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College of Supreme Health.
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We can NOT be Supremely Healthy if we are not able to exercise our
Entire Mind.
The Challenge for Greater Humanity is to gain the Permission to Comprehend the Real Dimension of what encompasses
Valid Thought.
This page is a collection of Links to Special Individuals who have made the decision to express their inner connection with the
The Prophecy:
Click this Link for:
Information about the Down Force that is being imposed upon the Human Genome by Civilisation and Religion
due to Genetic Selection.
Genetic Selection.
This Link
will show you a vivid interpretation about the
Illusion of Hygiene.
Here you will find
a very vivid expression of
Allergic Reaction.
a Creation of Civilization.
About how to
Political Oppression:
There are 2 functional modes for Human Being.

and Compromise our Biological Life.

Or we can CHOOSE to be CREATED,
and automatically Know and Comprehend ALL of Life.

"The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you not in buildings of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and I am there, Lift up a stone and you will find me. Who soever discovers the meaning of these words shall not know death."