SW:CCG(c) 'Unofficial' Multiplayer Rule Variants:

By: Dan Weil-Brenner
(a.k.a Litesaber)

Table of Contents:

1. Foreword
2. 3 Player Game Setup
3. General Notes
4. Turn Sequence
5. Objective
6. 4 Player Game Setup


This is my third kick at the can at making Multiplayer Rules for SWCCG. The first two attempts were posted on Decipher's website. This variant however seems to work best as there are absolutely ZERO changes to the CORE RULES of the game and you actually get to use both your dark and light deck and play against 2 different opponents, in 2 different games within the OVERALL game. Want to know how?
Read on and enjoy!


- Study this setup carefully. It looks complicated at first but use the Legend and it's actually quite simple.
- The setup is similar to the Star Trek:CCG Multiplayer variant in that it uses the Y-Formation of playing field.
- You WILL need lots of room!
- Avg. Game Length: Approx. 2 hours


* Each player will need two 60 card decks to play, 1 Light Side and 1 Dark Side.
* Each player will play a different opponent each using a separate Deck. The locations are deployed in the Y-formation as shown above. Thus every player will be facing a different opponent along the 2 different sides of the Y axis facing him.
* Along one side of the Y-axis he will play a game with his Dark Side deck, and along the other he will play a game using his Light Side deck, all within the OVERALL game of 3-Player Star Wars: CCG (c).
* Essentially three "2-player" games are taking place simultaneously among the 3 players.
* The 2 decks you play with are playing in 2 SEPARATE games, and NEVER come in contact with each other. Thus you may NOT intermix Dark Side cards with your Light Side ones.


* In 3-player rules you will each play two opponents, but still need to know which deck you will play against which opponent. This can be determined easily by drawing two destiny (One from the top of each deck.) Add the two up. The player with the highest total destiny will be Player # 1. Followed by the player with the second highest total destiny which will be Player # 2 and the last will be Player # 3. (Ties may be solved by drawing an extra destiny from either deck.)
* SETUP: (Refer to diagram)

Player # 1 Dark Vs. Player # 2 Light - GAME # 1
Player # 1 Light Vs. Player # 3 Dark - GAME # 2
Player # 2 Dark Vs. Player # 3 Light - GAME # 3

* Each player reveals their Starting Locations as usual, shuffle their decks and place their Starting Locations so that the location lines will form a Y-axis for 3-players (or X-axis for 4-players which you will see later.)
* For the purposes of simplicity, Player # 1 will begin play with his Dark Side deck in his respective game with Player # 2. Whether the Death Star or Yavin IV: Massassi Throne Rooms have been used as Starting Locations in any of the games is ignored.


Player # 1 Dark (Game # 1)
Player # 2 Light (Game # 1)
Player # 2 Dark (Game # 2)
Player # 3 Light (Game # 2)
Player # 3 Dark (Game # 3)
Player # 1 Light (Game # 3)

* Play proceeds in this clockwise manner (Refer to Diagram)
* If one player loses with one of his decks then that player and his opponent playing against that deck are skipped when taking turns. He still plays with his other deck until that game ends.


At the end of each game, players score points exactly like they would in the Sanctioned Tournament format.

A WIN = 2 Pts.
A LOSS= 0 Pts.
A TIE = 1 Pt.

The player or players with the highest amount of points wins. When a tie between 2 players occurs, the winner is determined on the basis of COMBINED DIFFERENTIAL.

For example, lets say each player finished with a combined record of 1 win and 1 loss.
Player # 1 won his Dark Game by 11 Force. (vs. Player #2's Light)
Player # 2 won his Dark Game by 4 Force. (vs. Player #3's Light)
Player # 3 won his Dark Game by 15 Force. (vs. Player #1's Light)

Player #1's Combined Differential is: +11 (D) -15 (L) = - 4
Player #2's Combined Differential is: + 4 (D) -11 (L) = - 7
Player #3's Combined Differential is: +15 (D) - 4 (L) = +11

Since each player are tied with 2 Points for their respective victories, Player # 3 would be declared on the basis of having the highest Combined Differential.


* You could also apply the above rules to a 4-player game in which the setup would be as follows:
* Players may play INDIVIDUALLY OR in a TEAM GAME:
In the team game scenario, players 1 and 3 would be teammates and players 2 and 4 would be teammates. Why? Well looking at the diagram below, Player 1 and Player 3 are playing the same people (2 an 4), and don't play each other. The same goes for players' 2 and 4 who each play players' 1 and 3 but not each other. In this variation, the winning team is the team which has the highest COMBINED DIFFERENTIAL of the two teammates.
* Teammates are chosen by taking 2 Dark Cards and 2 Light cards and having each player choose one randomly. The players with the matching cards are teammates. Choosing which of your opponent's decks you will play against is chosen in a similar manner to the 3-player version. Each teammate draws a destiny from the SAME deck, (again, doesn't matter which). The two players with the highest destiny on opposing teams will play each other with the player with the highest destiny playing the Side he chose destiny from against the player with the highest destiny on the opposing team. Again, ties are solved by drawing an extra destiny, and the rest is set up according to this outcome (explained earlier, just refer to the diagram.)

4-Player Setup Diagram:

* Feel free to E-mail me if you have any questions, comments and results of gameplay with these Multiplayer Rule Variants.
* Special thanks to playtesters Blair (Nitemare-), Dave (Doogie), Grant (Horse) and to Decipher for making this game.