So much to choose from:
Whats New in Tazy's Territory
The Serious Resume - all about the author
A lighter personality - what he's really like
The Family Photo Album - meet the gang
The Tazy Tattler - a journal
Travelling Tales - here, there, and everywhere
A caption competiton based on pictures from JenniCam
Friends & Other Links
Read the site Guest Book
Make an entry in the site Guest Book
The many ways to contact Tazy

Tazy's the nick. And this is my territory.
Welcome to my little patch of the 'net'.

Here you will find a bit about me, what I've been up to, my family and friends, and some other things as well.

[whats new] [the serious resume] [the lighter personality]
[family photo album] [journal] [travelling tales] [jennicam caption competition]
[links] [read guestbook] [sign guestbook] [contact]

people have stopped by to check out Tazy's Territory
since he started counting them on 5 September 1997.

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Last updated 9 December 2000