In Loving Memories of Our
                      Dear Friend

                     ¹ù°Ò§g    Liao, Man-jun
                                      April 16, 1981 ~ Septmber 15, 1998

  “It’s kinda hard with you not around. Know you’re in heaven smilin’ down
    Watchin’ us while we pray for you.
    Everyday we pray for you.
    Till the day we meet again, in my heart is where I keep you, friend.
    Memories give me the strength I need to proceed,
    Strength I need to believe.”

                                                                              ~I'll be missing you 

               Man-jun, it's like yesterday I just said good-bye to you,  I
         still can't believe that you're gone. Your smile, your face are still in
        my heart. There are so many great memories of  you that I will never
        forget. You are the most bearutiful friend I've ever had, and probably
        you will always be. You are the one I'm proud of the most. It was one
        of the biggest pleasure meeting and knowing you. You are a wonderful
        person. So intelligent, pretty, kind, and pure. You are like an Angel,
        with only love and humanity. Last year human beings lost Princess
        Diana and Mother Theresa, this year we lost you. It's so unfair. Sorry,
        I couldn't be there when you needed a friend. I'd promised you that
        I would never forget you. I didn't, I haven't, and I never will. Wherever
        you are, I will always miss you!                                    

                                                               Bye my dear friend!

                      No matter what happens, life goes on, 
                                                          and you're always in heart! 
                                                                                                             Forever Freind,
                                                                                       Henry Hsu
                                                                                                                                                Septmber 20, 1998

                      “Every step I  take,
                                   every move I make,
                                                 erery single day,
                                                             every time I pray,
                                                                       I'll be missing you.

                                                                                                                     ~I'll be missing you
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