Vincent Lee's Technology Section

You might be an engineer...

If you introduce your wife as -mylady@home.wife-

If your spouse sends you an e-mail instead of calling you to dinner

If you want an 8X CDROM for Christmas

If Dilbert is your hero (or if you enjoy reading The TechSide)

If you stare at an orange juice container because it says CONCENTRATE

If the only jokes you receive are through e-mail

If your wrist watch has more computing power than a 486DX-50

If you window shop at Radio Shack

If a team of you and your co-workers have set out to modify the antenna on the radio in your work area for better reception

If you thought the concoction ET used to phone home was stupid

If you ever burned down the gymnasium with your Science Fair project

If you have ever purchased an electronic appliance -as-is-

If you see a good design and still have to change it

If your I.Q. number is bigger than your weight

If you can remember 7 computer passwords but not your anniversary

If you have ever owned a calculator with no equal key and know what RPN stands for

If you spend more on your home computer than your car

If you know what http:// stands for

If your lap-top computer costs more than your car

If you've ever tried to repair a $5.00 radio

If your three year old son asks why the sky is blue and you try to explain atmospheric absorption theory

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