Something about me.......


Here you will find some informations about me !! My first name is Giulia , and my nick is Magic, and this is my first experience in editing Web pages...I hope I'll learn soon something more to show you how creative I am !

My first intererests are electronics, signal processing, satellite comunications & antennas.
I like airplanes and cars and my favorite sports are Formula 1 and Athletics.
Between my hobbies I enclose all what concerns Personal Computers of course HTML language too...even if I begun only one week ago!!! :-)) What else?? I like Aerobics and Step-training, Classical Music and Cats I have no more ideas for the moment....give me time to think about !!!! :-DDD..ahh...the one you see in the picture is not me ;-(((...I still have to scan some pictures of me......but believe .... I really look like Claudia Schiffer !! >;->


You can reach me by e-mail at:

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This page was last modified on 12 April, 1996 Copyright © 1996 Giulia Mei