Yasa,Danial and Zirak

Yasa was born on Tuesday, September 17, 1996. Her full name is Akyasa Adiba.
Akyasa means smart and beautiful. Adiba means a girl who has a nice personality.
Yasa like singing very much. Her favorite songs are "Bintang Kecil" and "Pelangi-Pelangi".

Here are Yasa's pictures.

Yasa's smile in her four months-old

Yasa in her 8,5 months old together with my husband and me

The pictures below are Yasa's activities in her 18 months old
Yasa asks you to name the fruits

Yasa invites you to sing together with her

Danial was born on Tuesday, July 12, 2000. His full name is Danial Ahmad Allaudza'i.
Danial likes eating and saying hello to everybody very much.

Here are Danial's pictures.

Danial is a cake monster

Danial celebrated Aidul Fitri in Montreal, 2004
Here are Yasa and Danial's Pictures

It's Winter!

It's Summer!

It's Fall 2002! and Sring 2005

Here are Zirak's pictures.

Zirak Ahmad Mubarak was born in Montreal (February 22, 2006)

Welcome Home, Zirak!

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