ain’t talking about ya stupid law!” he retorted.


“Neither was I.”


“Heh?”  Confused, he stared at Cologne for a moment and then said, “It’s for the village.”


“Very good.  There might be some intelligent in that head of your,” she snickered.


Ranma ‘hmpf’ but said nothing.  After a while he asked, “Couldn’t ya just find a way to get me in the village without me marrying Shampoo?”


Cologne stared at him for a moment before a mischievous smile crossed her face.  “It seems I might have underestimated you again, Ranma,” she smirked.


Ranma gave a low growl, “Just what ya have in mind, old ghoul.”


“A possible solution,” she grinned.  It wasn’t what she had hoped for, but given the circumstance, it was the best option that was best for her village.  Though, she knew that her great-granddaughter would not be please with the decision.


“Well, what is it?” he asked, annoyed.


“Patient, Ranma,” she chuckled.  “Now, this is what I’m offering.”


Ranma listened intently and after about half an hour, he smiled and nodded his agreement.



Outside the Neko-hanten, Akane and Shampoo continued their staring contest while Mousse remained uncharacteristically quiet.  After a while, both girls gave an ‘hmph’ and turned opposite direction.  At that, Mousse gave a silent sigh of relief.  For a moment, he was certain he saw lightning passed between the two.  Though, he wasn’t sure if the new situation was any better.  It wasn’t long before another presence came into view and he audibly groaned and mentally cursed his ill luck.


“Hi Akane,” Ukyou greeted her friends and sometime rival with the usual cheerful face.  “What’s going on?” she said, noting the tension between the two.  Since Ranma’s disappearance, the tensions between them have greatly increased.  Shampoo blamed Akane for Ranma leaving or hiding him.  Akane remained stubborn and always gave the same answer every time they met.  Of course, she had her own confrontation with Akane about Ranma, but she tried to remain civil.  After all, she only threatened Akane with her giant spatula a few times.  Though, she never believed the lullaby Akane was using, but she played along and slowly worked her way into her trust.  The subtle approach was the best offense, she believed.


Neither girls said a word nor did they even acknowledge her presence and that was eroding her patience quickly.


“Ranma’s back,” Mousse said from the shadow.


“Ranchan’s back?” she said, almost disbelieving her luck.  She was about to recruit Shampoo to confront Akane and get the answer, by force if necessary.  “Where!”


Mousse fidgeted from his position after realizing that wasn’t the best solution.


“Where?” Ukyou demanded more forcefully as she marched towards him.


“He is not to be disturb,” he said.


“The hell with that.  He disappeared and now he’s back and you’re telling me he doesn’t want to see his ‘cute fiance’?”


Mousse could clearly hear the dangerous undertone at the emphasis on her status for Ranma.


“Where’s my Ranchan!”


Mousse sweated bullet at the demand and slowly backed away.  He looked behind Ukyou and found two more pairs of eyes staring his direction.  He audibly gulped and made pathetic waving gestures, hoping to ward off the oncoming danger.  Even before he had the chance to utter his plead, twin screams came to his rescue.


“Ranma’s not your.  He’s mine!” shouted Akane and Shampoo in unison, and then glared at each other.


That caught Ukyou’s attention and she turned to face her two rivals.  “What do you mean he’s your!”


“Amazon law say Ranma marry Shampoo,” she said smugly.


“The hell he is you hussy,” Ukyou snarled.  “If Ranma’s going to marry anyone, it’s his cute fiancé.”


“He’s not your!  He’s proposed to me!” Akane shouted and found herself under scrutiny of both girls.


“What did you say?” Ukyou said sternly.


“Oooopsss,” Akane thought.  She wasn’t supposed to release that bit of information just yet.  She slowly backed away from the approaching girls until her back was against the door of the Neko-hanten.  She licked her dry lips and took up a defensive stance.


Shampoo stared at Akane with a look of horror.  From her impression in the restaurant a moment ago, she knew that Akane had her claws in Ranma pretty deep, but she never thought for a moment that she could not undo the damage and still win her ‘Airen’.  She eyed Akane intently and something caught her eyes.  With a flash, she was next to Akane and her hands around the girl neck.


The attack came so sudden that Akane didn’t have the chance to defend herself.  She haven’t expect Shampoo to attack considering Ranma’s warning.  Now, she was paying for her oversight.  Without thinking, she reacted to the attack and high kick the Amazon out of range.  As she did so, she felt a tug around her neck, but ignored it.


Shampoo landed several feet away with her right hand clutching tightly.  She stood and opened her hand and screamed, “NO!!!!”


Ukyou was more than surprise to hear Shampoo screaming from behind her.  She was about to attack when Shampoo blurred by her.  She wasn’t sure what Shampoo did, but apparently it was ineffective.  She took a moment to spare Shampoo a glance and holding a necklace of some kind in her right hand, eyes as wide as saucer, and a frighten look.


Akane noticed the necklace and quickly patted her chest and gave a shocked cry.  “Give that back,” she screamed.


Ukyou stared blankly at the necklace, her true intention temporarily forgotten, until she noticed a ring hanging at the end of the necklace and her perfect world cracked.  She numbly looked at the ring and then at Akane and then at the ring.  From the shattered pieces of her perfect world, she released a heart retching scream, “RANMA!!!!!”


On cue, the door to the restaurant opened from behind Akane and Ranma stepped out, “What?”  He looked at Ukyou and found her in a state of shock, knuckles while, shoulder tensed, teeth grinding, and an eerie aura enveloping her.  He gulped at turned to Akane who had her attention elsewhere.  He was about to shake her out of her hypnotic state when a sparkle caught his attention.  “Oh man, this can’t get any worst,” he said lamely.



[End of chapter 3]