Scott P. Belfield, KD6FY

Home Page: [WCHL San Diego Gulls (Unofficial)

Compuserve Diabetes & Hypoglycemia Forum County of San Diego
Health & Human Services Agency
Central Region Community Action Partnership
Budget/Administrative Support

Personal: Single (40's somewhat :) Amateur (HAM)Radio Operator
(receiving Packet messages @ K6JCC) and member of the Compuserve Diabetes
& Hypoglycemia Forum
(a Type II Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetic using
Oral Medications as necessary.) Molly Whippet was the family dog. She was the exercise
part of the DM (Diabetes Mellitus) triad of Diet, Exercise & Medication.
Volunteer member of San Diego County Sheriff's Department
RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services),
San Diego Humane Society's ARR (Large Animal Rescue Reserve) and
American Radio Relay League>'s ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services.)
Member (and former Sgt. at Arms & Board Member-at-large) for the
San Diego Gulls (WCHL Ice Hockey) Booster Club.

 Occupation: Research Analyst measuring Outcome & Process Objectives. Formerly using
SPSS (the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) and M Technology (formerly MUMPS)
to access and analyze data (1979 to 1998.) Former VAX Systems Manager on a DEC VAX 6510.
Formerly with County of San Diego, Emergency Medical Services (1976-1979) and
County of San Diego, Mental Health Services (1979-1998).



        Candidate for M.A. in Sociology
        San Diego State University, SD CA  92182

        B.A.'s in Sociology and Psychology
        San Diego State University, SD CA  92182

        A.A. in Psychology (Minor Sociology)
        Palomar College, San Marcos, CA  92069

Topics of Interest (not necessarily in any particular order :-)

Diabetes, Emergency Services, Public Services, Health Services,
Volunteers, Computers, Systems Management, M Technology (MUMPS), DEC,
VAX, PC Clones, DOS, Windows,Amateur (HAM) Radio, Packet Radio,
The Internet, Animal Rescue, Hockey (Ice & Rollerblade) & other sports
as spectator.
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ElectriCiti Home Page Scott P. Belfield's Home Page San Diego Gulls (Unofficial) Home Page 

Last Updated: 07/06/2003
WebMaster: Scott P. Belfield, KD6FY
© copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003